Virtual education in Nicaragua:
A challenge for university teachers
La educación virtual en Nicaragua:
Un reto del docente universitario
How to cite: Mejía, R. S. A. (2024). Virtual education in Nicaragua: A challenge for university teachers.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159.
Sergio Alberto Mejía Rivera*
Sabana Grande, Managua / Nicaragua
* Master's in University Teaching, University of Technology and Commerce (UNITEC). Bachelor's degree in Educa-
tional Sciences with a focus on Educational Informatics, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN).
Bachelor's degree in Electronics, UNAN. Professor of Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Electronics, Digital Circuits,
University of Technology and Commerce, Nicaragua. Email:
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
Received: November / 24 / 2023 Reviewed: November / 28 / 2023 Approved: January / 18 /2024
The article addresses the challenges that teachers face in higher education to enhance student
knowledge through digital platforms. The importance of dedication and training for both students
and teachers is emphasized, as they must foster a dynamic environment. The research was based
on a quantitative methodology, surveying teachers in virtual environments to analyze skills, know-
ledge, and challenges. These challenges include adapting to changes in virtual education, using
digital tools to create interactive materials, and training in Information and Communication Te-
chnologies (ICT). In conclusion, the need to empower student knowledge is highlighted, unders-
coring the importance of teachers adapting to virtual education and mastering digital tools,
requiring training programs that provide them with essential skills and knowledge..
Tools, Moodle Platform, Teacher Challenges and technologies.
El artículo examina los desafíos que enfrentan los docentes en la educación superior para po-
tenciar el conocimiento estudiantil a través de plataformas digitales. Se destaca la necesidad
de esfuerzo y capacitación tanto por parte de estudiantes como docentes, quienes deben crear
un ambiente dinámico. La investigación empleó una metodología cuantitativa, encuestando a
docentes de entornos virtuales para analizar habilidades, conocimientos y desafíos. Entre estos
desafíos se encuentran la adaptación a cambios en la educación virtual, el manejo de herra-
mientas digitales para crear materiales interactivos y la capacitación en tecnologías de la infor-
mación y comunicación (TIC). Entre las conclusiones se destaca que es necesario empoderar el
conocimiento estudiantil porque es crucial que los docentes se adapten a la educación virtual
y dominen las herramientas digitales, exigiendo programas formativos que les proporcionen
habilidades y conocimientos esenciales.
Palabras claves:
Capacitación, Educación virtual, Herramientas, Plataforma Moodle, Retos del
docente y tecnologías.
In the face of the new educational challenges we currently encounter, it becomes imperative for
educators to strengthen the digital competencies we have developed thus far. However, this rein-
forcement should not focus solely on learning the use of tools that may quickly become obsolete
and be replaced by new ones. Two key aspects must be developed in this training: active metho-
dologies in digital contexts and the use of digital technologies for assessment.
The application of digital tools in virtual education has fostered online learning, breaking many li-
miting barriers of traditional education such as space, time, quantity, and coverage (Maraza, 2016).
Virtual education has a significant objective, aiming to overcome limitations with time and
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sergio Alberto Mejía Rivera
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Virtual education in Nicaragua: A challenge for university teachers
distance, as well as the appropriation and utilization of technological tools and methodo-
logies designed for digital environments—a considerable challenge for us educators to
make the class dynamic and interactive, which is often lacking in traditional education. Ta-
king into account that the majority of students nowadays possess smart devices and in-
ternet access, optimizing the learning process through the use of existing technological
Palloff & Pratt (2001), two specialists in virtual education, note that their experience with online
teaching has significantly changed how they approach students in a traditional classroom. They
no longer focus their teaching work on oral presentations of content from books; instead, they
assume that students can read this content. As a result, the class is conceived as a space to sti-
mulate collaborative and autonomous work.
The widespread emergence of digital media and technologies used in education has led to a di-
verse range of terms, such as distributed education, e-learning, virtual education, online educa-
tion, blended learning, and mobile learning (Verdún, 2016). This surge in technologies enriches
the virtual education system.
Moodle is one of the most popular platforms, emerging as a result of collaborative efforts by
developers who worked on open-source code, turning it into a user-friendly learning manage-
ment system. It is a free online learning management system that enables educators to create
private websites filled with dynamic courses, extending learning at any time and from anywhere,
catering to the needs of both teachers and students.
In the quest to understand the new challenges that university educators face in developing their
virtual classes, previous works were found, as described below:
Mentioning the authors Guaña et al. (2015), they assert that:
In the nineties, new technological trends emerged, such as networks, communications, the
internet, among others, which gradually found a place in educational and learning processes.
