Exploring the relationship between
educational involvement
and school performance
at the early education level
Explorando la relación entre la participación
educativa y el rendimiento escolar
en el nivel de educación inicial
To cite: Hincapié, B. S. M., Maldonado, D. E. Belisario, E. R.. (2024). Exploring the relationship between
educational involvement and school performance at the early education level. Digital Journal of
Research and Postgraduate Studies, 5(9), 87-98. https://doi.org/10.59654/tjeaex60
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(9), 87-98
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
Estela Maldonado Duran**
San José del Guaviare, El Guaviare / Colombia
Sandra Milena Hincapié Bernal*
https:orcid.org/ 0009-0006-0511-9870
San José del Guaviare, El Guaviare / Colombia
Edni Rosalba Belisario***
https:orcid.org/ 0009-0009-7423-5295
San José del Guaviare, El Guaviare / Colombia
Received: September/6/2023 Reviewed: September/26/2023 Accepted: November/8/2023 Published: Enero/10/2024
* Specialist in Educational Play, Juan de Castellanos University, Bucaramanga - Colombia. El Cristal educa-
tional institution, municipality of San José del Guaviare. Contact email: samidamas29@hotmail.com
** Specialist in Educational Informatics, University of Santander, Colombia. El Retiro educational institution:
municipality of San José del Guaviare. Contact email: estelimd05@hotmail.com
** Specialist in Educational Play, Juan de Castellanos University, Bucaramanga - Colombia. Primary Basic Teacher,
Caño Blanco Educational Institution 2. Contact email: ednibelisario-72@hotmail.com
This scientific article investigates the intrinsic relationship between educational involvement and
school performance, with a special focus on the influence of parents, caregivers, and the com-
munity in the educational process. A comprehensive definition of educational involvement is
provided, highlighting its importance in fostering collaboration between families and schools.
Various forms of involvement are explored, ranging from attending school meetings to colla-
borating in academic activities. A thorough review of diverse research underscores the positive
impacts of educational involvement on students' academic achievement, establishing a direct
correlation between increased involvement and better school performance. However, contextual
factors that can modulate this connection, such as socioeconomic status and the school envi-
ronment, are acknowledged. The article also delves into the pivotal role played by educational
involvement in academic performance, as well as the factors that influence the success of such
involvement and its impact on school performance..
Educational involvement, school performance, early education, family-school colla-
boration, and educational participation.
El artículo científico investiga la relación intrínseca entre la participación educativa y el rendi-
miento escolar, con un enfoque especial en la influencia de padres, cuidadores y la comunidad
en el proceso educativo. Se proporciona una definición integral de la participación educativa,
destacando su importancia para fomentar la colaboración entre la familia y la escuela. Se ex-
ploran diversas manifestaciones de participación, desde la asistencia a reuniones escolares hasta
la cooperación en actividades académicas. La revisión exhaustiva de investigaciones diversas
subraya los impactos positivos de la participación educativa en el logro académico de los es-
tudiantes, estableciendo una correlación directa entre una mayor participación y un mejor de-
sempeño escolar. Sin embargo, se reconocen los factores contextuales que pueden modular
esta conexión, como el estatus socioeconómico y el entorno escolar. El artículo también pro-
fundiza en el papel fundamental que desempeña la participación educativa en el rendimiento
académico, así como en los factores que influyen en el éxito de dicha participación y su impacto
en el rendimiento escolar.
Palabras claves: Participación educativa, rendimiento escolar, educación inicial, colaboración
familia-escuela y participación educativa.
Parental involvement in their children's education is a topic of great importance today. Numerous
studies have demonstrated that collaboration between parents and teachers can significantly
enhance students' academic performance and overall development. This article addresses the
relationship between educational involvement and school performance at the early education
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigaciòn y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sandra Milena Hincapi Bernal, Estela Maldonado Duran and Edni Rosalba Belisario
level. Different approaches and strategies are presented that parents and teachers can utilize
to encourage active parental participation in their children's educational process. Additionally,
the benefits of effective communication among parents, teachers, and students are discussed,
along with highlighting practices that can be implemented to enhance the educational quality
for students. This article serves as a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and anyone interested
in enhancing children's education at the early education level.
Educational Involvement of Parents and Caregivers of Children
The involvement of parents or parental participation in school education constitutes a valuable
strategy to elevate educational quality. According to
Driessen et al. (2005), this involvement ex-
pands the cognitive and social capacities of students. The terms used to refer to this participation
vary: "parental involvement," "parent participation," "educational collaboration," and "parental
engagement," as mentioned by these authors. On the other hand,
Hujala et al. (2009) describe
it as a collaboration between parents and teachers, while
Alasuutari (2010) refers to it as rela-
tionships between parents and professionals.
