Paulo Freire problematising education
An anthropological and epistemological turn of being
Problematising education, Freire, epistemology of being.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical reflection on the Freirean discourse on Paulo Freire's problematizing education, being of interest to address the author's contributions in terms of the anthropological and epistemological perspective that underlies the proposed educational methodology. This reflective document is based on giving an interpretative body to a problematising
education based on Freire's (1970, 1971), which is based on educational praxis as a dialogical
and democratic action subject to concepts such as: pedagogy, emancipation, politics, social
transformation, banking education, dialogue and dialectics, which allow us to reveal the intentions in the educator-educatee interrelationships. Furthermore, it is complemented by the approaches of Walsh (2013), Cabaluz (2015), Dussel (2013), De Souza Silva (2013), among others. The methodology was framed within the interpretative approach in the hermeneutic modality, with a bibliographic documentary analysis design, supported by the contents of the different sources. As a final reflection, it is expressed that problematising education, from the anthropological perspective, sees the being as an unfinished project in constant construction where liberating education invites the subject to become aware of its paradigmatic role in the transformation of its oppressive reality.
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