Afrocolombian ethnoeducation in thecontext of interculturality in Colombia
Ethnoeducation, afrocolombian, multiculturalism, interculturality.Abstract
Today's society is composed of a series of elements that allow us to consider the differences, diversity, traits, realities, circumstances, be they, major and minor, that in some way characterize and identify each of the human groups to which they are that it belongs to, either for ethnic, linguistic, religious, social, professional reasons, among others. In this sense, this essay aims to generate reflections on ethnoeducation in the
afrocolombian context and its relationship with Africanism, from the perspective of ethnodevelopment as a fundamental element for the consolidation of the social system considering the contributions that it provides pedagogy. It is important to highlight
that ethnoeducation in a certain way empowers the afrocolombian population. In the development of the essay, topics such as: multiculturalism from the perspective of Olivé (2004), interculturality according to the approaches of Giménez (2000), afroc-Colombianity based on the Political Constitution of Colombia (1991), afrocolombian ethnoeducation, Meneses were considered (2016); Romero (2008), Muñoz (2010). Ethnoeducation interculturality and own pedagogies Hernández (2015). It was concluded that afrocolombian ethnoeducation moves or transits from two perspectives: the endogenouscommitment, which gives it the role of emancipating, liberating and decolonizing
thought and the exogenous commitment; proposes this as the educational revolution for the country.
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