Following the same line, according to
Delgado (2019), “la participación de los padres en el pro-
ceso educativo implica que tanto maestros como padres compartan la responsabilidad de educar
a los alumnos y colaboren para alcanzar los objetivos educativos” (parr. 1)
. Uludağ (2008) defines
parental involvement as the collaboration between parents and teachers in a child's learning.
However, the term is complex due to divergent perspectives mentioned by Rapp & Duncan
(2012), who point out that there are differing opinions among teachers and parents. Regarding
this matter,
Anderson & Minke (2007) suggest that teachers consider involvement to be active
in school, while for parents, involvement in their children's learning could mean providing what
they need in their educational institution.
From our perspective, an education based on shared responsibility is required, involving both
educators and parents, transcending the exclusive responsibility of teachers, the educational ins-
titution, and the State. Educational involvement encompasses active and committed collaboration
among parents, caregivers, community members, and the educational institution. Its objective is
to enrich students' educational experience and improve their academic performance.
This topic has been extensively addressed in scientific research. In this regard,
Blanco & Uma-
yahara (2004) pointed out that there are three approaches through which parental involvement
is addressed. One of them evaluates the relationship between family-school collaboration and
improved educational performance in elementary school children. Others place fundamental
importance on parents, mothers, caregivers, and the community during the early years, con-
Exploring the relationship between educational involvement and
school performance at the early education level. r
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado 5(9), 87-98
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
Our translation: The involvement of parents in the educational process implies that both teachers and parents
share the responsibility of educating students and collaborate to achieve educational objectives.
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigaciòn y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sandra Milena Hincapi Bernal, Estela Maldonado Duran and Edni Rosalba Belisario
sidering that quality education translates to enhanced child learning development. However,
it is also argued that the family has the potential to expand the scope of primary education.
According to
Blanco & Umayahara (2004), family involvement in education implies “opinar,
tomar ciertas decisiones, proponer y disentir en los diversos espacios de la institución educativa”
(p. 26)
. Therefore, the act of participating goes beyond merely attending school meetings, pro-
viding contributions to educational institutions, or volunteering in the institution. In this sense,
mothers have the opportunity to approach institutions and establish direct contact with teachers
to better understand how they can support their children's education, which not only improves
children's living conditions but also significantly contributes to their learning process.
The contribution of parents or mothers can manifest in various ways by providing support to
their children's education. According to
Silinkas & Kikas (2019), parents or caregivers have the
possibility to complete school tasks or assignments together with children, establishing a con-
ducive learning environment at home. On the other hand,
Benner et al. (2016) point out that
parents can play an active role by providing stimulation and educational enrichment activities,
thus promoting the holistic development of their children beyond the classroom. Additionally,
collaboration in parent-teacher organizations is also a significant form of involvement, as it
strengthens the connection between school and home, promoting a more robust and beneficial
educational environment for students.
One of them involves establishing a daily structure that includes dedicated study and exploration
time, resulting in the creation of a stable routine for children. Furthermore, in line with these
support strategies, it is essential to share the experience of reading by practicing reading books
together and engaging in conversations about the stories to cultivate a love for reading. At the
same time, by engaging children in conversations about a variety of topics, their vocabulary
can be expanded, and the development of critical thinking can be fostered, known as "Mea-
ningful Conversations." These practices, supported by
Silinkas & Kikas (2019) and Benner et al.
, reinforce the fundamental role of parents in education and the holistic growth of their
On the other hand, a connection with nature can be a valuable means to stimulate children's
curiosity by exploring the environment through outdoor outings. Active involvement extends
to practical activities such as cooking, measuring, and building together, allowing the application
of mathematical and scientific concepts in real situations. Additionally, artistic expression can
be encouraged by involving children in activities like drawing, painting, and crafts. Support in
school tasks when needed promotes the child's autonomy, and supervising and selecting online
educational resources are also part of the process. All these concrete actions by parents signi-
ficantly contribute to the education and comprehensive growth of children.
Our translation: opining, making certain decisions, proposing, and dissenting in various spaces within the edu-
cational institution.
Exploring the relationship between educational involvement and
school performance at the early education level
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado 5(9), 87-98
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
Fundamental Role of Educational Involvement in Academic Performance
From our perspective, educational involvement has a significant impact on students' academic
performance. According to the study by
Topor et al. (2010), it is concluded that children whose
parents are more engaged in their education achieve a higher level of academic performance
compared to those whose parents are less involved.
