Experimental spaces for the teaching of
biology in university education
Espacios experimentales para la enseñanza de la
biología en la educación universitaria
How to cite: Bustos, R. N. (2025). Experimental spaces for the teaching of biology in university education.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 45-77. https://doi.org/10.59654/7peppt81
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 6(11), 45-77
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
* PhD Student in Education at the Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel
Zamora (Unellez), Barinas, Venezuela. Master of Science in Educational Sciences, specialization in University
Teaching (Unellez). Bachelors Degree in Education, specialization in Biology and Chemistry, from the Univer-
sidad de los Andes (ULA), Táchira, Venezuela. Bachelors Degree in Education, specialization in Mathematics
(Unellez). Instructor in the Educational Sciences Program at the Extension El Nula de Unellez, Apure, Vene-
zuela. Classroom Teacher at Liceo Bolivariano "Armando Reverón", Caño Regreso, Apure, Venezuela. Contact
Email: natividadbustosrusinque21@gmail.com
Received: September / 6 / 2024 Approved: October / 23 / 2024
Natividad Bustos Rusinque
El Nula, Apure state / Venezuela
The study presents an analysis of the importance of experimental spaces in the teaching of bio-
logy in university classrooms, specifically in the Bachelor's Degree in Education, Biology emphasis,
and Animal Production Engineering. The methodology used was quantitative in nature, with a
descriptive type of research and a non-experimental cross-sectional design, involving a popula-
tion of twenty (20) students. The technique employed was a survey, complemented by observa-
tion. The results revealed weaknesses in practical biology activities, particularly in field trips and
experimental work. These findings suggested responses to real challenges in the biological field,
through the development of skills using tactical elements that foster abilities in thinking, obser-
vation, analysis, integration, organization, creativity, decision-making, problem-solving, reflection,
and evaluation. This was achieved through the planning of objectives, practical exercises, fami-
liarization with phenomena, illustrative activities, concept learning, and research.
Keywords: Biology didactics, university education, experimental spaces, fieldwork, biology teaching.
El estudio presenta un análisis sobre la importancia de los espacios experimentales en la ense-
ñanza de la biología en las aulas universitarias, específicamente en la Licenciatura en Educación
mención Biología e Ingeniería en Producción Animal. La metodología utilizada fue de enfoque
cuantitativo, con una investigación de tipo descriptiva y un diseño no experimental de tipo
transversal, en una población de veinte (20) estudiantes. La técnica empleada fue una encuesta,
complementada con observación. Los resultados revelaron debilidades en la actividad práctica
de biología, especialmente en las salidas de campo y el trabajo experimental. Estos hallazgos
permitieron sugerir respuestas a los desafíos reales del campo biológico, a través del desarrollo
de destrezas con elementos tácticos que fomenten habilidades de pensamiento, observación,
análisis, integración, organización, creatividad, toma de decisiones, resolución de problemas,
reflexión y evaluación, mediante la planeación de objetivos, ejercicios prácticos, familiarización
con fenómenos, actividades ilustrativas, aprendizaje de conceptos e investigaciones.
Palabras clave: Didáctica de la biología, educación universitaria, espacios experimentales, trabajos
de campo, enseñanza de la biología.
University processes have evolved in response to emerging expectations and needs over time,
adapting their methodologies to the changes that arise. A clear example of this evolution is
biology, whose development has been significant since its popularization in the 19th century.
The term "biology" was promoted by the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who sought
to integrate various disciplines related to the study of life forms. However, the foundations of
biology date back to Aristotle's era, around 350 B.C., when the groundwork for studying living
organisms was already laid.
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
46 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 45-57
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Experimental spaces for the teaching of biology in university education
As biology is a natural science dedicated to the study of life and associated phenomena, its
teaching relies on a combination of theory and experimental applications, often materialized in
laboratory practices. This ongoing evolution in the field requires constant adaptation of edu-
cational strategies to keep pace with scientific and technological advancements. Thus, the need
to reconceptualize pedagogical methodologies in biology becomes essential, ensuring that
education in this science adequately reflects current developments and prepares students to
face contemporary challenges.
