Integration of grammatical skills with communicative uses inSpanish language teaching from a critical perspectivefrom the functional communicative approach


  • Dago Alfredo Guerrero Bautista Docente de la Institución Educativa Distrital, Colegio San José de Cúcuta, Colombia. Author



Abduction, communication, autopoiesis, grammar, pragmatic, dialogical, functional communication method.


This paper presents a research called ""Didactic functional theory for reading, a motivational conceptual design in learning" with a methodology of qualitative research through the phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. The didactic of teachers in linguistic teaching is analyzed from pedagogical actions that prioritize grammatical skills to the detriment of communicative ones, ignoring concrete speech acts inside the classroom. This aspect corresponds to meaningful constructions of meanings oriented in communicative actions that contextualize the reality of who learns, in order to an intersubjective contrast the contents of the Castilian language area with their vision of the world starting from their cognitive structure from their previous knowledge to discuss them in those pedagogical actions. Many educators find it difficult to manage and evolve with didactic means as communication mechanisms inside their classroom. A majority of these does not apply the Functional Communicative Approach with which it would boost communication skills that facilitate learning. It is proposed a Didactic Functional Theory that dynamizes formative, didactic and evaluative concepts, mixing disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge of the teacher through a motivational conceptual design of learning. It is proposed to reflect these pedagogical processes and didactic procedures that since Solé (1998) advances in three concepts (reading, understanding, learning) that from a constructive cognitive perspective develops its syntactic, semantic, pragmatic structure supported by the functional communicative approach, abduction and


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Author Biography

  • Dago Alfredo Guerrero Bautista, Docente de la Institución Educativa Distrital, Colegio San José de Cúcuta, Colombia.

    Dr. en Ciencias de la Educación, Unellez, Venezuela. Maestría en Práctica Pedagógica, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Especialista en educación ambiental de la universidad Libre seccional Cúcuta. Graduado en Comunicación Social.


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Artículos de Investigación

How to Cite

Guerrero Bautista, D. A. (2021). Integration of grammatical skills with communicative uses inSpanish language teaching from a critical perspectivefrom the functional communicative approach. Revista Digital De Investigación Y Postgrado, 3(5), 80-91.

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