Pedagogical management and ethical values insecondary schools in the city of Barranquilla,Department of Atlántico, Colombia.
Pedagogical management, Ethical values, Basic education secundary, Colombia.Abstract
This article is the product of an investigation, whose objective was to determine the relationship between pedagogical management and ethical values in secondary schools in the city of Barranquilla,
Department of Atlántico, Colombia. It was based on the teachers of the aforementioned institutions. The methodology that was developed to achieve the objectives was descriptive and of field type, because its purpose was to determine the magnitude of the presence of the variables pedagogical management and ethical values, to then specify the existing relation between both being located in the non-experimental positivist perspective. The instruments used were two
questionnaires containing 60 items, with alternatives: always, almost always, sometimes, almost never and never, to be applied to teachers at the basic secondary level. The questionnaire was subjected to validity by expert judgement, reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and the items were formulated using a Lickert-type scale. The analysis of the data was carried out with descriptive statistics, making it possible to establish how the pedagogical management assumed by the teachers could influence the strengthening of ethical values in the students
of basic secondary education, guided by the teachers. The results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the research variables, as the teachers have clear criteria on how good pedagogical management helps to strengthen the values of the students.
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