However, today, many universities face economic challenges that hinder the provision of suitable
laboratories and spaces for practical biology teaching. In this context, it is crucial for educators
to find ways to bring students closer to authentic scientific experiences through creative adap-
tations that simulate these learning environments. In this way, the loss of praxis in this funda-
mental area for understanding vital phenomena can be avoided.
Moreover, biology laboratories must be flexible in their use of biological materials and the ap-
plication of experimental practices. Nowadays, various accessible and recyclable resources,
adapted to the institution's environment, are employed to fulfill the empirical procedures ne-
cessary for student training. Therefore, experimental activity plays a crucial role in biology tea-
ching, providing a solid theoretical foundation while developing practical skills and abilities, as
noted by López & Tamayo (2012).
A fundamental strategy in biology, from a pedagogical perspective, is experimental work, which
becomes a key tool when teaching biology and natural sciences in general. Its importance lies
primarily in the ability to corroborate, in some cases simply and appropriately, many of the biolo-
gical phenomena studied in theory. Additionally, it allows students to approach biology not from
the abstractness of science but from a perspective focused on real and everyday experiences.
When students can engage in experimental activities, they not only confirm concepts but also
construct their knowledge through action, a process that enables them to pose problems, en-
hance qualitative analyses, formulate hypotheses, design experiments in a planned manner, in-
terpret results, rethink ideas, acquire multidisciplinary contributions in other fields of knowledge,
and preserve scientific records, among other epistemological criteria in professional training,
which they will later experience as educators if they enter the field of education, as described
by Lorenzo (2020).
From this perspective, it is essential for practices to become indispensable elements for students,
who will, in the future, become presenters of the experiences their training allowed them to live
in order to face the challenges of the professional field, promoting a deeper and more lasting
understanding of the principles. Therefore, it is established in both secondary and undergra-
duate education curricula to include theoretical and practical hours. However, this praxis implies
a symbiosis of traditional didactic models, discovery-based, and constructivist approaches, with
the latter giving it a sense of social construction, making it a flexible process in open spaces, as
Guirado (2016) states.
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
48 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
According to Parada (2023), different paradigm shifts have promoted educational methodolo-
gies where the student is an active element with collaborative construction. The empirical pro-
cess, as part of this shift, allows for the intertwining of didactic models with relevant strategies,
aiming to achieve, at a minimum, the generic competencies of "skills that enable students to
respond to the needs of the context in which they find themselves" (Pineda, 2021, p. 10). These
are part of a compendium of didactic strategies at the upper secondary level with approaches
to reality, searching, organizing, selecting information, discovery, extrapolation, transfer, pro-
blematization, creative divergent and lateral thinking processes with collaborative work, as noted
by Caicedo et al. (2017).
It is now about approaching a space for practice from the epistemology involved in the empirical
educational function, as this is where teachers contribute to reflective action on science, from
pedagogical and meta-scientific thinking, within their role as observers, as Zorrilla et al. (2022)
indicate. This is evoked as biology graduates, who are teachers, are called to venture into diverse
spaces—natural conditions, origin, development, structure, heredity, and other aspects of plant
and animal organisms. Hence, experimental activity is an inescapable aspect, though the pro-
blems and challenges of university situations in Venezuela are numerous, including the lack of
laboratories in new areas or the need to equip existing ones:
At present, it is not a metaphor to say that the infrastructure of our universities is falling
apart, as the advanced state of deterioration and abandonment of university facilities
by the authorities is undeniable. This is to the point where even classrooms do not meet
the minimum conditions for the exercise of teaching functions (Leal, 2019, p. 1)
Considering the author's statement, it is evident that laboratories, sports facilities, cultural spaces,
and production areas, among others, require new alternatives for their use as strategies, unders-
tanding that the university faces a complexity of different approaches that are not strictly budgetary
but also involve other aspects. In this case, it is of interest to address teaching practice, where efforts
must be directed towards new experiences that require adjustments in time, resources, didactic
content, and even attitudes to give laboratories the place they demand in science learning.
