An option that pays tribute to the transcomplex integrative appro
Research, multiple realities, multi-ethics, trans-methodology.Abstract
Research in the social and human sciences over the course of this century has shown the need for a new episteme that can be taken up with a new world view in which knowledge and cultures are integrated and the existence of multiple realities is recognized. From there arises what has been called trans-methodology, which articulates diverse techniques and methods in a way that is coherent with the theoretical position of the researcher for the production of scientific knowledge in an innovative way. This requires a practice of interrelations in which a broad, organized and deep epistemic vision is combined with bold reflections and experiments, where multiple logics of understanding socio-cultural reality also intervene. It is concluded that thinking about the approach to the problem of an investigation that is developed from the trans-methodological proposal, implies the integration of three fundamental dimensions that are: the contextualization of the problem, with the purpose of locating it in the context from which it is approached; the empirical investigation as a methodological resource and the theoretical practice as a work means.
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