Dissent and epistemological consensus in the construction of knowledge
Implications in a doctoral thesis from transcomplexity
Doctoral research, epistemological dissent, epistemological ruptures, epistemological consensus, transcomplexity, translanguage.Abstract
Reflecting in depth to deploy a set of epistemic arguments around the epistemological dissent and consensus of a transepistemology under construction, as we have called transcomplexity, undoubtedly constitutes a very expensive intellectual commission, since a daring of this magnitude involves confront the most guarded ontoepistemological fiefdoms of established scientific rationalities. Theoretically,
the article is based on the great contributions of Rogers Verneaux (1989) about General or Critical Epistemology of Knowledge as a didactic union to philosophy. The article allows to conclude that the construction of knowledge in the context of a doctoral level research, thought from transcomplexity, reveals, on the one hand, the emergence of an epistemological dissent understood as a paradigmatic disobedience and a necessary criticism of knowledge, as a purpose to achieve the transformation and progress of science, and on the other, the convenience of maturing certain consensuses and / or agreements around some epistemic premises that must be shared by the academic community, in order to collectively build the scientific identity of transcomplexity, which we assume as a transepistemology under construction. I call these premises the ontological eidos of transcomplexity,
made up of: the principles of the Transcomplexity Integrative Approach, the philosophical dimensions of the epistemic matrix of transcomplexity, some portals of human wisdom to build the doctoral / postdoctoral discourse from the transcomplexity and a translanguage of a critical, transgressive and transformative nature.
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