Integration of the use of information and
communication technologies
in the tracking process
Integración del uso de las tecnologías de
información y comunicación
en el proceso de enseñanza
How to cite: Rosales, V. J. A. (2025). Integration of the use of information and communication techno-
logies in the tracking process. Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125.
* Master's Degree in Educational Management, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira, San Cristóbal –
Venezuela. Bachelors Degree in Education, specialization in Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Experimental de
los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora, Barinas – Venezuela. Universidad Politécnica Territorial Agro Industrial
del Estado Táchira (UPTAIET, San Cristóbal – Venezuela). University Higher Technician in Information Technology,
UPTAIET, San Cristóbal – Venezuela. Teacher at the Universidad Politécnica Territorial Agro Industrial del Estado
Táchira, El Piñal Campus. Contact Email: .
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Juan Acacio Rosales Vivas
El Piñal, Táchira state / Venezuela
Received: September / 4 / 2024 Accepted: October / 26 / 2024
The learning process in educational institutions is the result of the development and society
changes in benefic of the state. For this reason, the education system require changes to adapt
to the needs of the education environment. With the digital age, the technologies are been
used in all spaces of the daily life, including education, they are more frecuent, because it can
be used it inside or ourside the classroom. In that sense, the porpouse of this investigation is
manager to analize the technological tools used for the integration of ICT in the teaching pro-
cess. The theoretical context that underpins the research contributed to the description of theo-
ries and concepts based on the technological tools implemented by teachers for pedagogical
development. The research was developed with a qualitative methodology, with an interpretive
approach, under the hermeneutic method in order to collect information from bibliographic
reviews. It is concluded that there are various technological tools known to students, but they
are not addressed in a timely manner by teachers. They help in collective work, self-training,
research, critical and reflective thinking, developing creative skills and actively participate in the
development of the class.
Keywords: Integration of ICT in education, technological tools in pedagogy, pedagogical deve-
lopment of ICT, Educational innovation with ICT.
El proceso de formación de las instituciones educativas es el reflejo del desarrollo de la so-
ciedad y de los cambios sociales en beneficio del Estado. Para ello, se requiere del sistema
educativo que se adapte a las necesidades del entorno educativo. Con la era digital, el uso
de las tecnologías en todos los espacios de la vida cotidiana incluyendo el educativo se hace
más frecuente, ya que, son muchas las herramientas tecnológicas que se pueden usar dentro
y fuera del aula de clase. En este sentido, el propósito de esta investigación está dirigido a
analizar las herramientas tecnológicas usadas para la integración de las TIC en el proceso de
enseñanza. El contexto teórico que fundamenta la investigación contribuyó a la descripción
de teorías y conceptos basados en las herramientas tecnológicas implementadas por los do-
centes para el desarrollo pedagógico. La investigación se desarrolló con una metodología
cualitativa, de enfoque interpretativo, bajo el método hermenéutico a los fines de recabar la
información desde las revisiones bibliográficas. Se concluye que existen diversas herramientas
tecnológicas conocidas por los estudiantes, pero no se abordan de manera oportuna por los
docentes. Ayudan en el trabajo colectivo, la autoformación, la investigación, el pensamiento
crítico y reflexivo, a desarrollar habilidades creativas y participar activamente en el desarrollo
de la clase.
Palabras clave: Integración de TIC en la educación, herramientas tecnológicas en la pedagogía,
desarrollo pedagógico de las TIC, Innovación educativa con TIC.
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
116 Juan Acacio Rosales Vivas
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Integration of the use of information and communication technologies
ICTs are developing in all areas of society, where new methods and technological forms are
being incorporated to help individuals in their daily lives, fostering dependence on technologies
in scientific, work, social, and educational activities. In this way, the integration of ICTs in the pe-
dagogical process is continuously growing, creating innovative resources for actors to use in
the school environment, as stated by Araya & Majano (2022), "The use of technological tools
and the application of the virtual classroom in the didactic process are means that facilitate
learning" (p.5).
Thus, the integration of ICTs in education promotes personalized learning, based on the fact
that each student has different realities and learns in different ways, encouraging the develop-
ment of creative skills, autonomy, and responsibility for developing knowledge, critical and re-
flective thinking, problem-solving, through the teaching strategies of educators in learning
spaces, with educational technological tools that are available and easily accessible to the actors
involved in the pedagogical act.
In this sense, digital resources in the educational field for the integration of ICTs are feasible for
both teachers and students, facilitating communication among the actors in the process. These
include various technological tools with or without web connection, with diverse applications in
the educational field. These range from virtual environments, software, and educational games,
to information search and sharing, apps, multimedia content, and online communication.
