Technological competencies and the
academic performance of
university students
Competencias tecnológicas y el desempeño
académico de los estudiantes universitarios
How to cite: Acosta, F. S. F. (2025). Technological competencies and the academic performance of uni-
versity students. Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 101-113.
* Ph.D. in Educational Sciences and Postdoctoral Degree in Management for Higher Education. Biology Teacher,
Universitdad del Zulia, Maracaibo - Venezuela. Email:
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 101-113
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Received: July 17, 2024 Accepted: September / 5 / 2024
Savier Fernando Acosta Faneite
Maracaibo, Zulia state / Venezuela
The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between digital competencies and
university teacher performance. The methodology was based on the positivist paradigm with a
quantitative approach. The research was basic, descriptive and correlational. The non-experi-
mental and cross-sectional design included a sample of 87 students from a public university in
Maracaibo, Venezuela selected by convenience. The survey was used as the data collection te-
chnique, applying a questionnaire whose reliability was high (Cronbach's alpha = 0.975). The
data were processed using SPSS software. The results indicated a moderate positive correlation
(Spearman = 0.356) between the variables, suggesting that, as teachers' digital skills increase,
their performance improves. In conclusion, the development of teachers' digital skills contributes
to improving educational quality in the university context.
Keywords: Competencies, digital competencies, teaching performance, university professor.
El estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre las competencias digitales y el de-
sempeño del docente universitario. La metodología se fundamentó en el paradigma positivista
con un enfoque cuantitativo. La investigación fue de tipo básica, descriptiva y correlacional. El
diseño no experimental y transversal incluyó una muestra de 87 estudiantes de una universidad
pública en Maracaibo, Venezuela seleccionados por conveniencia. Se utilizó la encuesta como
técnica de recolección de datos, aplicándose un cuestionario cuya confiabilidad fue alta (Alfa
de Cronbach = 0,975). Los datos se procesaron mediante el software SPSS. Los resultados in-
dicaron una correlación positiva moderada (Spearman = 0,356) entre las variables, sugiriendo
que, a medida que aumentan las competencias digitales de los docentes, su desempeño me-
jora. En conclusión, el desarrollo de las habilidades digitales de los profesores contribuye a me-
jorar la calidad educativa en el contexto universitario.
Palabras clave: competencias, competencias digitales, desempeño docente, docente universitario.
In the current context of the educational process, the use of technology has become essential,
as it facilitates students' acquisition of knowledge. Acosta & Fuenmayor (2022) highlight that In-
formation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have profoundly revolutionized how university
educators seek and manage the content needed for their teaching. These technological advan-
cements not only improve access to information but also foster greater interactivity and colla-
boration in the educational realm, thereby enhancing the quality of both learning and teaching.
Therefore, higher education teachers must possess digital competencies. According to Centeno
(2021), these competencies are defined as a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities associated
with the use of technologies in educational environments, facilitating the achievement of curri-
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
102 Savier Fernando Acosta Faneite
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 101-113
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Technological competencies and the academic performance of university students
cular goals and competencies. In this regard, Sánchez et al. (2022) emphasize that digital com-
petencies include aspects related to hardware, software, school organization and management,
the use of ICTs, and the social, ethical, and legal elements associated with their use.
Meanwhile, Cateriano et al. (2021) point out that, globally, many teachers face difficulties in sear-
ching for relevant data and information. As a result, many educators rely solely on Google as
their main search tool and are unfamiliar with the use of databases, institutional repositories,
and advanced searches with Boolean operators to access quality information. This lack of skills
limits their ability to access appropriate academic resources and reduces the quality of infor-
mation used in their teaching practice.
In this context, Cobos et al. (2020) indicate that there are global gaps in the use of technology
for academic purposes and the dissemination of information. This is because many educators
lack knowledge on how to select appropriate resources and effectively use search engines to
choose topics aligned with students' research needs and academic levels.
Similarly, Díaz & Serra (2020) suggest that it is difficult to determine to what extent teachers
misuse the Internet when searching for information. This may be due to a lack of necessary
skills to fully utilize technologies in teaching or awareness of the variety of search engines avai-
lable for consulting scientific information. Consequently, many teachers resort exclusively to tra-
ditional methods for finding quality scientific information, which impacts their classes and may
negatively affect students' educational progress.
