Epistemological references that serve as athe basis of Virtual Education
Virtual education, epistemological references, Vigotsky, Piaget, Brunner, Siemens..Abstract
This article makes a hermeneusis of some epistemological references that serve as foundations for virtual education. In the first place, constructs of great value in Vigotsky's constructivist theory such as mediation, Zone of Proximal Development and scaffolding emerge. Secondly, Piaget's genetic theory where the functions of cognition stand out: adaptation and equilibration, action and the stages of cognitive development. Thirdly, Brunner's theory of instruction with its concepts of
representation and the different evolutionary moments in which it develops: enactive, iconic and symbolic. Also, learning by discovery. Finally, Siemens' connectivist learning theory explains the effect that technology has had on the way we communicate, learn and live.
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