Furthermore, these technological tools are used for solving academic activities through the con-
sensus of ideas, in interactive forms, in real-time, and remotely. Hence, the need arises to identify
the technological resources to be applied by teachers that adapt to the content in order to ad-
dress individual weaknesses presented during the class.
It is important for teachers to update themselves in this digital area to reduce the gap caused
by technological illiteracy among educators. Since innovations in didactic resources are not alig-
ned with teacher training, while young people, as digital natives, handle technologies naturally
from home. They use mobile devices, computers, and tablets with multiple applications for the
development of their daily and academic activities.
In this context, the current teaching process is traditional, oriented toward fulfilling objectives,
as classical exams and mechanistic learning prevail to achieve subject approval. This limits the
effective incorporation of ICTs in classrooms due to teachers' resistance to educational innova-
tions. This contributes to the practice of banking education and students' reluctance to use ICTs
as a medium for sharing knowledge inside and outside the classroom.
Therefore, the researcher decides to intervene in the issue that daily arises in classrooms, mo-
tivated by the lack of technological strategies in the educational process. Hence, the following
question arises: What technological tools are used for the integration of ICTs in the teaching
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118 Juan Acacio Rosales Vivas
process? These tools should be directed by teachers in a didactic way to improve students' aca-
demic performance, enhance sociability, and promote comprehensive education to keep up
with the digital age.
The methodology applied is framed within the qualitative paradigm using an interpretative ap-
proach, with the aim of analyzing the technological tools used for the integration of ICTs in the
teaching process. The design employed is documental, through consultations of authors in
peer-reviewed journals available on the web over the last 9 years, which provide an updated
view of technological innovations in the educational field.
In this regard, keywords were used, including: integration of ICTs in education, technological
tools used in pedagogy, pedagogical development in ICTs, and educational innovations with
ICTs. Likewise, an inductive-deductive analysis was conducted for data treatment.
The integration of ICT has fostered human dependence in all daily activities of society, according
to Montoya et al. (2019). Therefore, education and the teaching process must stay at the fore-
front of the digital age, as mentioned by Flores (2020), "The information and knowledge society
has driven the use of information technologies in our work, personal, and academic activities"
(p. 45). In this way, in the academic field, ICTs are the means through which the teacher uses
any technological resource so that the actors socialize knowledge before, during, and after the
pedagogical act, through didactic strategies that enhance the teaching process.
In the field of education, the application of ICT by teachers and students presents a wide variety
of resources for educational spaces, according to Toro (2017). First, without web connectivity,
mobile devices, computers, and tablets can be used as technological tools to watch videos, use
software and educational games, slideshows, infographics, and multimedia content. Terms such
as gamification emerge: it involves teaching and solving problems through educational games
that motivate students to learn in a creative way, according to Espinoza et al. (2023).
At the same time, technological resources with internet use offer a range of technological tools,
such as virtual environments like Moodle, Canvas, and Classroom: these allow teaching classes
and workshops remotely, sending multimedia content, assigning activities, tracking tasks, and
evaluations. They also allow forums and personalized tutoring. During activities, students can
interact with the teacher in real-time and also with each other to create any content.
Similarly, with internet use, interactive courses, multimedia content, virtual libraries, educational
software, online training, and personalized tutoring are available, allowing for the assignment
and evaluation of academic activities, improving collaborative work, and individual learning, as
stated by Pandolfi (2024). Additionally, AI-powered chatbots create systemic learning processes
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
to reinforce the unique aspects of each student, according to Caballero & Brítez (2024).
Similarly, Mejias & Gómez (2017) point out that internet use in the daily activities of society is
very frequent, and in the educational field, it is used by both students and teachers as a means
to transmit or search for information to develop a topic, learn new content, or reinforce what
was learned in class, as highlighted by Gómez et al. (2021) and Céspedes et al. (2020). Further-
more, there are many pedagogical activities (educational games, forums, chats, videos, among
others) for online study and continuous learning, providing teachers with the ability to constantly
update their academic training, as stated by Caballero & Brítez (2024) and Kerr & Mckensy
On the other hand, in this digital era, the educational realities of students shape the teaching
and learning process, the level of comprehension, and decision-making, improving individual
activities effectively, as noted by Céspedes et al. (2020). In the technological field, with a variety
of innovative resources, the teacher must train and educate students in the use of ICT tools, as
mentioned by Tapia et al. (2023). Moreover, they bring significant advantages such as persona-
lized training using social networks, reinforcing content through multimedia forms available on
the web, simulation of practices, and collaborative work, as noted by Montoya et al. (2019).