For this reason, Espinoza (2020) highlights the importance of educators knowing and using
academic search engines such as Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic, which provide access
to peer-reviewed articles and books. Scientific journals on platforms like PubMed, IEEE Xplore,
and JSTOR, as well as databases like Scopus, SciELO, Dialnet, and Redalyc, offer specialized and
high-quality research. In addition, academic networks such as ResearchGate and
facilitate collaboration and access to publications and scientific websites offering high-quality
reports and studies.
In this context, Baldomero (2022) emphasizes that the digital competencies of higher education
teachers include information literacy, essential for navigating, filtering, and managing digital in-
formation. He also highlights the importance of online communication and collaboration, in-
volving interaction and proper use of netiquette. Another key competency is digital content
creation, which requires integrating platforms and respecting copyright. Additionally, Díaz &
Loyola (2021) note that these digital competencies include data search and management, per-
son-to-person interaction, and data protection. They also highlight the importance of techno-
logical skills that enable teachers to search for and filter relevant information while applying
effective strategies for virtual teaching.
On the other hand, Flores & Garrido (2019) underline that in Latin America, teachers must de-
velop digital, communicative, intellectual, and ethical skills to ensure student learning. Likewise,
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
104 Savier Fernando Acosta Faneite
Mancha et al. (2022) argue that the new educational environment presents the challenge of
acquiring knowledge about the use of technologies, which are fundamental tools for consulting,
producing, and distributing educational content.
In this regard, Pérez (2017) asserts that to use ICTs correctly and effectively, it is necessary to
improve teachers' digital skills. Therefore, in the educational environment, it is crucial to create
an appropriate connection between the use of ICTs, pedagogy, and strategies that integrate
education and technology.
Zabalza & Zabalza (2020) describe that education based on the digital competence approach
is a recent concept that significantly differs from traditional teaching in terms of concepts, met-
hods, and practices. Its purpose is to promote the acquisition of skills that enable individuals to
succeed in various contexts, including economic, labor, social, and academic.
In this respect, Acosta & Barreto (2023) note that education aims to respond to the new know-
ledge and information society; therefore, teachers need to acquire digital skills that allow them
to learn how to use technological tools properly. In this sense, Sánchez & Carrasco (2021) argue
that additional training on using technology in the classroom is necessary to foster a critical at-
titude toward creating, using, and legally managing content. Hence, teachers should learn to
use these resources to be more creative and apply them in various areas of learning.
Moreover, Puche & Acosta (2024) state that in Venezuela, mechanisms must be implemented
to transform and develop education, technology, and science, promoting the development of
life skills. They also emphasize that schools must respond to societal needs, meaning the edu-
cational process should be approached from a holistic perspective. This involves managing each
academic process to facilitate students' effective learning.
In this context, Díaz & Castillo (2017) highlight that excellent and effective teaching management
will develop students' cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills, rather than merely imparting
information. Similarly, Acosta & Barrios (2023) indicate that teachers should stimulate learning,
contextualize content, and integrate students into instructional design.
Furthermore, Rojas & Arévalo (2022) note that teacher performance is closely linked to the
quality of education. Therefore, teachers must plan and formulate a professional activity plan
that aligns with the context, educational process, and evaluation indicators. It is also crucial to
consider both external and internal educational factors and integrate technological practices
to improve teaching quality.
Additionally, Oviedo & Páez (2020) emphasize that teacher performance is linked to digital,
cognitive, and affective competencies, directly impacting educational quality. Soria et al. (2020)
affirm that optimal teacher performance is evident when educators have a strong command of
content, employ effective pedagogical mediation, and use instructional and evaluative resources
tailored to students' needs.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 101-113
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
In this context, Arenas et al. (2021) argue that for effective teaching performance, educators
must possess digital competencies, which enable them to stimulate learning, contextualize con-
tent, and integrate students into the educational process. Cabero & Martínez (2019) highlight
that the Internet provides informational resources and a fast communication platform between
teachers and students. Furthermore, Acosta (2022) emphasizes that integrating the Internet,
multimedia technologies, and gamification is key in virtual teaching, noting the growing support
among teachers for online collaboration, multimedia use, and diversified assessment methods.
On the other hand, Carretero (2021) argues that there is a gap between knowing and doing.
However, various studies and scientific literature have demonstrated that an appropriate ins-
tructional design incorporating technologies offers several pedagogical benefits for more ef-
fective teaching. In this regard, García et al. (2021) emphasize that the use of technologies such
as Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) in higher education presents multiple advantages.
Among these are the ability to reach a larger number of users, as well as providing flexibility in
scheduling, monitoring, and tracking students' learning progress.