In this context, the National Experimental University of the Western Plains "Ezequiel Zamora" (Une-
llez), as a university institution in the Llanos region, faces the challenge of revitalizing its learning
spaces. Although the facilities lack fully equipped laboratories, the Education degree with a mention
in Biology and the Animal Production Engineering program offer a variety of subprojects covering
key areas of biology, such as general biology, ecology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, cell
biology, plant biology, biotechnology, and animal biology.
These subprojects integrate both theoretical and practical content and represent a valuable expe-
riential alternative for experimental learning. Despite current limitations, these efforts seek to make
the most of available resources, adapting teaching methodologies to provide enriching experiences
that compensate for the infrastructure and resource deficit and adequately prepare students to
face challenges in the field of biology.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 45-57
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
This article focuses on analyzing the importance of experimental spaces for teaching biology in
university classrooms and the strategic direction that can be given through contextualized modules,
as key elements in the educational field where there is a lack of laboratories. First, experimental
spaces are highlighted as places dedicated to activities involving objects and phenomena, based
on didactic dimensions, functioning, and indispensable resources. The foundation is based on the
existence of curricula with biological subprojects in the Biology Education and Animal Production
Engineering programs, where a lack of praxis is anticipated.
Secondly, the study of biology is addressed as a conceptual and empirical component that deals
with living organisms and their characteristics, through experimental work involving elements such
as objectives, exercises, familiarity with phenomena, illustrative activities, learning concepts, and in-
vestigations, as adapted from Leite and Figueroa’s (2004) classification. They emphasize the acces-
sibility of understanding theoretical explanations through practical work and the increasingly
prominent presence of such work in university classrooms.
Finally, the need for teachers to adopt routes for experimentation is discussed. This can be achieved
through the development of modules that can be used as experimental spaces, thus expanding
the range of flexible options available in biology. “It is essential to conceive educational activities
that are attractive and challenging for students” (Puche, 2024, p. 7). This is all grounded in opera-
tional work with dimensions quantified and reinforced by observation as a means to highlight stu-
dent experiences in university classrooms, within the framework of discussion and result analysis.
The research adopts a quantitative approach, in line with Hernández et al. (2014), using nume-
rical and graphical measures to analyze relevant variables. This is a field study based on data
collected directly from the real-world environment and is descriptive in nature, providing detai-
led interpretations of the observed phenomenon, according to Palella & Martins (2012). The
methodological design is non-experimental, as per Hernández & Mendoza (2018), which means
the objective is to analyze the state of a variable through description; it is also cross-sectional,
allowing for the observation of phenomena in their natural context: Unellez, El Nula Extension,
and the collection of data at a single point in time.
The census sample consists of 20 students from the Animal Production Engineering program
and the Biology specialization in the Education degree, representing areas of biology with ex-
perimental activity. Data collection was carried out using a structured questionnaire with 25
items, focusing on variables such as experimental spaces and aspects of experimental work in
biology. The questionnaire covers didactic, functional, and resource dimensions, with closed-
ended questions for precise and detailed evaluation.
From the perspective outlined above, validation was carried out through content expert judg-
ment. This means the measurement instrument designed for information collection was sub-
mitted for consideration and analysis by three experts with knowledge in the area of study and
Experimental spaces for the teaching of biology in university education
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
50 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
research methodology, to assess criteria such as relevance, coherence, clarity, dimension, and in-
dicators, as well as proper wording.
It is important to highlight the use of processing techniques for information analysis at its initial lo-
gical stage, with bibliographic reviews of previous research related to the studied dimensions. The
methodological phase allowed the structuring of the instrument to operate in terms of organizing,
tabulating, and analyzing the data obtained through descriptive statistics. Therefore, the significance
of experimental spaces is addressed by the logical connection found between the reality in university
classrooms and the theoretical structures presented by some authors, alongside the empirical need
in biology teaching.
The following tables present the results of the dimensions and indicators in frequencies, per-
centages, and interpretations according to the emphasis of the structured items in the survey.
Table 1
Didactic dimension.
Source: Developed by the author (2024). Note: Information from the instrument applied to students.
