Theories and entrepreneurialeducation at the university level
Entrepreneurship, theories, entrepreneurial education.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to describe entrepreneurship from the theories that explain it and entrepreneurship education at university. The subject is a matter of great scientific production worldwide. The business idea, business creation, motivation for entrepreneurship are part of what today
is considered vital in universities because in a global economy economic growth goes hand in hand with the alliances between university-business, university-public institutions, the idea of entrepreneurial university and university that forms entrepreneurs is the new model of university. Likewise, entrepreneurship is explained from the theory of human behaviour theories, of expectation, social learning, planned behaviour and McClellan's theory of needs. The latter is the theory that dominates the studies that explain how entrepreneurship originates. Nevertheless, the theoretical references and studies have served to ensure that entrepreneurial education is in full development in universities; a very positive aspect that has led to innovation, curricular revision of the curricula and competitiveness
among universities.
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