Educational policies and academic
performance in Latin America*
Políticas educativas y el desempeño
académico en América Latina
Recibido: Septiembre/6/2023 Revisado: Septiembre/26/2023 Aprobado: Noviembre/08/2023 Publicado: Enero/10/2024
How to cite: Atencia, M. R. C. (2024). Educational policies and academic performance in Latin
America. Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110.
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales**
Carmen de Ariguaní District, Department of Magdalena / Colombia
* The article is derived from the doctoral thesis "Socio-formative Pedagogical Components of Non-Licensed Tea-
chers in Technology and Informatics in Public Educational Institutions".
** Doctoral Candidate in Educational Sciences at the Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
(UMECIT), Panama. Master's in Education with a focus on Pedagogy, Universidad Norbert Wiener, Peru. Specialist
in Educational Informatics Administration, Universidad de Santander (UDES), Colombia. Bachelor's in Basic Educa-
tion with an emphasis on Mathematics, Instituto de Formación Técnica Profesional (INFOTEP), Colombia. Academic
Coordinator at the Carmen de Ariguaní Agricultural Technical Educational Institution. Email:
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
ISSN electrónico: 2665-038X
The study arose from the need to understand the influence of educational policies on the aca-
demic performance of high school students in Latin America. Its main objective was to determine
the relationship between these policies and academic performance, adopting a quantitative
and correlational approach within the positivist paradigm. The methodology included surveying
100 teachers from five countries: Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Validated by
5 experts in the educational field, the reliability was 0.988 (highly reliable) applied virtually. The
results revealed a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.619 between educational policies and
academic performance, indicating a moderate correlation. The statistical significance of the p-
value, which was 0.000, confirms that this correlation is significant at the 0.05 level, ruling out
the possibility that it is a result of chance. The findings suggest that there is a relevant connection
between educational policies and students' academic performance in the region.
educational policies, academic performance, Latin American context.
El estudio surgió de la necesidad de comprender la influencia de las políticas educativas en el
rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de bachillerato en América Latina. Su objetivo prin-
cipal fue determinar la relación entre estas políticas y el desempeño académico, adoptando un
enfoque cuantitativo y correlacional dentro del paradigma positivista. La metodología incluyó
la aplicación de una encuesta a 100 docentes de cinco países: Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia y
Venezuela. Validado por 5 expertos en área educativa, la confiabilidad fue de ,988 (altamente
confiable), aplicado de manera virtual. Los resultados revelaron un coeficiente de correlación
de Spearman de 0,619 entre las políticas educativas y el desempeño académico, indicando una
correlación moderada. La significación estadística del valor de p, que fue de 0,000, confirma
que esta correlación es significativa al nivel de 0,05, descartando la posibilidad de que sea re-
sultado del azar. Los hallazgos sugieren que existe una conexión relevante entre las políticas
educativas y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes en la región.
Palabras clave:
políticas educativas, desempeño académico, contexto latinoamericano. .
Educational policies are directly related to students' academic performance. This is how policies
that ensure access to education improve the quality of education and reduce educational ine-
qualities, having the potential to enhance students' academic performance, achieve optimal re-
sults, and academic persistence until the end of the school century.
In this regard, Garzón-Baquero (2023) argues that, in any educational system, educational po-
licies are responsible for ensuring equitable access to education, ensuring that all boys and girls
have the opportunity to access quality education, regardless of their social, economic, or cultural
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
background. This aspect is fundamental for both individual and social development. Additionally,
they have the potential to improve educational quality. Likewise, this improvement is achieved
through investments in education, curriculum reforms, strengthening teacher training, and con-
tinuous student assessment. In this way, the aim is to raise educational standards overall.
Thus, Atencia (2023) believes that the importance of these policies lies in their ability to reduce
educational inequalities, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to achieve educa-
tional success, regardless of their social background. This indicates that they are relevant for
the sustainable development of countries and the realization of the fundamental right to edu-
cation for all individuals, allowing them to reach their full potential and contribute to the progress
of their communities.
In this sense, it is important to highlight specific examples of how these policies can positively
impact society, i.e., those that ensure access to education contribute to the reduction of poverty
and inequality. For Fuentes-Salazar (2023), those that improve educational quality drive eco-
nomic growth and social development, while those that reduce educational inequalities promote
peace and social cohesion. However, it is essential that educational policies are carefully desig-
ned and implemented to achieve effectiveness and avoid negative impacts.
