© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Figueroa Rada
can successfully face the challenges of teaching and provide quality education to students.
Table 2
Triangulation on the Educational Benefits of Information Technology Professionals in Educational Processes
Note: Own elaboration (2024)
Empirical Moment (direct
quotes from key informants)
Theoretical Moment Argumentative Moment
Technology professionals can
offer a fresh and updated pers-
pective on technology and its
application in the modern
world, which can be especially
relevant for students pursuing
careers in technology-related
According to Durán et al.
(2014), it is important to have
an updated perspective in
educational processes to stay
aligned with advancements
and changes in society and the
world, which allows for provi-
ding a relevant education and
preparing students for current
and future challenges.
Having an updated perspective helps
unlicensed teachers improve their
teaching practice by staying informed
about the latest trends, methods, and
educational technologies. This allows
them to offer more effective and re-
levant instruction to their students,
which can increase student motivation
and engagement in learning. Additio-
nally, staying updated helps them
better adapt to changes in the edu-
cational system and enhances their
job opportunities.
Towards Te-
Their experience and passion
for technology can motivate
students to become interested
in related careers, thus encou-
raging participation in STEM
fields and the development of
technological skills.
Pursuing technological ca-
reers is beneficial for students'
learning process because it
provides them with a sense of
purpose and relevance, in-
creases their interest in te-
chnology-related subjects,
and encourages active explo-
ration and autonomous lear-
ning (Valenzuela et al., 2015).
From all this, it can be inferred that
teachers become role models, sho-
wing enthusiasm and passion for te-
chnology and demonstrating how it
can be a rewarding and exciting ca-
reer. By inspiring students in this way,
teachers can play a fundamental role
in fostering motivation towards te-
chnological careers.
Classroom In-
Innovation in the classroom
can benefit learning by stimu-
lating students' interest and of-
fering them new ways to
understand and apply con-
Currently, teachers are nee-
ded who motivate student
participation through innova-
tive strategies (Vera & García,
Innovation in the classroom is important
because it promotes more dynamic,
creative, and relevant learning for stu-
dents, fostering their interest and active
participation in the educational process.
Additionally, it allows pedagogical prac-
tices to be adapted to current needs
and contexts, preparing students to face
the challenges of the contemporary
with the In-
The connection with the in-
dustry allows students to see
the practical relevance of what
they learn, better preparing
them for the workforce.
Today's youth must be educa-
ted under the influence of te-
chnologies, as they are present
in the areas of production and
development in the era of glo-
balization (Joyanes, 2017).
Establishing a connection with the in-
dustry is important for students be-
cause it provides them with the
opportunity to apply their knowledge
in real-world situations, understand
the demands and trends of the job
market, and build networks that can
be valuable for their future professio-
nal careers. This allows them to ac-
quire relevant skills and competencies
for their academic and professional