In the same way, the correct use of social networks in the educational field brings benefits as it
makes the teaching process more flexible, according to Chávez & Barahona (2024). The student
takes ownership of the learning process based on their learning level and becomes involved in
study communities through video and interactive chat, allowing them to attend conferences,
workshops, and personalized tutoring, which increases class participation and dialogue for edu-
cational purposes among peers, as noted by Gil & Calderón (2021) and De La Hoz et al. (2015).
Moreover, social networks create paradigms for teaching methods, with WhatsApp, YouTube,
or Facebook being the most used networks for entertainment or personal interests, as noted
by Céspedes et al. (2020). They are also used as study groups for common activities, sharing
content (chat, audio, video, and text), and conducting academic practices or training workshops
in real-time from different locations, as noted by Gil & Calderón (2021).
Flores (2020) emphasizes that through ICT tools, the contents of one or more curricular units
can be made known, offering students multimedia activities and participatory classes that cap-
ture their interest in learning, according to their learning channels and styles. Reinforcing content
at home can be improved through didactic strategies recommended by teachers using ICT
tools for the topics assigned in class, creating study autonomy in the learning process, as noted
by Montoya et al. (2019).
In this regard, the constant use of the virtual world requires an innovative and technologically
updated teacher. The educational field presents a challenge due to the existing digital divide
between teachers and students, as noted by Pandolfi (2024) and Kerr & Mckensy (2022). Hence,
there is a need for teachers to constantly train through various virtual platforms available on
Integration of the use of information and communication technologies
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the internet, which provide information on various topics to develop pedagogical skills in the
area of ICT, as stated by Caballero & Brítez (2024).
Finally, the integration of ICT tools during class development should establish clear planning
regarding what is intended to be achieved by using the technological resource. Additionally,
time management should be organized before, during, and as a reinforcement after the peda-
gogical act. Furthermore, processes should be incorporated to provide technical support to
students during the use of technological tools, as noted by Cerna & Maguiña (2022). Likewise,
the relevant resource should be selected based on the content that is functional for the class
and well-known by the students. All of this requires constant updating of teaching staff for the
effective use of ICT during the teaching process.
In the new technological landscape, teachers are immersed in a pedagogical paradigm where
the teaching process faces challenges with the incorporation of ICT as a means to present con-
tent. This article addresses alternatives proposed by various authors that provide answers to
which technological tools are used to integrate ICT into the teaching process, utilizing techno-
logical resources with or without internet connection for the development of teaching work.
Educational institutions must innovate to become attractive to students, streamline educational
processes, and make them more effective and efficient.
To begin, regarding digital resources, Araya & Majano (2022) mention that there are many te-
chnological tools that allow teachers to innovate in content development. At the same time, Iz-
quierdo (2021) points out that resources implemented as didactic strategies that allow the
transmission of knowledge in an enjoyable and engaging way for students can be considered
a technological innovation in class development.
In fact, Montoya et al. (2019) state that all these devices, such as phones, tablets, and computers,
are used by individuals in their daily lives. However, the use of these resources in the pedagogical
field enables meaningful learning, as related to Flores et al. (2024) and Gómez et al. (2021). Ad-
ditionally, the use of educational software on these technological devices in specific curricular
units provides great relevance in achieving objectives for class development, as noted by Flores
Thus, it is affirmed that within ICT tools, there are resources, software, and games used in the
pedagogical act without an internet connection to solve various academic activities. In this con-
text, teachers incorporate videos and slides through video beams to display content. They use
educational games for different tasks such as recognizing letters, teaching addition, learning
languages, and more. They also download books and virtual libraries for reading and research
offline, both in and out of class, aiming to create innovative pedagogical processes that engage
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
students' interest in the class and improve academic performance, in line with Paredes et al.
On the other hand, with the incorporation of the internet as an ICT tool, there is greater capacity
for using technological resources, software, information search, and online learning. Thus, the
internet has enabled technological advancement, leading to the emergence of the digital age.
Izquierdo (2021) portrays the internet as a new vision of teaching due to its ability to interconnect
borders through the virtual world and the vast amount of available content: chat, audio, video,
text, and images, which can be used remotely, in any space, and in real time, as emphasized by
Kerr & McKensy (2022); Mejias & Gómez (2017); Céspedes et al. (2020).
Furthermore, given the potential of the internet in the academic field, teachers, using different
virtual platforms, can generate didactic strategies for the teaching process that strengthen critical
thinking, self-education, continuous research, and the proper use of technological resources at
home, as discussed by Mesa et al. (2019) and Cerna & Maguiña (2022). Therefore, it is argued
that the internet breaks the barriers of the traditional classroom, creating new learning envi-
ronments without existing borders, with multidisciplinary content in multimedia forms for diffe-
rent students, each with their own limitations, in real time.At the same time, with the use of the
internet, social networks emerged as the most widely used communication technological tool
in all areas of society and as a teaching process for students and teachers. Authors Gil &Calderón
(2021); Chávez & Barahona (2024); Flores et al. (2024) reflect on how these new study environ-
ments allow participants to create autonomy based on their learning pace, enabling knowledge
sharing through collaborative workspaces where everyone contributes to solve academic acti-
vities assigned by the teacher.
