Dialectic of the transcomplexityof the spiritual sciences
Sciences of the Spirit, Transcomplexity, Dialectics, Transcomplexity of the Spirit.Abstract
The transepistemic aspiration to travel through the ontoepistemological grounds of the dialectics of the transcomplexity of the sciences of the spirit, constitutes a fascinating adventure of thought, especially when this excursion takes place from a transcomplex epistemological prism. This wonderful journey encloses as a cardinal teleology, to reflect in depth about the multiverse and transcomplex nature of the sciences of the spirit from a transformational hermeneutic dialectic method, which according
to Conde (2008: s/p), "is the theory and method of interpretation, based on the analysis of the analogies and contradictions of knowledge". Theoretically, the research assumes the visions of Gadamer (2011) and Dilthey (1949), about the sciences of the spirit and the approach of Merton (2016) on spirituality. As emerging findings it is glimpsed, that the sciences of the spirit contain the supreme numen of knowledge, which helps us to meet ourselves in order to know ourselves better, by allowing us to discover the virtues and wonders involved in the relationships of man with his fellow man, nature and with God, since they reveal to us the true spirit of all sciences.
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