Hence, Mora-Rosales et al. (2023) point out that, in various regions of the world, there are coun-
tries whose educational policies have left a positive mark on students' academic performance.
One of the most notable examples is Finland, which boasts one of the most successful educa-
tional systems globally. This achievement is attributed to policies such as free and compulsory
education, the outstanding qualification of teachers, and the implementation of continuous as-
sessments for students, which have contributed to achieving high levels of educational equity.
Similarly, according to Byun et al. (2023), another emblematic case is that of South Korea, whose
rapid economic growth in recent decades has had education as a decisive factor. Through de-
liberate educational policies, such as significant investment in the education sector, curriculum
reform, and improvement of teacher training, the country has managed to raise the quality of
education and improve students' academic performance.
According to Gopinathan & Lee (2018), stands out as another example of success in educational
policies, as this country has achieved outstanding levels of academic performance through the
implementation of policies that include compulsory and free education, demanding academic
standards, and standardized assessments. The combination of these elements has contributed
to the sustained success of its educational system.
According to De Sousa & Nunes (2023), educational policies in Latin America have had a com-
plex and uneven development in recent decades. Overall, these policies have focused on en-
suring access to education, improving the quality of education, and reducing educational
inequalities. According to Barria-Herrera & Zurita-Garrido (2023), access to education has im-
proved significantly in recent decades. Currently, most boys and girls in the region have access
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
to primary and secondary education. However, there are still challenges regarding access to
education in rural areas, for students with disabilities, and for boys and girls from minority
According to Gavaldón & Ambrosy (2023), the quality of education in Latin America has been
a constant concern. The results of international assessments show that students in Latin America
have lower academic performance than students in other developed countries. In recent years,
governments in the region have implemented a series of policies to improve the quality of edu-
cation. These policies include curriculum reform, improving teacher training, and continuous
student assessment.
Within this context, Lule-Uriarte et al. (2023) point out that educational inequalities in the region
are significant, as students from poor families are less likely to access education, complete se-
condary education, and achieve high academic performance.
Based on all of the above, the present study aimed to determine the relationship between edu-
cational policies and the academic performance of high school students in Latin America. It is
worth noting that, in this study, no attempt was made to make a comparison or a detailed
analysis by country, but rather to consider a sample of five countries in Latin America to establish
the relationship between the variables studied and provide a reference for the region.
The study was grounded within the procedures inherent to the positivist paradigm, adopting a
quantitative approach. Methodologically, this paradigm, according to Hernández et al. (2014),
is characterized by its orientation towards the collection and analysis of quantifiable data, with
the aim of explaining phenomena through the application of statistical methods and the iden-
tification of numerical patterns. This approach, as defined by Acosta (2023), is distinguished by
its commitment to exploring and understanding phenomena through the measurement and
quantification of variables, focusing on obtaining objective and verifiable data.
In this context, the choice of the positivist paradigm implies a rigorous and structured perspec-
tive, where research is conducted based on the search for regularities and causal relationships
that can be expressed quantitatively. Statistical tools thus become fundamental elements for
analyzing and generalizing the results obtained, allowing for a more precise and objective ap-
proach to understanding the phenomenon under study.
The grounding in this paradigm reflects the intention to address the research object from an
objective and empirical perspective, aiming to identify patterns and regularities through statis-
tical analysis of frequencies. Hence, the quantitative approach of the positivist paradigm provides
a methodological framework that allows for a more precise and structured evaluation of phe-
nomena, contributing to the generation of scientific knowledge based on measurable and ob-
servable data.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
Additionally, it was typified as correlational because it seeks to measure the relationship between
educational policies and the academic performance of high school students. As Hernández et
al. (2014) point out, it is a type of research design that focuses on the relationship between two
or more variables without intervening or manipulating any of them. The main objective is to
determine if there is an association or correlation between the variables and, if so, the nature
and strength of that relationship.
