The Contemporary political discourse in international relations
Language, Political speech, International Relations.Abstract
Language is the communication channel par excellence when it comes to expressing feelings, emotions, ideals, and ways of thinking. In short, individuals use the linguistic tool when they try to convince, persuade, make their interlocutors feel and strengthen ties strengthening relationships. It can be said that without language, understanding is impossible, even if it must be accepted that it is precisely from the connotations given to that language that the quality of the interaction is presumed and therefore influences international relations. Therefore, the abduction is the constructs, which give it strength, epistle me to the title of this arbitrated article: contemporary political discourse in international relations, dimensioned in the thematic area of international relations. Language is an instrument of social domination, insofar as it not only means and gives meaning to reality, but also becomes a human action that develops in relation to others, even configuring the future of peoples. In reference to the above, it is necessary to understand how the discourse or language used by leaders from their various instances and radios of action, represents, contextualizes and shapes in large part, the ways of thinking and acting in relation to relationships with others villages.
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