University experiences based on techno-training

Case: IESIP, a look at knowledge


  • Pascual Moreno Fernández Docente Agregado. Universidad de los Andes. Área Salud y Recreación del Departemento de Básica Integral.. San Cristóbal - Venezuela. Author



university experiences, techno-training, IESIP.


The world becomes a place where an endless number of actions are generated by humanity, which are developed in life itself, which transform realities from the perception in which the human being is, and the whole ecosystem that involves the present and future of humanity based on information, which translates into knowledge. Similarly, it is essential that the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) generate an impact on all areas of society, so this article aims to show how technotraining changes the actions of the Institute of Higher Studies, Research and Postgraduate (IESIP). From there, techno-training has been the option that has allowed the incorporation of various ways to improve the learning and teaching processes mediated by technology, so that today's generationwill be incorporated into the labour market in the medium term and will be a staff to face the competitive world, full of new challenges that are shown in the course of their university career


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Author Biography

  • Pascual Moreno Fernández, Docente Agregado. Universidad de los Andes. Área Salud y Recreación del Departemento de Básica Integral.. San Cristóbal - Venezuela.

    Doctorado en Calidad y Reforma Educativa en la Universidad Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona- España. Post-doctorado Educación Latinoamericana RIEAC-UPEL. Magister en Enseñanza de la Educación Física UPEL. Profesor en Educación Integral Mención Educación Física y Recreación Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL). Email:


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Artículos De Revisi´ón

How to Cite

Moreno Fernández, P. . (2022). University experiences based on techno-training: Case: IESIP, a look at knowledge. Revista Digital De Investigación Y Postgrado, 3(6), 93-101.

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