This marked the beginning of access to faster, more eloquent, and economical communica-
tion. In certain cases, people challenged technological boundaries. That is why, in the early
1991, Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments (VLE) offered spaces in growing computer net-
works as well as in digital technology" (p.7).
Building on the above, Mera & Mercado (2019), in their research article on distance learning
and teaching, affirm that in virtual education:
It primarily relies on internet devices, assuming the use and exchange of information obtai-
ned between the teacher and students virtually, either via email or platforms specifically
created for this purpose. Through these, students review and download class materials, sub-
mit assignments, and even collaborate with their classmates (p.5).
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sergio Alberto Mejía Rivera
We also have the work conducted by Ardini et al. (2020), titled: "Teaching in times of coronavirus:
a look at teaching work and the educational experience in virtual environments within the fra-
mework of the ASPO due to the COVID-19 pandemic." Their objective was to highlight and
analyze the pedagogical practices in virtual environments developed by university educators.
The applied methodology consisted of a mixed approach where the competencies of UNITEC
university professors were assessed. For this analysis, a sample of 30% of the teaching staff was
taken. A questionnaire was designed on GoogleDrive to obtain a general understanding of the
use of devices, connectivity, creation of interactive materials, and alternative instructional spaces
to continue students' online studies. The implementation of technological resources was based
on experience, difficulties, and preparedness.
Sampling, a method used to select components from the total population, was employed. "It
consists of a set of rules, procedures, and criteria by which a set of elements from a population
is selected to represent what happens in the entire population" (Mata et al, 1997, p.19). For this
study, 30% of the total teaching population of UNITEC was included.
For the purposes of this research, an online questionnaire was used, defined by Sierra (1992, p.305)
as "a set of questions prepared about the facts and aspects of interest in research, for response
by the population or its sample to which the undertaken study extends." The questionnaire was
administered to the sample of this research, consisting of teachers teaching in the second semester
of the year 2023 in the various modalities offered by the university of technology and commerce.
The aim was to collect information about the competencies they possess for developing their vir-
tual classes, which will lead to significant changes in the teaching/learning process.
Results and Discussion
We worked with a convenience sample, as a percentage of the population, specifically admi-
nistrative staff, is not directly involved in classroom teaching. In this context, only classroom tea-
chers who utilize technological tools and media for the development of their virtual classes
were considered.
From the total population, we worked with 30% of the teaching staff who are directly involved
with students in the delivery of virtual classes.
The results highlight the predominant use of laptops and smartphones by teachers for the de-
velopment of their virtual classes.
Graph 1 illustrates the usage of basic tools that teachers employ for implementing their virtual
classes. Notably, 100% utilize Zoom or Meed for conducting online classes. Additionally, 44%
of the staff have their own YouTube channel. However, it is observed that only 33% utilize digital
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Virtual education in Nicaragua: A challenge for university teachers
tools for creating interactive and dynamic materials for the development of their virtual classes.
Graph 1
Comparative use of virtual tools at UNITEC
Note: Graph 1 shows the use of basic tools that teachers must use for the implementation of their virtual classes.
Source: Mejía (2023).
In Graph 2, the percentage of teachers with usage and proficiency in the Moodle virtual envi-
ronment is presented, reflecting that 34% have excellent mastery of this platform. Meanwhile,
44% fall between medium and very good proficiency. Additionally, 22% only handle the basics
of this fundamental platform for virtual class development.
Graph 2
Usage and Mastery of Moodle Platform
Note: Graph 2 displays the percentage of usage and mastery of the Moodle platform for scheduling virtual classes.
Source: Mejía (2023)
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sergio Alberto Mejía Rivera
In the new fundamental context, the first requirement is their specialization title, followed by
their ICT certification, and as the third requirement, their specialization in university teaching.
Graph 3 illustrates the percentage of teachers with certification in ICT classrooms, showing that
44% possess certification while 56% do not.
Graph 3
Usage and Mastery of the Moodle Platform.
Note: Graph 3 shows the percentage of teachers with certification in UNITEC's ICT classrooms. Source: Mejía (2023).
In the current world, significant economic and social changes make innovation in education a
key factor in academic training. Innovation involves joint actions where teacher participation is
essential to confront new realities.
Technological demands are a prerequisite for social interactions to occur and to achieve a know-
ledge society, which requires profound structural changes in current societies (Lalangui & Vala-
rezo, 2017).