Therefore, according to
Sánchez et al. (2010), the level of parents' participation and satisfaction
serves as an indicator of the quality of the educational system. This aspect possibly constitutes
one of the reasons why a connection is established between parental involvement and academic
performance. In this relationship, it is relevant to cite authors like
Castro et al. (2015) who assert
that without positive cooperation between the family and the school, it is not possible to meet
the high standards set for educational outcomes by a demanding society.
On the other hand,
Jeynes (2016) found a significant relationship between overall parental in-
volvement programs and academic performance, both for younger and older students. Like-
wise, Rogers et al. (2009) maintain that the effects of parental involvement are mediated by
children's academic competence. These studies confirm the interactive influences of parental
educational involvement and children's personal characteristics in predicting school perfor-
In this sense, the active participation of parents and caregivers in education shows students
that they have support and value in their learning process. This can increase their motivation
to achieve optimal academic performance, as they perceive their efforts to be recognized
and appreciated. As
Rodríguez (2016) argues: "los padres son los mejores agentes para ayudar
a sus hijos" (p. 2) in developing their skills and cultivating a sense of satisfaction and motiva-
It is important to note that parents, caregivers, or guardians who actively participate in their
children's education often set clear expectations regarding academic achievements and behavior.
This approach can help students understand the relevance of education and strive for higher
goals. Likewise, parental involvement allows for closer monitoring of students' academic pro-
gress, enabling them to identify areas where a student may need additional support and take
action to address those needs in a timely manner.
In this context, communication among parents, teachers, and students plays a crucial role in
understanding students' strengths and weaknesses. Parents can provide valuable information
about their children's needs and personality, which in turn enables teachers to adapt their pe-
dagogical approach and address those needs effectively. In relation to this,
Zambrano et al.
state that “una comunicación sólida en el seno familiar para establecer vínculos fuertes,
Our translation: parents are the best agents to help their children.
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigaciòn y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sandra Milena Hincapi Bernal, Estela Maldonado Duran and Edni Rosalba Belisario
no confundidos con un régimen riguroso de disciplina, sino más bien un entorno saludable donde
prime la confianza y el respeto (p. 141).
When parents actively participate in their children's learning process, they can provide additional
support outside the classroom, assist with assignments and projects, and offer explanations and
clarifications when necessary, thereby reinforcing learning and improving comprehension of
concepts. Additionally, involved parents can detect academic or behavioral problems at an early
stage, allowing them to address these issues before they become significant obstacles to aca-
demic performance.
Educational involvement is also related to creating a positive learning environment at home.
Parents can foster a love for learning, provide educational resources, and establish routines that
support academic success. Furthermore, students often emulate the behavior of adults in their
lives. If they see their parents caring about education and actively participating in it, they are
more likely to value and engage in their own learning.
Moderating Factors of Educational Involvement and Academic Performance
Moderating factors play a crucial role in the relationship between educational involvement and
academic performance. Moderating factors are variables that influence the strength or direction
of this relationship. Among them, the following can be mentioned:
Socioeconomic Level: The socioeconomic level of parents can moderate the relationship
between educational involvement and academic performance. In families of higher so-
cioeconomic status, it is more likely that resources and support are available for students,
which could intensify the positive effects of parental involvement. According to
León &
Collahua (2016), el nivel socioeconómico de las familias incide de manera positiva y sig-
nificativa en el rendimiento de los estudiantes” (p. 120). In contrast, the findings of Kor-
zeniowski (2016)
corroborated that a lower socioeconomic level has a negative influence
on children's academic performance.
Culture and Ethnicity: Cultural and ethnic differences can influence how educational
involvement is understood and carried out. Some cultures may value more direct par-
ticipation in education, while others may prefer a more indirect approach. These cultural
differences can moderate the relationship between involvement and performance. Stu-
dies by
Miranda & Castillo (2016) have confirmed that families belonging to an indige-
Our translation: solid communication within the family is needed to establish strong bonds, not confused with a
strict regime of discipline, but rather a healthy environment where trust and respect prevail.
Our translation: the socioeconomic level of families positively and significantly impacts students' performance.
Exploring the relationship between educational involvement and
school performance at the early education level
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado 5(9), 87-98
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
nous ethnicity have a high rate of support and educational involvement compared to
those not belonging to any ethnicity.
