Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 127-141
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Reading for understanding: The impact of narrative texts in primary education
Table 3
Benefits of narrative texts
Note: Own elaboration (2024).
Table 3 presented offers a holistic and detailed understanding of how narrative texts positively
impact reading comprehension in primary school students. By supporting each benefit with re-
levant theories from the educational and psychological fields, it provides a solid foundation for
understanding the underlying mechanisms behind these advantages.
From information processing theory to a focus on socio-emotional and cognitive development,
it explores how exposure to narrative texts facilitates the mental organization of information,
promotes empathy, enriches vocabulary, stimulates critical thinking, and fosters creativity. Mo-
reover, the detailed analysis highlights how these benefits translate into educational practice,
Benefits Relevant theory Analysis
Development of
story comprehen-
According to information processing
theory, narrative texts provide a clear
structure that helps students organize and
retain information, facilitating their unders-
tanding of the story.
Narrative texts allow students to practice
identifying narrative structure, predicting
events, and understanding cause-and-effect
relationships, which enhances their ability to
comprehend and retain information.
Empathy and
understanding of
From a socio-emotional development
perspective, exposure to complex charac-
ters in narrative texts allows students to
practice empathy and understand the
emotions and motivations of others.
By understanding the experiences and pers-
pectives of characters in narrative texts, stu-
dents develop skills to infer mental states and
better comprehend the complexities of
human relationships, which fosters empathy
and emotional awareness.
Language processing theory suggests that
exposure to a wide variety of words in
meaningful contexts facilitates the learning
and retention of new words, which enri-
ches students' vocabulary.
Narrative texts provide a wealth of vocabu-
lary that challenges students to infer the
meaning of unfamiliar words from context,
thereby expanding their lexical repertoire
and improving their overall comprehension
of the texts.
Promotion of
critical thinking
According to cognitive development
theory, narrative texts stimulate critical
thinking by encouraging students to reflect
on the characters' decisions, moral dilem-
mas, and the underlying themes of the
By analyzing key elements of narrative texts,
such as conflicts, characters, and themes,
students develop skills to evaluate informa-
tion, make connections between ideas, and
form their own opinions, which strengthens
their critical thinking and analytical abilities.
Stimulation of ima-
From the perspective of cognitive develop-
ment theory, narrative texts foster imagi-
nation and creativity by offering fictional
worlds and vivid characters that spark stu-
dents' curiosity and interest.
As they immerse themselves in the stories
and characters of narrative texts, students
develop skills to visualize scenarios, antici-
pate events, and create connections between
fiction and their own experiences, which sti-
mulates their imagination and creativity.