Exploring the relation ship between educational involvement and school performance at the early education level
Educational involvement, school performance, early education, family-school collaboration, and educational participationAbstract
This scientific article investigates the intrinsic relationship between educational involvement and school performance, with a special focus on the influence of parents, caregivers, and the community in the educational process. A comprehensive definition of educational involvement is
provided, highlighting its importance in fostering collaboration between families and schools. Various forms of involvement are explored, ranging from attending school meetings to collaborating in academic activities. A thorough review of diverse research underscores the positive
impacts of educational involvement on students' academic achievement, establishing a direct correlation between increased involvement and better school performance. However, contextual factors that can modulate this connection, such as socioeconomic status and the school environment, are acknowledged. The article also delves into the pivotal role played by educational involvement in academic performance, as well as the factors that influence the success of such involvement and its impact on school performance.
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