School environment from the optimism pedagogy
Pedagogy, Optimism Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy, School Environment, School Coexistence.Abstract
Over time, humanity has been living an excessive development in all social spheres, generating commotion on a personal, group, individual and professional level, often feeling existential and motivational crises, generating a pessimistic environment. This situation is also felt in the school environment, and it is for this reason that, in the actors, all capacity and ability to make life go well is minimised, and therefore a school environment with a false optimism. The aim of this study is to analyse the school environment from the pedagogy of optimism, in such a way that the enquiry was situated within the interpretative paradigm, qualitative approach with bibliographic design, of the documentary type. As a result, there are few published studies on the pedagogy of optimism, and the importance of managing the different feelings that form optimism, and the factors that concur to minimise or destroy it. Therefore, it is concluded that the school environment needs the presence of a transdisciplinary programme so that these spaces are filled with a pedagogy of optimism, in order to minimise attitudes that do not allow the maximisation of the teleological element of the human being.
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