In the case of teachers, they face challenges that require them to train in distance education,
connectivity, and digital tools to create a social context that ensures the physical and emotional
well-being of students (Roger, 2020). These challenges are not exclusive to novice teachers but
stem from the dynamic and complex changes in the society we live in, requiring teachers, due
to their social role, to update and innovate to meet educational demands (Eirín et al., 2009).
It is worth noting that the initiation into teaching is the transitional stage where teachers shift
from being students to educators. The initial experiences are crucial in shaping their perceptions
and behaviors regarding teaching, involving intense learning characterized by trial and error,
leading to the emergence of their main difficulties (Aloguín & Feixas, 2009). This period gene-
rates anxieties, stress, and concerns while consolidating teaching competencies until becoming
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Virtual education in Nicaragua: A challenge for university teachers
an autonomous professional as part of the professional development process. There is agree-
ment that the transition from novice to expert spans three years of initiation (Aloguín & Feixas,
2009; Marcelo, 2009).
Despite this, it is not common for young individuals to consider virtual education as an option when
planning their future. Therefore, it is the responsibility of us, teachers who conduct virtual classes,
to encourage others not to give up and to continue working on their professional development.
In terms of organization, teachers face the demand for adapting content, methodology, and
class session preparation rapidly and abruptly due to the speed with which changes had to be
implemented to avoid interrupting or discontinuing the academic year. On the other hand, the
organization of teaching time is complex, with virtual classes undeniably requiring a larger ses-
sion time commitment from teachers.
First and foremost, seamless virtual communication allows students to contact teachers without
restrictions on schedule and time. This is made possible through virtual communication tools
provided by the teacher, such as WhatsApp messages, messages via virtual platforms, phone
calls, among others. Regarding this, the teacher's availability becomes continuous, as stated by
Rizo (2020, p.35):
Distance teacher-student communication implies a closeness of the student to their familiar
and traditional environment. Even if not physically the same, it provides the student with
the assurance of the teacher's attention to their challenges and progress in an attentive and
responsible manner.
This entails "a cultural transformation in the university experience" (BID, 2020, p.7), involving as-
sertive teacher-student communication as a fundamental pillar for the success of the transition
to virtual modality.
In light of the above, each and every student must be fully willing to participate and integrate
into both academic and non-academic activities facilitated by the teacher. In my experience,
simple activities such as initial greetings, open-ended questions about their mood, recent daily
activities, or information about the health status of their family members can represent a signi-
ficant approach to the student.
The application of digital tools in virtual education has promoted online learning, breaking many
limiting barriers of traditional education such as space, time, quantity, and coverage.
Virtual education must overcome limitations with time and distance.
Teachers must appropriate and leverage technological tools and methodologies designed for
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Sergio Alberto Mejía Rivera
digital environments, presenting a significant challenge for us teachers to make the class dyna-
mic and interactive, aspects that are often lacking in traditional education.
In the new educational context, a professional aspiring to be a university teacher must possess
three fundamental aspects: first, their specialization title; second, their ICT certification; and as
a third requirement, their specialization in university teaching.
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Cataluña: Percepciones de maestros, tutores y directores. Revista de currículum y formación
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Ardini, C., Herrera, M. M., González Angeletti, V., y Secco, N. E. (2020). Docencia en tiempos de
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cultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Córdoba, Argen-
tina. 2020.
BID. (2020). La educación superior en tiempos de COVID-19. Washington DC: Banco Interame-
ricano de Desarrollo.
Eirín, N. R., García, R., H.M., y Montero, M. L. (2009). Profesores principiante e iniciación ´profe-
sional. Estudio exploratorio. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 13(1), 101-
Guaña, E., Llumiquinga, S. y Ortiz, K. (2015). Caracterización de entornos virtuales de enseñanza
aprendizaje (EVEA) en la educación virtual. Ciencias Holguín, 21(4), 1-16.
Lalangui, J., & Valarezo, J. (2017). El aprendizaje, la era del conocimiento y las TICs ante la realidad
Universitaria Ecuatoriana. Atenas, 2 (38). pp. 51-65.
Maraza, B. (2016) Hacia un aprendizaje personalizado en ambientes virtuales. Campus Virtuales,
5(1), 20-29.
Marcelo, C. (2009). Los comienzos de la docencia: un profesorado con buenos principios. Pro-
fesorado. Revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado, 13(1), 1-25. https://recyt.
Mata, M. C. y Macassi, S. (1997). Cómo elaborar muestras para los sondeos de audiencias. Cua-
dernos de investigación No 5. ALER, Quito.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 151-159
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Virtual education in Nicaragua: A challenge for university teachers
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