Claim action for the omission, delay or deficient provision of public services in thelight of the Venezuelan Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction


  • Lesbia Ferrer Profesora en Derecho Procesal Civil. Universidad Nacional Experimental de Los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora, Santa Bárbara de Barinas - Venezuela. Author



Public service, public service activity, State, claims action, contentious-administrative jurisdiction.


In the legal field, Venezuela has made great progress in matters of the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction, especially with the promulgation of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999) and the Organic Law of the Contentious-Administrative
Jurisdiction (2010), instruments that raise this progress. Under this legal reference, the present investigation lays its foundations under an interpretive paradigm
and under a hermeneutical method, taking on special importance in the legal field, since the Claim Action for the omission, delay or deficient provision of public services, constitutes the way ideal that allows defendants to restore all those rights that have been infringed as a result of the activity carried out by the public administration, for the provision of public services. It should be noted that the State has the duty to satisfy the basic and vital minimum needs of the community through the implementation and
provision of the public services necessary to cover said needs, in order to achieve the well-being of the society there. that these must be of optimum quality and full satisfaction
for citizens.


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Author Biography

  • Lesbia Ferrer, Profesora en Derecho Procesal Civil. Universidad Nacional Experimental de Los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora, Santa Bárbara de Barinas - Venezuela.

    Doctoranda en Educción, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora, Santa Bárbara de Barinas - Venezuela. Especialista en Derecho Laboral, Universidad Fermín Toro. Abogada, Universidad del Zulia. Jueza Provisoria del Tribunal Segundo de Municipio Ordinario y Ejecutor de Medidas de la Circunscripción Judicial del estado Barinas. Email:


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Asamblea Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. (2010). Ley Orgánica de la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa. Gaceta Oficial Nº 39.447 del 16 de junio de 2010. Caracas. Venezuela.

Andueza, J. (1995). Discurso de apertura de las I Jornadas Internacionales de Derecho Administrativo “Allan Randolph Brewer-Carías”. Editorial Jurídica Venezolana. Fundación Estudios de Derecho Administrativo.

Brewer, A. (2002). El Nuevo Servicio Público Actividades Reservadas y Regulación de Actividades de Interés General. Ediciones Fudena.

Brewer, A. (2004) El Derecho Administrativo y la Ley Orgánica de Procedimientos Administrativos. Colección de Estudios Jurídicos N° 16, Caracas: Editorial Jurídica Venezolana.

García de Enterría, E. y Fernández. T. (1997). Curso de Derecho Administrativo I. Civitas.





Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Ferrer, L. . (2021). Claim action for the omission, delay or deficient provision of public services in thelight of the Venezuelan Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction. Revista Digital De Investigación Y Postgrado, 2(4), 109-122.

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