Given the above, it can be stated that digital competencies are closely related to teacher per-
formance. Educators must plan and organize their strategies according to educational objecti-
ves, manage available resources, adjust time and school environments, and enhance learning
with the support of technology. This contributes to the development of competencies establis-
hed in the curriculum design, optimizing the educational process, and promoting more effective
learning tailored to current needs.
In this sense, it has been observed that some university professors in Maracaibo, Zulia, Vene-
zuela, exhibit weaknesses in using technological tools, predominantly opting for traditional tea-
ching methods. Despite technological advancements and current market demands, these
teachers tend to repeat familiar methods and focus on student memorization. This situation
may be attributed to a lack of digital competencies, as well as limited access to the internet, di-
gital platforms, and technological equipment—tools essential for significantly improving tea-
ching and learning.
Another relevant aspect is age, as many of these educators are over 50 years old and have not
been technologically literate. Most possess only basic digital skills and need improvement in
searching for information on specialized platforms, using virtual libraries, and managing quality
academic information. This lack of digital skills negatively impacts teachers' performance, af-
fecting their ability to plan and assess their practices, which could, in turn, influence students'
academic performance. Based on the issues described above, the objective of the study was to
establish the relationship between digital competencies and university teacher performance.
The study was based on the positivist paradigm and employed a quantitative approach, as the
primary goal was to measure and analyze the relationship between digital competencies and
Technological competencies and the academic performance of university students
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
106 Savier Fernando Acosta Faneite
teaching performance in a university context. According to Hernández & Mendoza (2018), this
approach allows for the collection and analysis of numerical data, providing a solid foundation
for the objective interpretation of results.
This was a basic research study, aimed at generating theoretical knowledge and a deeper un-
derstanding of the phenomenon under investigation, without the immediate intention of ap-
plying this knowledge in a practical context. The descriptive level, as Arias (2016) explains, offers
a clear and comprehensible view of the variables involved. The study focused on a detailed
characterization of university teachers' digital competencies and their performance, allowing
for a deeper understanding of professors' digital skills and how these influence their academic
The scope of the study was correlational, enabling an examination of the relationship and degree
of association between teachers' digital competencies and their performance. As noted by Her-
nández & Mendoza (2018), this type of study is essential for identifying patterns and connections
between variables without necessarily establishing direct causality.
The study design was field-based, as it was conducted in the location where the problem oc-
curred. Additionally, it was classified as non-experimental because independent variables were
not manipulated but observed as they naturally occurred in their environment. The cross-sec-
tional nature of the design meant that data was collected at a single point in time, offering a
snapshot of the state of digital competencies and teaching performance at a specific moment.
The sample consisted of 87 university students from a public university in Maracaibo, Zulia, Ve-
nezuela. These students were selected through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. This
sampling method was chosen for its ease of access to participants and the feasibility of the
study given the time and resource constraints. Although non-probabilistic, this approach pro-
vided relevant and valuable information about the topic under investigation.
It is important to note that no specific university was mentioned in the study to ensure the ge-
neralization and validity of the results. By not specifying the institution, biases related to specific
university characteristics were avoided, allowing the findings to be applicable to other similar
institutions. This approach minimized confidentiality risks and focused the study on the main
subject rather than institutional details, facilitating comparison with other studies and contribu-
ting to a broader, more generalizable knowledge base.
Inclusion criteria required that participants be university students currently enrolled in higher
education programs at the selected institution, with at least a basic level of digital competencies.
Informed consent was provided to students, detailing the purpose of the study and their rights,
including confidentiality and the option to withdraw if they did not wish to complete the survey.
First-year students were excluded due to their lack of relevant experience with teaching perfor-
mance and digital competencies. Additionally, those unable to provide full informed consent
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 101-113
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
or with limited exposure to digital competencies were excluded to maintain the validity of the
study's results.
For data collection, the survey technique was used, and the instrument was a structured digital
questionnaire containing specific information on the relevant variables, dimensions, and indi-
cators for the study. This enabled a systematic and organized collection of data. The reliability
of the questionnaire was confirmed through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, which yielded a value
of 0.975, indicating high reliability and internal consistency of the instrument used.
The collected data were processed using SPSS version 27, a robust statistical tool that facilitated
a detailed analysis of the relationships between digital competencies and teaching performance.
This software allowed for both descriptive and inferential analyses, providing a solid foundation
for the study's conclusions.
