The Importance of History Education for Citizenship Building
Teaching of history, historiography, and construction of citizenship.Abstract
This article in a certain way gives an account of a study related to the teaching and learning of history through the use of emerging pedagogies; In this sense, it was proposed as a fundamental objective to analyze the importance of the teaching of history in basic secondary education in the educational institutions of the Piedecuesta municipality of the department of Santander, Colombia as a means for the construction of citizenship. Teachers in the teaching of history, in their pedagogical practice, adhere to a historiographic current; Some are attached to Marxism, they stimulate the logical reasoning and critical thinking of the students; others are related to historical positivism
and there is a group of teachers who do not fall into the previous typologies, therefore, they adopt an eclectic typology. The teaching of history currently faces a complex challenge when moving from the traditional paradigm to a constructivist, innovative paradigm, which is committed to the development of students' historical thinking from a critical perspective. The conception of citizenship in recent years has
experienced a true boom within the academic field, being one of the objects most approached in the studies of the social and human sciences, especially in education. The progressive displacement of the centers of power, among other aspects, has influenced the configuration of new scenarios as spaces for the exercise of citizenship. The work of the teacher takes on a special relevance and commitment, in the training of children and young people; and the teaching of history as well as the construction of citizenship must become fundamental elements in the context of their integral formation.
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