An Ontopsychic Look at the Legal Training of Lawyers in the VenezuelanSocial State of Law and Justice from a complex interweaving
Legal epistemology, ontology of legal education, social state of law and justice, complexity.Abstract
In this article, we give a few brushstrokes about the training that future lawyers receive in the universities of the Venezuelan country, emphasizing a case like the Unellez. It is important that, from our educational
experience, we participate and promote the revision of the curricula of the law degree so that in the future it can serve as a reference for a subsequent curricular reform. The challenge is to achieve from the university classrooms a professional committed to the constitutional postulates of the Social State of Law and Justice.
A servant with a sense of social responsibility, belonging and professional ethics in the different disciplines of law. That beyond the university cloisters the student to graduate as a lawyer manages to put into practice his knowledge, which will ensure him in the not too distant future his personal, ethical and professional development in the field of his competences. In the same way, this approach is possible starting from a complex epistemology of what the current legal sciences are and how they must move away from reductionist
conceptions, the inheritance of a classic positivism that has been the classic conception that has prevailed in teaching. To do so, it is necessary to rely on a transversal vision of what the curriculum implies. In addition to these aspects, the article describes a possible methodological route to be followed in a research process that has as its purpose to generate an educational model from the perspective of community training in the legal sciences from a practical vision for the teaching of law students.
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