© 2025, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
48 Natividad Bustos Rusinque
According to Parada (2023), different paradigm shifts have promoted educational methodolo-
gies where the student is an active element with collaborative construction. The empirical pro-
cess, as part of this shift, allows for the intertwining of didactic models with relevant strategies,
aiming to achieve, at a minimum, the generic competencies of "skills that enable students to
respond to the needs of the context in which they find themselves" (Pineda, 2021, p. 10). These
are part of a compendium of didactic strategies at the upper secondary level with approaches
to reality, searching, organizing, selecting information, discovery, extrapolation, transfer, pro-
blematization, creative divergent and lateral thinking processes with collaborative work, as noted
by Caicedo et al. (2017).
It is now about approaching a space for practice from the epistemology involved in the empirical
educational function, as this is where teachers contribute to reflective action on science, from
pedagogical and meta-scientific thinking, within their role as observers, as Zorrilla et al. (2022)
indicate. This is evoked as biology graduates, who are teachers, are called to venture into diverse
spaces—natural conditions, origin, development, structure, heredity, and other aspects of plant
and animal organisms. Hence, experimental activity is an inescapable aspect, though the pro-
blems and challenges of university situations in Venezuela are numerous, including the lack of
laboratories in new areas or the need to equip existing ones:
At present, it is not a metaphor to say that the infrastructure of our universities is falling
apart, as the advanced state of deterioration and abandonment of university facilities
by the authorities is undeniable. This is to the point where even classrooms do not meet
the minimum conditions for the exercise of teaching functions (Leal, 2019, p. 1)
Considering the author's statement, it is evident that laboratories, sports facilities, cultural spaces,
and production areas, among others, require new alternatives for their use as strategies, unders-
tanding that the university faces a complexity of different approaches that are not strictly budgetary
but also involve other aspects. In this case, it is of interest to address teaching practice, where efforts
must be directed towards new experiences that require adjustments in time, resources, didactic
content, and even attitudes to give laboratories the place they demand in science learning.
In this context, the National Experimental University of the Western Plains "Ezequiel Zamora" (Une-
llez), as a university institution in the Llanos region, faces the challenge of revitalizing its learning
spaces. Although the facilities lack fully equipped laboratories, the Education degree with a mention
in Biology and the Animal Production Engineering program offer a variety of subprojects covering
key areas of biology, such as general biology, ecology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, cell
biology, plant biology, biotechnology, and animal biology.
These subprojects integrate both theoretical and practical content and represent a valuable expe-
riential alternative for experimental learning. Despite current limitations, these efforts seek to make
the most of available resources, adapting teaching methodologies to provide enriching experiences
that compensate for the infrastructure and resource deficit and adequately prepare students to
face challenges in the field of biology.