Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Virtual education in Nicaragua: A challenge for university teachers
distance, as well as the appropriation and utilization of technological tools and methodo-
logies designed for digital environments—a considerable challenge for us educators to
make the class dynamic and interactive, which is often lacking in traditional education. Ta-
king into account that the majority of students nowadays possess smart devices and in-
ternet access, optimizing the learning process through the use of existing technological
Palloff & Pratt (2001), two specialists in virtual education, note that their experience with online
teaching has significantly changed how they approach students in a traditional classroom. They
no longer focus their teaching work on oral presentations of content from books; instead, they
assume that students can read this content. As a result, the class is conceived as a space to sti-
mulate collaborative and autonomous work.
The widespread emergence of digital media and technologies used in education has led to a di-
verse range of terms, such as distributed education, e-learning, virtual education, online educa-
tion, blended learning, and mobile learning (Verdún, 2016). This surge in technologies enriches
the virtual education system.
Moodle is one of the most popular platforms, emerging as a result of collaborative efforts by
developers who worked on open-source code, turning it into a user-friendly learning manage-
ment system. It is a free online learning management system that enables educators to create
private websites filled with dynamic courses, extending learning at any time and from anywhere,
catering to the needs of both teachers and students.
In the quest to understand the new challenges that university educators face in developing their
virtual classes, previous works were found, as described below:
Mentioning the authors Guaña et al. (2015), they assert that:
In the nineties, new technological trends emerged, such as networks, communications, the
internet, among others, which gradually found a place in educational and learning processes.
This marked the beginning of access to faster, more eloquent, and economical communica-
tion. In certain cases, people challenged technological boundaries. That is why, in the early
1991, Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments (VLE) offered spaces in growing computer net-
works as well as in digital technology" (p.7).
Building on the above, Mera & Mercado (2019), in their research article on distance learning
and teaching, affirm that in virtual education:
It primarily relies on internet devices, assuming the use and exchange of information obtai-
ned between the teacher and students virtually, either via email or platforms specifically
created for this purpose. Through these, students review and download class materials, sub-
mit assignments, and even collaborate with their classmates (p.5).