After processing the data, descriptive analyses were conducted to provide an overview of the va-
riables. Subsequently, inferential analysis methods were applied to evaluate the correlation between
digital competencies and university teaching performance. This approach allowed for a detailed
examination of the relationship between the two variables and how they interrelate. Below are the
tables with the results, which clearly illustrate the connection between teachers' digital competencies
and their performance in the university context, offering a comprehensive view of the findings.
Table 1
Digital Competencies
Note: Own elaboration (2024).
Table 1 presents the results for the variable "digital competencies" along with each of its dimen-
sions. It is observed that 85.1% of the respondents consider that professors’ "search and mana-
gement" of information is at a moderate level, while 14.9% express that it is deficient. Regarding
the "information literacy" dimension, 82.8% of the participants believe that teachers have a mo-
derate level, while 17.2% indicate it is deficient.
Technological competencies and the academic performance of university students
Search and
management Information literacy Communication and
development Digital content
F % F % F % F %
Deficient 13 14,9 15 17,2 30 34,5 16 18,4
Moderate 74 85,1 72 82,8 53 60,9 61 70,1
Efficient 0 0 0 0 4 4,6 10 11,5
Total 87 100 87 100 87 100 87 100
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
108 Savier Fernando Acosta Faneite
For the "communication and development" dimension, 60.9% of respondents think that pro-
fessors are at a moderate level, while 34.5% believe it is deficient. Finally, in the "digital content
creation" dimension, 70.1% of respondents state that professors are at a moderate level, with
18.4% considering them deficient.
Table 2
University Professors' Performance
Note: Own elaboration (2024).
Table 2 displays the results for the variable "teaching performance" with its dimensions. It is ob-
served that 50% of the respondents consider that teachers' "content mastery" is at a moderate
level, 30.7% deem it efficient, and 19.3% rate it as deficient. Regarding the "pedagogical me-
diation" dimension, 52.3% view it as moderate, 35.2% consider it efficient, and 12.5% rate it as
For the "use of instructional resources" dimension, 46.6% of respondents place it at a moderate
level, and 38.6% find it efficient; however, 14.8% categorize it as deficient. Finally, in the "con-
textualized evaluation" dimension, 58% of respondents indicate that professors are at a mode-
rate level, 22.7% consider it efficient, and 19.3% rate it as deficient.
Table 3
Correlation between digital competencies and university professors' performance.
Note: Own elaboration (2024).
Niveles Content mastery Pedagogical
Use of instructional
F % F % F % F %
Deficient 17 19,3 11 12,5 12 14,8 17 19,3
Moderate 44 50 45 52,3 41 46,6 51 58
Efficient 26 30,7 31 35,2 34 38,6 19 22,7
Total 87 100 87 100 87 100 87 100
Correlation coefficient 1 0,356**
Significance (Two-tailed) - 0,001
N 87 87
Correlation coefficient 0,356** 1
Significance (Two-tailed) 0,001 -
N 87 87
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 101-113
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Table 3 reflects the results analyzing the relationship between the variables "digital competen-
cies" and "teaching performance" using Spearman's correlation coefficient, a suitable method
for evaluating relationships between ordinal variables or when a normal distribution of data
cannot be assumed. This statistical technique allowed for the measurement of the strength and
direction of the association between the study's variables of interest.
The results show that the Spearman correlation coefficient between digital competencies and tea-
ching performance is 0.356. This value indicates a moderate positive correlation, suggesting that
as digital competencies of teachers increase, their performance tends to improve as well. The two-
tailed significance associated with this coefficient is 0.001, indicating that this correlation is statistically
significant, meaning that the likelihood of this result being obtained by chance is very low.
The Spearman correlation analysis reveals a positive and significant correlation between digital
competencies and teaching performance. This provides empirical evidence of how the deve-
lopment of digital competencies positively impacts the quality of teaching performance. It high-
lights the importance of fostering these skills in the current educational context to improve
teaching effectiveness. The high reliability of the questionnaire used and the detailed data analy-
sis through SPSS software enhance the validity of these findings and provide valuable recom-
mendations for educational practice and institutional policy formulation..
The results obtained in this study support the assertions of Callejas et al. (2016), who emphasize
that digital competencies for educators include a crucial set of knowledge and skills necessary
to effectively integrate technology into the educational environment. These competencies are
fundamental for achieving teaching objectives, enhancing teachers' ability to facilitate learning
and adapt to the demands of the modern educational context.
