A view from complexity
Epistemology, Complexity, Complex thinkingAbstract
The current vision of phenomena in which the individual is immersed brings with it the need to treat them from their complexity for the complexity of the multiple scenarios in which they are revealed. Accordingly, developing structures of thought conducive to the production of abductive form of concepts and definitions, which generate fundamental
answers to problems affecting society, is a commitment that epistemology brings with it. Under this vision, the authors consider of primacy to estimate on the
one hand, that epistemology constitutes a corpus that interweaves the conjectural plot of knowledge about the genesis of itself and on the other hand to recognise complex thinking as reasoning in order to transform human realities; because complexity is a univocal feature of any situation that involves the context, in a trans-disciplinary, interdisciplinary or meta-knowledge integration, in which autopoiesis is manifested.
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