Effectiveness of the Venezuelan Juvenile Criminal Justice System


  • Adriana Lourdes Bautista Jaimes Docente. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, San Cristóbal. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3142-0353




Lopnna, imputability, unimputability, sanctions, subsidiary liability.


This essay proposes the urgent reform of the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, or the creation of an Organic Code of Criminal Procedure for Adolescents, which redirects the meaning and scope of the Special Law, in terms of imputability, subsidiary responsibility in cases of unaccountability and coercive sanctions for non-compliance by children who, once they reach adolescence, disobey the protection measures imposed by the Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents. It is considered that the form of review of custodial sanctions should be expressly regulated, taking into account the physical time served in the detention centre, the individual therapy plan, reports issued by the centres where the adolescent is detained, the legal good protected and the magnitude of the damage caused. Investigation of the juvenile criminal path is one of the most important premises in the field of adolescent criminal law, given that the appearance of young offenders who continue their criminal activity as adults is becoming increasingly common, which is why it is necessary to reformulate and implement public policies that formally control this criminal activity among adolescents.


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Author Biography

  • Adriana Lourdes Bautista Jaimes, Docente. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, San Cristóbal.

    Magister en Derecho Penal y Criminología, Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua - Venezuela. Especialista en Derecho Procesal y Humanos, Unilibre - Venezuela. Abogada, Universidad Católica del Táchira - Venezuela. Email: adrianabautistabj@gmail.com


Ley Orgánica para la Protección de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, (2015). Gaceta Oficial N° 6.185 del 8 de junio de 2015.



How to Cite

Bautista Jaimes, A. L. (2021). Effectiveness of the Venezuelan Juvenile Criminal Justice System. Revista Digital De Investigación Y Postgrado, 2(4), 147-151. https://doi.org/10.59654/g0k2nb11

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