This aligns with the view of Flores & Garrido (2019), who describe digital competencies as an
organized and creative set of technologies that facilitate student learning. Additionally, Callejas
(2016) argues that digital literacy involves not only the development of skills but also the acqui-
sition of knowledge, attitudes, values, and ethics in the use of ICT, with the aim of maximizing
the use of resources available on the Internet.
Baldomero (2022) highlights that digital competencies for higher education instructors include in-
formation literacy, which encompasses the ability to navigate, filter, evaluate, and manage digital in-
formation. The importance of digital communication and collaboration is also emphasized, involving
online interaction, participation, and collaboration, as well as the use of netiquette and digital identity
management. Digital content creation is another key competency, involving the integration and re-
finement of platforms, content development, and adherence to copyright and licensing regulations.
Acevedo et al. (2020) add that acquiring these digital competencies is crucial in the 21st century,
as it facilitates information searching, collaboration, content creation, and the design of met-
Technological competencies and the academic performance of university students
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
110 Savier Fernando Acosta Faneite
hodological strategies to optimize learning. Castro & Artavia (2020) also highlight how these
skills enhance administrative tasks and teaching organization, promoting the comprehensive
development of students.
Díaz & Loyola (2021) complement this view by noting that digital competencies include internet
searching, data management and evaluation, interpersonal interaction, content creation, and
data protection. Together, these findings underscore the importance of digital competencies,
which extend beyond mere technological tool usage to encompass fundamental aspects ne-
cessary for effective and secure performance in the modern educational environment.
On the other hand, the results obtained regarding teaching performance align with observations
from Acevedo et al. (2020), who highlight that teaching performance manifests in the act of
teaching, considering both the characteristics of students and the efforts required for the tea-
cher's professional growth. This directly impacts student learning.
García & Acosta (2012) argue that the goal of teaching performance is to develop students'
cognitive skills and achieve high educational quality standards through practices adapted to
social realities and student needs, promoting comprehensive development.
Soria et al. (2020) add that teaching performance involves the ability to handle complex clas-
sroom situations, which depends on students' psychosocial resources and the teacher's skills
and attitudes in specific contexts. Optimal performance is demonstrated when the teacher mas-
ters the content, applies effective pedagogical mediation, and utilizes instructional and evalua-
tive resources tailored to student needs.
Acosta & Barrios (2023) complement this view by noting that a good teacher must master the
subjects, prepare lessons adequately, have experience with learning resources, and show respect
for others. Soria et al. (2020) also emphasize the importance of pedagogical mediation in crea-
ting a conducive learning environment, managing content, motivating students, and appro-
priately using educational and technological resources.
Lastly, Cuentas et al. (2021) highlights that other factors positively influencing teaching perfor-
mance include job satisfaction, relationships with students, parents, and administrators, and wi-
llingness to collaborate. In summary, teachers are responsible for seeking, finding, and utilizing
a variety of resources to enrich the learning environment. They must adapt their technological
strategies to motivate students and consider individual learning needs to improve their clas-
sroom performance.
The results show that the Spearman correlation coefficient between digital competencies and
teaching performance is 0.356, indicating a moderate positive correlation. This correlation sug-
gests that as teachers' digital competencies increase, their performance also improves. However,
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 101-113
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
not all teachers fully leverage the advantages and opportunities offered by digital tools, high-
lighting the need to elevate digital competencies to ensure better teaching outcomes. The bi-
lateral significance associated with this coefficient is 0.001, indicating that this correlation is
statistically significant, meaning the probability that this result occurred by chance is very low.
The positive and significant correlation between digital competencies and teaching performance
underscores the importance of enhancing these skills to boost educational quality and profes-
sional performance in the university context. This finding emphasizes that teachers with higher
digital competencies are not only more efficient in integrating technologies into their teaching
methods but also more effective in facilitating learning and adapting to technological and social
changes. Therefore, fostering these competencies is essential for achieving more effective and
enriching education.
To achieve this goal, it is recommended to implement continuous training programs in digital
competencies for university teachers. Educational institutions should invest in technological in-
frastructure and provide adequate resources and technical support to enable teachers to de-
velop and update their digital skills. Additionally, promoting a culture of innovation and
continuous learning, where educators feel motivated and supported to explore new digital tools
and methodologies, is crucial. Regular evaluation and feedback on the use of ICT in the clas-
sroom can also help identify areas for improvement and ensure that digital competencies are
used effectively to enhance teaching performance and, ultimately, educational quality.
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Technological competencies and the academic performance of university students