School Support: The quality of the school environment and the degree of collaboration
between the school and parents can moderate the influence of educational involvement
on performance. A favorable school environment can amplify the positive effects of pa-
rental involvement.
Lastre et al. (2017), Barbar & Coronel (2022), and Serrano & Figueroa
(2016), Peña & Taboada (2018) state that children whose parents accompany them, pro-
vide feedback, and show interest in their school life tend to achieve higher levels of aca-
demic performance. When parents maintain effective communication, participate in
school activities, monitor progress, and have high educational aspirations for their chil-
dren, these children achieve notably superior academic performance.
Parents' Educational Level: The parents' educational level can moderate the influence
of their involvement in their children's education. In this line, research conducted by
dríguez & Guzmán (2019) and Espejel & Jiménez (2019) highlight that parents with higher
educational levels possibly have better tools to provide academic support and more ef-
fectively understand their children's needs.
Parenting Style: Parenting style, including the combination of authority, support, and
control, can moderate the relationship between parental involvement and academic
performance. Parenting styles that promote autonomy and responsibility are often as-
sociated with positive academic outcomes.
Ortiz & Moreno (2016) argue that parenting
style determines whether academic performance is good or poor.
Access to Resources: The availability of resources at home, such as books, technology,
and a suitable study space, can moderate how parental involvement impacts school per-
formance. Available resources can influence the effectiveness of the educational support
parents can provide. However, as
Gubbins & Ibarra (2016) assert, this resource availability
is related to socioeconomic level; if income and cultural capital are low, there is less edu-
cational involvement, which impacts children's academic performance.
Emotional and Social Support: The emotional and social support that students receive
in the family environment can influence the relationship between parental involvement
and academic performance. An environment that provides emotional support and se-
curity can lay the foundation for more effective learning and better educational achie-
vement. Research conducted by
Silinkas & Kikas (2019) supports the idea that parental
support becomes emotional support when requested by children.
On the other hand, studies conducted by
Hakyemez & colleagues (2018) explain that a
strong interaction between parents and teachers can have a significant impact on chil-
dren's academic performance, improving various aspects of their development and their
ability to adapt, as well as their psychological well-being during early childhood. Addi-
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigaciòn y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sandra Milena Hincapi Bernal, Estela Maldonado Duran and Edni Rosalba Belisario
tionally, according to Bronfenbrenner (1987), these interactions positively contribute to
children's socioemotional and cognitive development.
Parental Work Flexibility: The ability of parents to be present and engaged in their chil-
dren's education can be influenced by their work flexibility. Parents with more flexible
schedules may have more opportunities to actively participate in the educational pro-
cess. Studies by
Kim (2020) confirm that work flexibility can contribute to promoting in-
teractions between parents and children by improving the coordination between work
and family responsibilities and, consequently, with their children's education.
et al. (2019)
mention el desarrollo de estas habilidades socioemocionales llevará a mejores
resultados escolares, una adaptación más efectiva al aprendizaje futuro, mayor bienestar
y la capacidad para gestionar comportamientos positivos” (p. 148)
School Communication and Collaboration: The relationship between the school and pa-
rents can influence how parental involvement impacts performance. Effective communication
and collaboration between the school and parents can enhance the benefits of educational
engagement. According to
Western Governors University (2021), when a student's family can
communicate with their child's teacher, both parties can work together to establish a rela-
tionship and create an optimal learning environment, both at home and at school.
After conducting the analysis of the relationship between educational involvement and 1
academic performance at the early education level, the following conclusions can be
Active parental involvement in their children's education is essential for improving aca-2
demic performance and the holistic development of students. Parents can collaborate
with teachers in planning educational activities and assessing their children's progress.
Effective communication among parents, teachers, and students is key to fostering edu-3
cational involvement. Parents should be informed about their children's academic pro-
gress, and teachers should be willing to listen to parents' concerns and suggestions.
Shared reading and meaningful conversations are practices that parents can implement 4
to foster a love for reading and the development of critical thinking in their children.
These practices have been supported by scientific studies and can be used from an early
Our translation: that the development of these socioemotional skills will lead to better school results, more effective
adaptation to future learning, greater well-being, and the ability to manage positive behaviors.
Exploring the relationship between educational involvement and
school performance at the early education level
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado 5(9), 87-98
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
Collaboration between parents and teachers can be beneficial for students with special 5
needs. Parents can provide valuable information about their children's needs, and tea-
chers can adapt educational activities to meet those needs.
Community involvement in children's education is also important. Parents and teachers 6
can work together to engage the community in educational activities and promote the
significance of education in society.
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