The sample used in the study consisted of a group of 100 teachers from various countries, in-
cluding Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela, evenly distributed with 20 participants
from each country. Participant selection was carried out through the LinkedIn social media plat-
form, where teachers were contacted and invited to participate in the study. To collect the ne-
cessary information, an online form, also known as a questionnaire, consisting of 36 items
designed according to the dimensions and indicators established in the study framework, was
The questionnaire addressed various areas relevant to the research objectives, covering specific
dimensions considered essential for understanding the topic under study. The included items
provided detailed information about the experiences, perceptions, and practices of teachers
regarding the variables of interest. In addition to using SPSS software, Version 21, for data pro-
cessing, a detailed analysis of measures of central tendency and dispersion was conducted to
better understand the distribution of the data. This analysis included relative and percentage
frequencies, as well as inferential statistics to establish the level of correlation between the va-
Below are the tables detailing the frequency and correlational results of the educational policy
and academic performance variables.
Table 1
Teachers' Perception of Educational Policies in Latin America
Note: Authors' own elaboration (2024).
The Table 1 provides a detailed overview of teachers' perceptions regarding educational policies
in Latin America. In terms of Ensuring Access to Education, the results reveal a level of effective-
ness that falls within a range considered fair. 84% of the respondents indicate that these policies
Ensuring access to
Improving the quality
of education
Reducing educational
f % f % f %
Poor 4 4,0 86 86,0 85 85,0
Fair 84 84,0 4 4,0 5 5,0
Effective 2 2,0 0 0 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
have had a moderate impact, while 4% believe their effectiveness has been poor, and only 2%
consider it to be effective.
When addressing the topic of Improving the Quality of Education, the outlook is challenging, as
a significant 86% of teachers expressed that the implemented improvements have been poor,
highlighting a widespread concern in this aspect. On the other hand, 4% consider these im-
provements to be fair.
Regarding the task of Reducing Educational Inequalities, the results reflect a prevailing perception
of deficiency among teachers, as 85% believe that the implemented policies have been poor in
effectively addressing this challenge, while only 5% think they have been fair in this regard.
These findings underscore the need for critical analysis and possible reformulation of educational
policies in the region. Concern for educational quality and the reduction of inequalities stands
out as decisive areas that require immediate attention and effective strategies to achieve subs-
tantial improvements in the Latin American educational system.
Table 2
Academic Performance Indicators
Note: Authors' own elaboration (2024).
Table 2 presents in detail the indicators of academic performance, offering an insightful view
on school attendance and student participation in activities, as perceived by teachers in Latin
American countries. The results highlight notable patterns that deserve analysis and reflection.
Regarding school attendance, it is observed that 70% of the surveyed teachers consider this
indicator to be crucial and rate it as poor. Only 20% classify it as fair, and just 10% perceive it as
efficient. This trend raises questions about potential underlying factors that may be affecting
students' regular attendance, which could have significant implications for their academic per-
As for student participation in activities, 60% of the teachers rate it as fair, indicating room for
improvement in this aspect. Thirty percent of the respondents perceive it as poor, suggesting
significant concern regarding students' involvement in activities beyond the core curriculum.
Only 10% consider participation to be efficient, highlighting the need for strategies to encourage
School Attendance Participation in Activities Retention Rate
f % f % f %
Poor 70 70 30 30 90 90
Fair 20 20 60 60 10 10
Effective 10 10 10 10 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
greater student engagement in these activities.
Finally, concerning the retention rate, 90% of the teachers evaluate it as poor, while only 10%
consider it fair. These results raise questions about the educational policies and practices that
may be contributing to low student retention, which could have long-term implications for ac-
cess to and success in education.
All this indicates that the indicators of academic performance highlight areas of critical attention
that could benefit from specific interventions and strategies to improve school attendance, par-
ticipation in extracurricular activities, and retention rate, aiming to promote a more effective
and enriching educational environment.
Table 3
Correlation Coefficient of Variables
Note: Author's own elaboration (2024).
Table 3 shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between educational policies
and academic performance. This means that countries with stronger educational policies also
have students with better academic performance. Hence, the Spearman's correlation coefficient
for educational policies and academic performance is 0.619**. This coefficient is considered a
moderate correlation.
