Relation ship between vocational guidance and multiple intelligences: an inseparable scientific perspective
Una perspectiva científica inseparable
Vocational guidance, vocational choice, substantive theories, multiple intelligences.Abstract
The article deals with the relationship between vocational guidance and multiple intelligences.
People can experience and explore different career options and paths, which involves conducting research, talking to people working in different industries, doing internships or professional practice, and engaging in personal and professional development activities. It is necessary for the activities and decisions made during this process to be in line with the student's goals and objectives, so as to generate a sense of coherence and purpose in their developmental path.
However, most of the time, this responsibility is left in the hands of the students. Teachers, counselors, or career advisors in educational institutions make little effort to develop guidance that promises better achievements for students when choosing their college major. In this sense, the article analyzes vocational guidance from the perspective of different theories and how a better purpose can be achieved if Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is considered in relation to vocational guidance and choice. Finally, some practical resources for making educational decisions are mentioned..
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