Promoting diversity and equity in manuscript selection


By decision of the Editorial Committee of our journal, we have established that, starting with the next issue, articles by the same author will not be published in consecutive issues or within the same issue of the journal. This policy aims to strengthen equity and diversity in our publications and is based on the following principles:

  1. Fostering inclusion and diversity: We aim to ensure the participation of a broader range of voices and perspectives, enriching the content and expanding the journal's reach.
  2. Avoiding perceptions of favoritism: We will promote an equitable distribution of editorial space to maintain the journal's impartiality and credibility.
  3. Encouraging participation of emerging authors: We seek to create opportunities for less established researchers, avoiding the dominance of recurrent authors.
  4. Expanding thematic variety: This measure will allow us to cover a wider diversity of topics and approaches, preventing the journal from being perceived as focused on a limited group of authors.
  5. Preventing biases and academic endogamy: We aim to avoid practices that restrict participation to a narrow circle of researchers, ensuring an open and inclusive editorial process.
  6. Ensuring quality and relevance: Article selection will continue to be based exclusively on quality, originality, and relevance criteria, regardless of the author.

With this decision, we reaffirm our commitment to editorial excellence, the promotion of academic equity, and strengthening our journal as an inclusive and diverse space for the exchange of knowledge.

The Editorial Committee