Furthermore, the statistical significance of the p-value for the correlation between educational
policies and academic performance is 0.000. This value indicates that the correlation is significant
at the 0.05 level. This suggests that the correlation is not likely to be due to chance. This evidence
indicates that there is a positive and significant correlation between educational policies and
academic performance. This means that educational policies have a significant impact on stu-
dents' academic performance.
When contrasting the results of the study with some theories on educational policies, Arco et
Correlation Coefficient 1,000 ,619
Sig. (bilateral) ,000
N 100 100
Correlation Coefficient ,619 1,000
Sig. (bilateral) 0.000
N 100 100
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
al. (2023) point out that when educational policies are designed to ensure access to education,
they are often implemented through a set of measures that address various barriers that could
hinder individuals' participation in the educational system.
It is thus that Irrazabal-Bohórquez et al. (2023) highlight that the adoption of free and compul-
sory education is established as a fundamental pillar, eliminating economic barriers that could
prevent access to education, especially for children and families with low income. This measure
aims to ensure that all members of society have the opportunity to access basic education.
Additionally, Pastore (2023) asserts that scholarship programs and financial aid constitute a stra-
tegy to reduce economic disparities and facilitate the participation of those students who may
face financial challenges to continue their education. These programs seek to alleviate the costs
associated with tuition, educational materials, and other related expenses, enabling more indi-
viduals to access educational opportunities.
According to Dussel & Williams (2023), accessible school infrastructure also plays a relevant
role. The construction and maintenance of schools located in easily accessible areas, as well as
the provision of school transportation in remote regions, contribute to ensuring that education
is physically accessible to the population. Moreover, adapting facilities for students with disabi-
lities promotes inclusion and equal opportunities.
Therefore, Ornelas (2020) emphasizes that promoting inclusive and diverse policies constitutes
another key measure since addressing the needs of specific groups, such as people with disa-
bilities, indigenous communities, or ethnic minorities, involves adapting educational programs
to address diverse realities and ensure that education is truly accessible to all.
Finally, according to Bey et al. (2023), flexibility in schedules and study modalities emerges as a
key strategy to address logistical challenges, as providing flexible options benefits working adults,
single mothers, and those with particular responsibilities, allowing greater participation in edu-
cational programs. Hence, Escudero (2023) believes that these measures work in harmony to
create an inclusive and accessible educational environment, ensuring that education is an achie-
vable right for the entire population.
Continuing with the analysis of the study's indicators, Mansutti et al. (2023) state that educational
policies aimed at improving the quality of education implement various strategies with the aim
of raising academic standards and providing more effective learning experiences. According to
Dorado & Benavides (2023), one of the fundamental measures is investing in the training and
professional development of teachers since providing continuous training opportunities enables
educators to stay updated with the most effective educational methodologies, incorporating
new pedagogical strategies and innovative approaches into their practices.
According to Durán et al. (2015), the periodic review and updating of school curricula constitute
another essential strategy for improving educational quality. Ensuring that the contents are alig-
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
ned with current needs and demands of the labor market guarantees that students acquire re-
levant skills and are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. Additionally, the introduction
of educational technologies and digital resources can enrich the learning process, providing
students with more interactive and personalized experiences.
According to Gavaldón & Ambrosy (2023), continuous assessment of student performance and
constructive feedback are fundamental elements for improving the quality of education. In this
regard, Irrazabal-Bohórquez et al. (2023) highlight that the implementation of formative asses-
sment systems allows teachers to adapt their teaching methods according to the individual
needs of students, identifying areas for improvement, and strengthening acquired skills and
Likewise, according to Palencia & Verdugo (2023), fostering the participation of the educational
community also contributes significantly to improving educational quality. Involving parents,
guardians, and the community at large in the educational process creates a supportive envi-
ronment that positively impacts students' academic performance. Moreover, establishing effec-
tive feedback and communication mechanisms between the school and the community can
strengthen collaboration and commitment.
In this line of thought, Reiban & Jiménez (2023) consider that improving the quality of education
involves a combination of factors, from teacher training to curriculum updates, the integration
of educational technologies, continuous assessment, and community participation. Therefore,
these collaborative measures seek to create a dynamic and ever-evolving educational environ-
ment, preparing students to face emerging challenges and opportunities in their educational
journey and beyond.
