Education in the use of artificial
intelligence through prompt
Eduética en el uso de la inteligencia artificial
a través de la ingeniería de prompts
How to cite: Torrealba, D. J. D. (2024). Education in the use of artificial intelligence through
prompt engineering. Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 245-249.
Juditas Delany Torrealba Dugarte*
Guasdualito, Apure state / Venezuela
* Essay published within the framework of the Doctorate in Education at the Universidad Nacional Experimental
de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (Unellez).
** PhD Student in Education, Unellez, Apure - Venezuela. M.Sc. in Education with a Mention in University Teaching,
Professor in Integral Education (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador). Specialist in Administrative Law,
Universidad Católica del Táchira - Venezuela. Doctor in Legal Sciences, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Pos-
tdoctorate in Philosophy of Sciences and Research, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe. Undergraduate and
Advanced Studies Teacher, Unellez, Barinas and Apure. Email:
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 245-249
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Received: February / 16 / 2024 Reviewed: February / 20 / 2024 Approved: April / 4 /2024
The present essay aims to address the topic of ethical education in the use of Artificial Intelli-
gence (AI) through Prompt Engineering. AI represents a constantly growing and evolving dis-
cipline, seeking to endow machines with human-like capabilities such as learning, perception,
and reasoning. Prompt Engineering, on the other hand, refers to the technique used to guide
and control the behavior of artificial intelligence systems through specific instructions. In this
sense, it is essential to analyze the importance of eduethics, i.e., ethics applied to education, in
the context of artificial intelligence, to ensure a responsible and beneficial use of this technology
in various fields.
Eduethics, Artificial Intelligence, Prompt Engineering.
El presente ensayo tiene como objetivo abordar el tema de la educación ética en el uso de la
Inteligencia Artificial (IA) a través de la Ingeniería de Prompts. La IA representa una disciplina
en constante crecimiento y desarrollo, que busca dotar a las máquinas de capacidades humanas
como el aprendizaje, la percepción y el razonamiento. La Ingeniería de Prompts, por su parte,
se refiere a la técnica utilizada para guiar y controlar el comportamiento de los sistemas de in-
teligencia artificial mediante instrucciones específicas. En este sentido, resulta fundamental ana-
lizar la importancia de la eduética, es decir, la ética aplicada a la educación, en el contexto de
la inteligencia artificial, para asegurar un uso responsable y beneficioso de esta tecnología en
diversos ámbitos.
Palabras clave:
Eduetica, Inteligencia Artificial, Ingeniería de Prompts.
Education in the use of artificial intelligence through prompt engineering
In today's rapidly evolving world, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through large Natural Lan-
guage Models (NLMs) is becoming increasingly common across various disciplines. This trend
makes it essential for the current educational sector to be proficient in utilizing AI. However, the
rise in AI use, coupled with the lack of proper instruction in AI, has led to the distorted use of
Natural Language Models such as CHAT GPT, BING, PERPLEXITY, GEMINI, AITHOR, among ot-
hers. This has resulted in significant consequences, particularly in the generation of prompts in
a specific manner or their large-scale use under a wide range of orders (Prompt Engineering).
The unfair application of AI, especially when it is not cited as a source of consultation or its ar-
guments are not verified for reliability, poses a manifest risk in the Facilitator-Participant rela-
tionship. A Facilitator-AI-Participant triad is created, which, without the proper knowledge of
Prompt Engineering by the educator, can push the Facilitator into a completely passive role.
This prevents the generation of critical contributions in the teaching-learning process amidst
the unstoppable use of Artificial Intelligence currently occurring.
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Juditas Delany Torrealba Dugarte
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 245-249
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
This essay will argue that education in the use of AI is necessary and that Prompt Engineering
can help improve education through the application of AI, as well as prevent the misuse of te-
chnology. However, there are also opposing views that maintain that education involving AI in-
teraction is neither necessary nor efficient in all educational settings. Additionally, misuse of AI
can still occur repeatedly, even with proper knowledge of the tools that comprise Prompt En-
gineering and the types of prompts that should be requested from the language model.AI is
becoming increasingly common in many sectors of daily life (both academic and professional),
making training in its ordinary application necessary. Various scientific fields are already using
AI to enhance efficiency and accuracy. As a result, the demand for professionals with AI skills
and the potential of students and facilitators in this field is increasing. Without technical know-
ledge, a large sector of society may struggle to adapt immediately to the changing academic
and professional world surrounded by Artificial Intelligence, making this knowledge crucial for
the present and future professional workforce.
However, although Artificial Intelligence through the use of Natural Language Models (NLM)
provides immediate answers to questions much faster than the basic thought process generated
by humans, intellectuals like Chomsky, linguist Roberts, and AI expert Watumull (2023) have ex-
pressed that:
...the "supposedly revolutionary" advances presented by AI developers are a source of
"both optimism and concern." On the optimistic side, these advancements can be useful
in solving certain problems. However, on the concerning side, "we fear that the most
popular and trendy variety of artificial intelligence (machine learning) may degrade our
science and debase our ethics by incorporating into technology a fundamentally flawed
conception of language and knowledge.
As useful as these programs may be in specific areas (such as computer programming,
for example, or suggesting rhymes for light verse), we know from the science of linguis-
tics and the philosophy of knowledge that they differ profoundly from the way humans
reason and use language (p. 13).
