Popular and academic knowledgein the Venezuelan universities
Popular knowledge, academic knowledge, university education, Venezuela.Abstract
The geopolitical process that took place in Venezuela from 1999 onwards with the entry into force of the new constitution forced changes in the conception of the State, subsequently giving rise to the new Organic Law on Education and the birth of the teaching State, which is a guiding expression of the State in education in order to guarantee education as a human right. This gave rise to the need for the municipalisation of university education, today known as the Territorialisation of University Education. The socialist state highlighted the need to revalue the management of knowledge from a
territorial perspective, and proposed the massification of education, popular education (concepts from the seventies of the 20th century), thus prioritising the link between popular and academic knowledge from a transdisciplinary vision, the resignification of knowledge and the conception of a university beyond the classroom, with new categories emerging. Thus, social subjects gained importance in the articulation of this knowledge. In conclusion, this process, although it has an epistemological and legal basis, is still being defined in its implementation in the country, as the universities are gradually assimilating it. In this perspective, the present article makes a hermeneutic analysis of popular and academic knowledge in the Venezuelan university education.
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