The data in Table 1 shows significant variability in students' perceptions of the didactic dimension
of their education. In terms of “strategy,” only 40% of students believe that experimentation is
used effectively in the teaching process, while 60% feel otherwise. The frequency of field trips
is even lower, with only 30% of students reporting them, compared to 70% who do not. Addi-
tionally, the promotion of experimental work is also insufficient, with 60% of negative responses
compared to 40% positive. However, 80% of students highly value the inclusion of experiential
learning, contrasting with the 20% who do not consider it relevant. Regarding strategies for ac-
quiring empirical knowledge, 55% of students acknowledge their use, while 45% do not.
In the “technique” category, only 35% of students report the inclusion of experimental activities
as part of pedagogical techniques, while 65% do not observe them. Concerning the develop-
Indicator Emphasis Yes (%) No (%)
Use of experiments. 40 60
Presence of field trips. 30 70
Promotion of experimental work. 40 60
Consideration of experiential learning. 80 20
Strategies applied to acquire empirical knowledge. 55 45
Technique Presence of experimental activities as a pedagogical technique. 35 65
Contents Development of programmatic content in a theoretical-practical manner. 55 45
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 45-57
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
ment of “content,” 55% of students believe that it is addressed through a theoretical-practical
approach, compared to 45% who do not perceive it that way. These findings indicate an urgent
need to strengthen the integration of experimental strategies and techniques into teaching, as
well as to improve the implementation of experiential and practical activities in the curriculum.
Addressing these areas could help align teaching with students' expectations and foster more
meaningful and effective learning.
Table 2
Functionality and resources dimension
Source: Developed by the author (2024). Note: Information from the instrument applied to students.
Table 2 shows the realities of the conditions of the "functionality and resources of experimental
spaces" dimension. Regarding the "structure" indicator, 100% of students acknowledged the ab-
sence of adequate structures for experimental activities. The same occurred with the "didactic
materials" indicator, where 100% of students perceived a lack of necessary materials for con-
ducting biology practices. Additionally, 90% of students expressed the need for a physical space
and materials to conduct experiments, while 10% did not see this as necessary.
For the "human talent" indicator, 25% of students noted the presence of biology or natural
sciences specialist teachers, compared to 75% who did not observe this potential. These results
highlight a significant deficiency in human resources, which is crucial for making experimental
spaces functional. Among the few existing teachers with this specialty, 85% were positively rated
for their effectiveness in experimental activities, according to the students, while 15% lacked this
skill set in biology. As for the "financial resources" indicator, all students (100%) reported the ab-
sence of financial resources for experimental activities.
These findings reveal a lack of didactic materials, human talent, and financial resources, which
undoubtedly exceed the influence of individual teachers to resolve. However, exploring alter-
natives in different contexts is the closest approach to integrating direct contact with experi-
mentation, aiming to reconceptualize learning through solutions adapted to the institutional
Experimental spaces for the teaching of biology in university education
Indicator Emphasis Yes (%) No (%)
Structure Presence of an adequate structure for experimental activities. 0 100
Availability of necessary materials for conducting biology practices. 0 100
Need for physical space and materials to carry out experiments.. 90 10
Availability of specialized teachers in biology or natural sciences. 25 75
Teachers respond assertively to experimentation. 85 15
resources Availability of financial resources for experimental activities. 0 100
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
52 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
Table 3
Experimental work dimension
Source: Developed by the author (2023). Note: Information from the instrument applied to students.
Table 3 highlights the results of the "experimental work" dimension. For the "objectives" indicator,
100% of students affirmed that experimental work contributes to achieving specific goals, de-
monstrating the connection between these practices and essential objectives guiding such ac-
tions. Following this, the "exercises" indicator showed that 90% of students believed this work
aids in the proper use of laboratory equipment, while 10% disagreed. This is directly related to
the low percentage of engagement in exercises involving phenomena, with only 40% confirming
their participation, compared to 60% who did not perceive this integration in the teaching pro-
The "familiarization with phenomena" indicator revealed that 45% of students felt familiar with
important biological phenomena, whereas 55% did not observe this practical potential. Furt-
hermore, the lack of repeated experiments to gain familiarity with these experiences is significant,
with only 35% engaging in such practices, while 65% did not. Regarding "illustrative activities,"
40% of students recognized the presence of such activities for explaining experimental work,
contrasted by 60% who did not. However, 100% of students considered these illustrative activities
as helpful in acquiring knowledge.