This therefore leads to a duality in the rise of Artificial Intelligence and consequently the mode
of reasoning presented by the use of Prompt Engineering. Regarding the critical factors that
characterize and represent human-machine interaction, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) into the educational context can be compared to the phenomenon described by Hannah
Arendt as the “banality of evil.Arendt (2013) asserts that some individuals act within the rules
of the system to which they belong without reflecting on their actions. They do not worry about
the consequences of their actions, only about following orders. The mechanization that AI
through Prompt Engineering can provide may yield similar results.
On another note, authors like Margaret Boden, Ray Kurzweil, and Eliezer Yudkowsky have emp-
hasized the importance of AI and Prompt Engineering as significant tools for the advancement
of humanity. Boden, an AI specialist at the University of Sussex, Kurzweil, Director of AI at Google,
Education in the use of artificial intelligence through prompt engineering
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Juditas Delany Torrealba Dugarte
and Yudkowsky, an AI expert known for his theory of Friendly AI, have highlighted the potential
benefits of these technologies.
However, Boden (2023), from a more conservative perspective, argues that balance is necessary.
She asserts that we must differentiate between the knowledge of AI and the wisdom that the
human mind has developed over its evolution. In this context, embracing the precepts of these
authors gives rise to the concept of Eduethics, a set of principles aimed at maintaining balance
between technological advances and human knowledge.
Therefore, Prompt Engineering can help improve education oriented towards AI knowledge by
providing a structured approach to designing these advances with integrity and efficiency. Edu-
cators can identify areas where students may need additional support with the assistance of AI.
By using Prompt Engineering, educators can create a curriculum that meets the needs of all
students and prepares them for the future academic and professional market. It is in this di-
mensioning of Eduethics in AI applicable to Prompt Engineering that the opinion of researcher
Bryson (2024) is relevant, who states that:
Ethics in AI goes beyond being a mere theoretical discourse; it is a fundamental pillar for
keeping our society united. Ethics presents itself as a form of policy that can be improved
through greater scientific and social knowledge. By adopting a human-centered, transparent,
safe, and responsible approach, we ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits people and
the planet (p.2).
Thus, ethics, when focused strictly on education, can help prevent the misuse of technology,
which can have severe consequences, including discrimination and bias. Educated individuals
are less likely to misuse AI and more likely to use it responsibly and coherently, avoiding Arendt's
(2013) concept of banality, as previously explained, and instead generating a collective benefit.
Education in AI may not be necessary for all fields, especially in the social sciences, where it is
crucial to look through various critical perspectives at major social issues and reflect on them.
Thus, a balanced approach to AI as an auxiliary, a support, a helper to facilitate certain tasks,
does not imply that it replaces human thought entirely. Issuing orders or prompts often should
provide referential scenarios rather than conclusive elements, given that all environments and
groups are heterogeneous.
Therefore, eduethics dictates that the educational realm must uphold a series of values to sustain
a healthy interaction with Artificial Intelligence, such as:
Equity: AI through Prompt Engineering should be used equitably and without discrimi-
Transparency: AI systems should be transparent and understandable to users, avoiding
prompts that may cause confusion.
Privacy: Personal data must be protected.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 245-249
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Responsibility: Those responsible for using AI in education must be accountable for
their decisions, ensuring that the orders given do not exceed what is requested.
By basing eduethics on these fundamental values, the necessary balance in the teacher-AI-stu-
dent relationship can be promoted. Factors like student information should only be collected
for specific educational purposes with the consent of students or their parents, and data should
be anonymized. Additionally, orders and prompts should be designed to minimize bias and be
regularly audited to detect and correct biases that could affect the validity of the information
Eduethics also aims to inform students about the use of AI in education. It seeks to create re-
gulations clarifying that AI is a helper, not a tool for triviality, establishing mechanisms for lodging
complaints and claims regarding its distorted use. In the realm of research, students should
learn about AI's potential and the ethical risks and challenges of its misuse. They must also be
critical and authentic about the outputs provided by AI, recognizing that these outputs are neit-
her infallible nor entirely reliable. It is essential to eradicate the glorification of cheating through
the use of orders or prompts and instead build a fully transparent scenario that allows for proper
In conclusion, this essay has outlined the impact of AI, addressing various terms, critical stances
from both detractors and proponents, its effect on education, and the need for ethical alignment
for its existence. The author asserts that AI has the potential to improve education in many
ways, but it also presents challenges that must be considered. Only through constructing models
designed for its use can these be addressed effectively.
Arendt, H. (2013). Eichmann en Jerusalén. Vigésima Edición. Random House Mondadori.
Boden, M. (2023). Inteligencia Artificial. Quinta Edición Turner Publicaciones.
Bryson, J. (2024) ¿Podemos confiar en la inteligencia artificial? Find AI Tools.
Chomsky, N., Roberts, I. & Watumull, J. (2023, marzo 08). The false Promise of Chat GPT. Opinión.
New York Times. 08 de marzo de 2023.
Kurzweil, R. (2023). La singularidad está cerca. Segunda Edición. Editorial Cabrera Mc.
Tsyvinskyi, K. (2023). Prompt Engineering. Guía Completa. Con Ejemplos Prácticos. Amazon Digital Ser-
vices LLC – Kdp.
Education in the use of artificial intelligence through prompt engineering