Also, De La Hoz et al. (2015) emphasize the importance of collaborative work manifested in so-
cial networks, where through virtual groups, students self-learn, learn from their peers, and con-
tribute knowledge of the content studied in real-time (Céspedes et al., 2020). Based on the
above, the researcher affirms that social networks, when properly used in the teaching process,
influence the creation of students with independent learning processes and stimulate teamwork
by providing real-time content to build consensus in the development of academic activities.
Regarding the teacher's role, Flores et al. (2024) and Montes (2023) highlight that teachers must
be researchers, guides, and mediators who help students understand their realities, reinforce
what they've learned, and contextualize it with the environment around them to obtain useful
learning in the pedagogical field and in their professional, social, and cultural lives (Cerna &
Maguiña, 2022). Similarly, a creative teacher produces positive results by seeking different ways
to plan, including ICT in the pedagogical work through clear objectives, a methodological and
technical process of what, how, and when ICT tools will be used to develop the class, as pointed
out by Gómez et al. (2021) and Acuña et al. (2024).
Rosendo et al. (2023) argue that educational institutions, according to their technological ca-
pabilities and existing realities, are experiencing changes by incorporating innovative resources
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122 Juan Acacio Rosales Vivas
into the training process. At the same time, Paredes et al. (2024) state that teachers must break
the paradigm of traditional teaching methods because, in some cases, the technological illiteracy
of teachers reduces the use of didactic resources in the teaching process. However, with the use
of a systematic process through virtual environments where they are trained in technological
skills, it may help reduce the existing gap, according to Rosendo et al. (2023).
Therefore, the analyzed articles reveal that there are different tools for integrating ICT into the
teaching process during the student's training period. They also demonstrate that technologies
are widely known and used by students to assist in the development of various academic acti-
vities. In fact, it is affirmed that technology helps foster independent learning for students and
creates new learning environments.
Nevertheless, there are currently limitations when incorporating ICT into the teaching process
due to the lack of teacher training in managing technological resources. Teachers are not pre-
pared to use technology in their daily activities, as they do not have technical support on how
and when to apply technological resources in the classroom. To address this, teachers must be
encouraged to engage in continuous research and use of ICT tools in the teaching process.
Finally, the benefits of correctly applying ICT tools in learning spaces result in participative, re-
search-driven students with the capacity to innovate in the academic process, allowing them to
take research beyond the knowledge provided by the teacher, with multiple applications and
virtual environments for students' self-education in any area of knowledge, and applying it in
daily contexts.
The ICT tools are the means by which teachers socialize content in a creative, multimedia, real-
time, and remote manner. Therefore, these technological resources, such as mobile phones,
computers, and tablets, can be used without internet connection in the development of the les-
son, projecting educational videos, scientific content, and various information, in addition to sli-
des, infographics, games, and educational programs that simulate interactive exercises and
On the other hand, technological devices with internet connection offer scientific information
in multimedia form or in updated and interactive digital databases, distance learning, educa-
tional games and software, emails, chat, blogs, virtual environments, and social networks. All of
this helps reinforce students' weaknesses and needs, motivate interest in individual learning,
and promote idea exchange between peers and teachers.
Furthermore, virtual environments such as Moodle and Classroom provide distance learning
processes with interactive and personalized classes, allowing for activity scheduling and eva-
luation recording. Similarly, social networks create study communities or groups for collaborative
work, consensus-building of ideas, and information exchange between students and teachers
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 115-125
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
via WhatsApp, Facebook, or various applications found on the web.
Additionally, there are educational games and software that simulate real-life content, such as
Duolingo (an app for learning languages), along with programs for coloring, vowels, puzzles,
math, and physics simulators, among others. These devices allow access to various applications
like slides, infographics, educational videos, forums, and conferences, which can be incorporated
as didactic strategies in the pedagogical act through tutoring between teachers and students
inside and outside the classroom.
Finally, the integration of ICT tools into the teaching and learning process will directly depend
on the teachers training and preparation in this area. Therefore, it is recommended that edu-
cators continually update and research the use of ICT tools in teaching, enabling the inclusion
of innovations during the pedagogical act to create competitive educational programs in the
digital age, helping students build autonomous learning processes and develop both collabo-
rative and individual work.
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Integration of the use of information and communication technologies