Managerial vision regarding the formation of the entrepreneurialspirit of university students.
Case: Unellez, Venezuela
Management, entrepreneurship, university students.Abstract
The study of entrepreneurship in university students is a topic of important economic and academic interest that is based on various motivational theories that have been put forward in the field of psychology. Entrepreneurship studies have allowed an understanding of the reasons why people become creators and managers of their own companies. The aim of this paper is to analyse the managerialvision at Unellez with respect to the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of students. In this sense, a documentary, field and descriptive design is proposed. For this reason, a bibliographic review, information gathering and data analysis were used. At the same time, Mendeley and Zotero were used to organise the bibliography and the advanced search was carried out in databases and open access research repositories in the main national and international universities, as well as other types of documents from journals and scientific publications that deal with the topic of study. In addition, two census samples were used, one consisting of 126 students and the other of 20 professors with managerial positions at Unellez Santa Bárbara. Google forms were used as a survey technique, Likert Scale type, which measure the Entrepreneurial Spirit in their respective synergies. The instruments were validated by Expert Judgement. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient obtained for the instrument applied to students was 0.772 (with 15 items). The Alpha coefficient of the instrument applied to teachers was 0.778 (with 15 items). This reliability value is high according to Ruiz (2013). It is concluded that the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of students at Unellez has been neglected.
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