According to Rivera (2023), educational policies aimed at reducing educational inequalities
adopt a comprehensive approach to ensure that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic
background, gender, ethnicity, or geographical location, have equal opportunities and access
to quality education. In this regard, Pérez (2023) points out that one of the fundamental strate-
gies is the implementation of inclusion and equity programs that address existing disparities.
This implies identifying and eliminating systemic barriers that may disproportionately affect cer-
tain groups, ensuring that all students have access to appropriate resources and support.
Taking into account this discursive analysis, Vázquez (2023) argues that the equitable allocation
of educational resources is essential to address economic disparities among educational ins-
titutions, as this ensures that schools located in disadvantaged areas receive additional funding
and resources to counteract inherent inequalities in the educational system. Additionally, the
implementation of school feeding and transportation programs can address logistical barriers
that may affect students in disadvantaged situations.
According to Edwards et al. (2023), attention to cultural and linguistic diversity is key to reducing
educational inequalities. Thus, developing inclusive curricula and providing specific support for
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
students whose mother tongue is not the predominant one in the school environment ensures
that all students have access to quality education, regardless of their cultural background.
For Barria & Zurita (2023), the implementation of measures to ensure accessibility to education
for people with disabilities is also fundamental. Adapting facilities, providing accessible educa-
tional materials, and offering specific support ensure that students with disabilities have equal
opportunities to participate and learn effectively.
Meanwhile, Fuentes (2023) considers that promoting gender equity in education is another fun-
damental component because adopting policies that foster equal opportunities for girls and
boys, and implementing strategies to address gender discrimination, contribute to reducing
gender-based educational disparities.
Therefore, according to Gopinathan & Lee (2018), reducing educational inequalities involves an
integrated approach that addresses various dimensions, from resource allocation to addressing
cultural, linguistic, and gender diversity. These policies seek to create an equitable educational
environment that ensures that every student, regardless of their context, can reach their full po-
tential and contribute fully to society.
Within this context, Mora et al. (2023) assert that educational policies play an important role in
promoting school attendance, as they establish regulations and conditions that directly and in-
directly shape students' participation in the educational system, ensuring universal access and
free education by eliminating economic barriers, thus ensuring that all children have the op-
portunity to access education, regardless of their financial resources. Additionally, Rosas (2023)
highlights that the implementation of financial support programs, such as scholarships and eco-
nomic aid, acts as a highly relevant incentive for low-income families, facilitating regular atten-
dance by reducing economic inequalities.
According to Garzón (2023), school infrastructure and accessibility are also crucial
areas in educational policies that affect attendance. This is because ensuring that
schools are located in accessible areas and providing school transportation in remote
regions helps overcome logistical and geographical obstacles that could hinder regular
Simultaneously, Atencia (2023) points out that awareness campaigns and community engage-
ment supported by specific policies positively influence attendance by fostering a shared un-
derstanding of the importance of education and creating an environment that values and
supports students' regular attendance.
Taking into account Atencia's ideas (2023), school feeding programs, supported by specific po-
licies, also play a vital role in school attendance by providing nutritious meals that can act as an
additional incentive for regular participation, especially in communities where nutrition is a de-
termining factor.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
Furthermore, Fuentes (2023) emphasizes the idea that inclusive policies that address the needs
of students with disabilities and promote equal opportunities contribute significantly to atten-
dance by ensuring that schools are equipped to meet diverse needs and facilitate the partici-
pation of all students in the educational process. All of this indicates that these educational
policies form a comprehensive framework that seeks not only to facilitate access but also to
promote continuous and meaningful participation in education.
From Atencia's perspective (2023), participation in activities is closely related to educational po-
licies, being a basic component to enrich students' educational experience. Because educational
policies that promote participation in extracurricular activities are often oriented towards ensu-
ring inclusion and equity. That is, these policies aim to ensure that all students, regardless of
their socioeconomic background or abilities, have access to a variety of activities that comple-
ment their holistic development.
Continuing along this line of thought, De Sousa & Nunes (2023) believe that participation in
academic activities aligns with the vision of educational policies that seek to foster students' so-
cial and emotional development. This is because interaction in activities such as clubs, sports,
or artistic activities is considered fundamental for cultivating social skills, teamwork, and lea-
dership, key aspects of student development that go beyond academic boundaries.