Concerning the "concept learning" indicator, all students (100%) acknowledged that illustrative
activities contribute to acquiring knowledge in experimental practices. Additionally, 85% viewed
this learning as a strength in building biological vocabulary, compared to 15% who disagreed.
Indicator Emphasis Yes (%) No (%)
Objectives Experimental work contributes to achieving objectives. 100 0
The development of experimental exercises allows for understanding the
proper use of laboratory implements and equipment. 90 10
Integration of activities with the exercise of experimental work. 40 60
Familiarization with important biological phenomena. 45 55
Replication of experiments by biologists to become familiar with their
experiences. 35 65
Presence of illustrative activities to explain experimental work. 40 60
Illustrative activities help in acquiring knowledge. 100 0
Experimental work contributes to the significance of concepts. 100 0
Learning concepts strengthens vocabulary in biology. 85 15
Experience with some experimental study of a biological phenomenon. 0 100
Research contributes to self-learning. 65 35
Conducting research as part of content development. 45 55
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 45-57
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Lastly, the table reflects the "research" indicator, where 100% of students admitted not conducting
biological research to resolve issues, especially in environments like the university, where there
is a shift from pedagogical to andragogical processes. Moreover, 65% of students believed re-
search contributes to self-learning, while 35% did not. This aligns with the low occurrence of
research as part of content development, with 55% acknowledging its presence and 45% affir-
ming that research plays a fundamental role in professional training.
These data reveal low levels of empirical skills, where students miss opportunities to connect
theoretical and illustrative content through problem-solving, research, and authentic inquiry.
Next, as an annex to the indicators specified above, a table is presented detailing specific mo-
dules suggested for planning experimental spaces, emphasizing contextualized approaches:
Table 4
Suggested Modules as Routes for Experimentation
Source: Developed by the author (2024).
Table 4 shows the results of suggested modules for practical activities, involving the creation of routes
that integrate natural spaces and industries processing raw materials, such as meat, dairy, water
treatment, and food production, among others. Additionally, it emphasizes the use of household or
everyday materials to represent biological processes, leveraging the resources available within the
university's institutional environment. For more complex biological processes, the need arises to co-
llaborate with other facilities, such as educational, analytical, or veterinary medicine laboratories, as
these environments are essential for developing specific content. The invitation is undoubtedly to
seek social elements to integrate into experimental activities, both within and outside the institution.
Experimental spaces for the teaching of biology in university education
Modules Emphasis
Curriculum study for teachers to design
experimentation routes.
Identify within the curricula of the Bachelor's programs in Biology
and Animal Production Engineering the subprojects with biological
applications, so that teachers can outline viable spaces for experi-
mentation in subprojects such as General Biology, Cellular Biology,
Plant Biology, Animal Biology, Biochemistry, Ecology, Genetics, and
Experimentation work in natural envi-
Hikes, field explorations, direct observations, construction of insec-
taries or other types of biological samples.
Experimentation in local processing
Guided tours, direct observations, handling of raw material proces-
sing equipment (water, dairy, meat…), extraction of biological sam-
ples, and connection with public and private entities related to
hygiene and food handling.
Experimentation work with household
Homemade experiments, direct observation of illustrations, videos,
consultations of digital materials.
Experimentation work under the micros-
cope, in external environments.
Case studies, requests for permission to access nearby environ-
ments with microscopes, direct observations in clinical and animal
medicine laboratories, collection of biological samples.
© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
54 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
The results reveal that a significant majority of students identify weaknesses in the practical bio-
logy activities, particularly in the use of experiments, field trips, and experimental work. These
deficiencies are largely attributed to the lack of adequate infrastructure, didactic materials, re-
agents, financial resources, and specialized biology personnel. This finding underscores the de-
pendence of experimental practice on both academic infrastructure and the availability of
material and human resources, as noted by Muschietti et al. (2017).
