Continuous professional development of the teacherfor inclusive education based onteaching by competence
Ongoing training, educational inclusion, competency-based teaching, disabilityAbstract
the current context, society seeks to redefine education and the continuous training of teachers and future professionals, with a focus on inclusion and competency-based methodology. This approach aims to empower educators to promote inclusive education with diverse perspectives, fostering changes to ensure effective outcomes and adaptation to high-quality methodological strategies. The main purpose of the article is to establish a relationship of inclusive training with teaching, based on competency-based methodology, emphasizing that this involves profound changes at all educational levels and requires a commitment to educational excellence to achieve optimal teacher training and inclusion in all educational contexts. The article integrates these concepts into a research project that aims to analyze ongoing training to build pedagogical knowledge and promote competency-based teaching, as fundamental factors for developing complex thinking and advancing in the educational field.
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