Additionally, Barria-Herrera & Zurita-Garrido (2023) argue that educational policies can be gea-
red towards identifying and supporting specific talents and skills of students. This highlights that
participation in academic and extracurricular activities offers opportunities for students to ex-
plore and develop their individual interests, whether in sports, cultural, scientific, or artistic areas.
Therefore, policies that encourage this diversity of options contribute to strengthening the con-
nection between students and their individual passions.
Similarly, Joiko (2023) posits that participation in school activities is also integrated into the fra-
mework of educational policies that promote holistic education because these policies recognize
the importance of going beyond basic academic teaching, and extracurricular activities provide
opportunities for personal growth, vocational exploration, and the development of multifaceted
Finally, Chen-Quesada et al. (2023) suggest that some policies may incorporate incentives for
participation in extracurricular activities as part of broader strategies to improve attendance
and academic performance. Additionally, Atencia (2023) believes that recognitions, scholarships,
or additional academic credits can be offered as incentives, thus encouraging student partici-
pation in these activities.
In this vein, Martínez (2023) highlights that participation in extracurricular or academic activities
not only benefits from educational policies but also contributes to the fulfillment of the broader
objectives of an educational system that seeks to holistically nurture students and prepare them
for life's challenges and opportunities.
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
Chaves et al. (2023) assert that educational policies play a fundamental role in influencing stu-
dent retention rates by establishing guidelines and strategies that address key factors affecting
educational continuity. Firstly, some policies incorporate early intervention programs that seek
to identify and address potential academic, emotional, or social challenges that could be pre-
cursors to dropout. These strategies aim to prevent obstacles before they become significant
barriers to retention.
Similarly, Atencia (2023) points out that policies ensuring equitable access to educational re-
sources and additional support significantly contribute to retention. This may include allocating
additional funds for schools in disadvantaged areas, as well as implementing mentoring pro-
grams and counseling services that strengthen individualized support for students.
For Lagos (2023), flexibility in educational pathways is another dimension addressed by educa-
tional policies, allowing educational programs to be adapted to the individual needs of students.
The introduction of flexible education options, distance learning, and credit recovery programs
provide students with the opportunity to adjust their educational trajectory, thereby reducing
the likelihood of dropout.
Similarly, García (2023) emphasizes the idea that policies promoting inclusion and addressing
student diversity also play a significant role in retention. Adapting educational programs to meet
the needs of students with disabilities and addressing cultural and linguistic barriers contributes
to creating a more inclusive and welcoming educational environment.
Furthermore, for Vázquez (2023), socio-emotional support programs supported by specific po-
licies positively impact retention by prioritizing the well-being of students. Providing psycholo-
gical support services and promoting a safe and positive school environment are elements that
can influence students' decisions to stay in school.
It is thus that Chen et al. (2023) consider educational policies to play an integral role in ad-
dressing various dimensions affecting student retention, from early detection of challenges
to the creation of inclusive educational environments and the provision of necessary sup-
ports. Meanwhile & Atencia (2023) believes that these policies ultimately seek to create con-
ducive conditions for students to continue their education effectively and reduce dropout
Based on the results presented, it is concluded that educational policies play an important role
in students' academic performance, demonstrating that countries with stronger educational
policies also exhibit more prominent academic performance. The Spearman correlation coeffi-
cient, which stands at 0.619, indicates a moderate correlation between educational policies and
academic performance, suggesting that changes in educational policies are associated with va-
riations in academic performance.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
The statistical significance of the p-value, which is recorded as 0.000, confirms that the correla-
tion is statistically significant at the 0.05 level, ruling out the possibility that the observed rela-
tionship is due to chance. These conclusions have far-reaching implications for the formulation
of public policies and educational strategies, as they provide governments with a basis for de-
signing policies that positively impact students' academic performance.
All of this indicates that investment in education is required, ensuring equity in access to edu-
cation, improving the quality of teaching, and conducting regular assessments of academic per-
formance. The implementation of these recommendations could significantly contribute to the
creation of a more effective educational system, providing all students with the opportunity to
reach their full potential.
Additionally, it is important to note that, although the correlation between educational policies
and academic performance is significant, it is not perfect. