Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
students' interest in the class and improve academic performance, in line with Paredes et al.
On the other hand, with the incorporation of the internet as an ICT tool, there is greater capacity
for using technological resources, software, information search, and online learning. Thus, the
internet has enabled technological advancement, leading to the emergence of the digital age.
Izquierdo (2021) portrays the internet as a new vision of teaching due to its ability to interconnect
borders through the virtual world and the vast amount of available content: chat, audio, video,
text, and images, which can be used remotely, in any space, and in real time, as emphasized by
Kerr & McKensy (2022); Mejias & Gómez (2017); Céspedes et al. (2020).
Furthermore, given the potential of the internet in the academic field, teachers, using different
virtual platforms, can generate didactic strategies for the teaching process that strengthen critical
thinking, self-education, continuous research, and the proper use of technological resources at
home, as discussed by Mesa et al. (2019) and Cerna & Maguiña (2022). Therefore, it is argued
that the internet breaks the barriers of the traditional classroom, creating new learning envi-
ronments without existing borders, with multidisciplinary content in multimedia forms for diffe-
rent students, each with their own limitations, in real time.At the same time, with the use of the
internet, social networks emerged as the most widely used communication technological tool
in all areas of society and as a teaching process for students and teachers. Authors Gil &Calderón
(2021); Chávez & Barahona (2024); Flores et al. (2024) reflect on how these new study environ-
ments allow participants to create autonomy based on their learning pace, enabling knowledge
sharing through collaborative workspaces where everyone contributes to solve academic acti-
vities assigned by the teacher.
Also, De La Hoz et al. (2015) emphasize the importance of collaborative work manifested in so-
cial networks, where through virtual groups, students self-learn, learn from their peers, and con-
tribute knowledge of the content studied in real-time (Céspedes et al., 2020). Based on the
above, the researcher affirms that social networks, when properly used in the teaching process,
influence the creation of students with independent learning processes and stimulate teamwork
by providing real-time content to build consensus in the development of academic activities.
Regarding the teacher's role, Flores et al. (2024) and Montes (2023) highlight that teachers must
be researchers, guides, and mediators who help students understand their realities, reinforce
what they've learned, and contextualize it with the environment around them to obtain useful
learning in the pedagogical field and in their professional, social, and cultural lives (Cerna &
Maguiña, 2022). Similarly, a creative teacher produces positive results by seeking different ways
to plan, including ICT in the pedagogical work through clear objectives, a methodological and
technical process of what, how, and when ICT tools will be used to develop the class, as pointed
out by Gómez et al. (2021) and Acuña et al. (2024).
Rosendo et al. (2023) argue that educational institutions, according to their technological ca-
pabilities and existing realities, are experiencing changes by incorporating innovative resources
Integration of the use of information and communication technologies