Emotional intelligence, encompassing emotions, their neurological basis, and management, has
transformed fields such as education, psychology, sociology, and business leadership. Daniel
Goleman’s groundbreaking theory on emotional intelligence highlights it as crucial for personal
and professional success, on par with cognitive intelligence. In his latest book, Óptimo (2024),
Goleman presents purpose-centered strategies, offering techniques for self-awareness, cons-
cious perception, burnout management, empathy, and building collaborative teams—all within
a highly technological context to boost satisfaction and productivity. This summary introduces
an imaginary interview with Goleman, aiming to explore the key elements of Óptimo. In con-
clusion, Goleman emphasizes that a fulfilling life is closely tied to developing emotional abili-
Keywords: Óptimo, satisfaction, emotional intelligence, empathy, productivity.
La inteligencia emocional, que abarca las emociones, su base neurológica y su gestión, ha trans-
formado campos como la educación, la psicología, la sociología y el liderazgo empresarial. La
teoría innovadora de Daniel Goleman sobre la inteligencia emocional la destaca como crucial
para el éxito personal y profesional, al mismo nivel que la inteligencia cognitiva. En su último
libro, Óptimo (2024), Goleman presenta estrategias centradas en el propósito, ofreciendo técnicas
para el autoconocimiento, la percepción consciente, el manejo del burnout, la empatía y la cons-
trucción de equipos colaborativos, todo en un contexto altamente tecnológico para mejorar la
satisfacción y productividad. Este resumen introduce una entrevista imaginaria con Goleman,
con el objetivo de explorar los elementos clave de Óptimo. En conclusión, Goleman enfatiza que
una vida plena está estrechamente ligada al desarrollo de las habilidades emocionales.
Palabras clave: óptimo, satisfacción, inteligencia emocional, empatía, productividad.
It is an honor to interview Dr. Daniel Goleman, psychologist, journalist, author, and speaker, who
has left a significant legacy in the study of emotions. He earned his Ph.D. in clinical development
psychology and personality and graduated with the distinction Magna Cum Laude, which ear-
ned him a scholarship to pursue his doctorate in psychology at Harvard University. He worked
as a writer for The New York Times in the Behavioral and Brain Sciences section for many years.
He is the author of numerous books, including the bestseller Emotional Intelligence, with over
five million copies sold and translated into 40 languages. He is also co-director of the Consor-
tium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations and has been nominated for the
Pulitzer Prize several times.
Today, we will talk with this distinguished scientist about his latest work, Óptimo: Empatía, ren-
dimiento e inteligencia Emocional, in collaboration with psychologist Cary Cherniss. This book
outlines techniques to achieve greater productivity and satisfaction, tools to address workplace
conflicts, and the alarming burnout syndrome that has brought about absenteeism, dismissals,
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
2María Auxiliadora Campos Medina