Furthermore, the limited planning of didactic elements for biology practice reflects a deficiency
in techniques, strategies, and content. The selection of these elements should not be rigid but
adaptable based on the teachers knowledge, conceptions, and values, as argued by Bermúdez
& Ocelli (2020). The lack of systematic planning and adequate resources reinforces the insuffi-
ciencies observed in experimental practice. The role of the teacher involves adapting content
to the social, ecological, and cultural realities of the students, responding to an educational
context, as outlined by Aragón & Cabarcas (2023).
Experimental activity must go beyond merely transmitting curricular content for the teaching-
learning process in science due to its theoretical foundation and contribution to skill and com-
petence development, according to Gener et al. (2022). It is crucial that experimental practice is
not limited to demonstrating phenomena but rather facilitates experiences that connect concepts
to problem-solving. This involves creating new learning contexts, utilizing experiential elements,
and even digital devices to rethink experimentation through the lens of nature and society.
The factors associated with studying biology through experimental work, such as objectives,
exercises, familiarization with phenomena, illustrative activities, and concept learning, are present
but in minimal conditions. These elements should be promoted in teaching practice to strengt-
hen procedural and conceptual learning, using sensory and instructional processes to test and
contrast results. Zorrilla et al. (2022) highlight the importance of this approach in improving ex-
perimental activity.
The construction of knowledge in experimental spaces should be based on problem-posing
questions that challenge the information obtained by confronting it with prior knowledge. Re-
search suggests that this approach is key to problem-solving, allowing students to formulate
strategies and methodologies grounded in result validation and procedure reformulation, the-
reby bringing them closer to scientific practice. The teacher's proposal should involve teaching
through the representation of disciplinary content as a technique, skill, or attitude, within the
context of educational processes (Lorenzo, 2020).
Finally, considering the scenarios proposed as routes for experimentation, we can refer to Pu-
che's (2024) criteria: the inclusion of contextualized learning with content that connects with
students' realities and experiences creates a link to their immediate environment and everyday
life. This fosters a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the topics discussed.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(11), 45-57
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
It is concluded that experimental spaces are vital because they establish a connection between
didactics, resources, and teaching plans. Therefore, in natural sciences like biology, the combi-
nation of strategies with traditional models, discovery-based learning, and constructivist ap-
proaches allows educators to explore student potential beyond the mere integration of unilateral
In response to the study of biology from both a conceptual and empirical perspective, the pre-
sence of experimental spaces in university classrooms revealed that having a specialist teacher
in the area is essential. A teacher who comprehensively understands the subject matter can
clearly discern the flexibility or inflexibility of biological phenomena in contextualized spaces.
This is particularly important because complex biological processes often require specific con-
ditions for their management.
It was found that teachers strive to relate experimental pedagogies with theoretical founda-
tions. However, the lack of resources and insufficient planning systems in terms of strategies
and techniques in biological subprojects results in theory dominating over practice in the de-
velopment of programmatic content. Additionally, students have limited connection with ac-
tivities that develop skills, procedural knowledge, and conceptual learning, particularly in
relation to familiarization, illustration, and scientific methodologies when studying biological
In terms of establishing functional areas within experimental spaces, external vectors were map-
ped, highlighting the institution's potential through the study of modules aimed at fostering a
marked exponential curve in the acquisition of practical knowledge. There should be an inclusion
of natural and social environments to open up practices through alternative routes. The idea
stems from an invitation extended to biology teachers to make experimental spaces a corners-
tone in shaping the graduate profile.
Indeed, the importance of experimental work in the education of undergraduate students in
the Bachelors Degree in Education with a specialization in Biology or in Animal Production En-
gineering lies in the fact that practical activities develop skills that allow students to perceive
tactical elements that enhance their abilities in thinking, observation, analysis, integration, or-
ganization, creativity, decision-making, problem-solving, reflection, and evaluation. This makes
experimental work a necessary activity for those training to become future professionals, par-
ticularly in the educational environment, enabling them to transcend the cognitive idea of ex-
perimentation into countless other environments.
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56 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
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Experimental spaces for the teaching of biology in university education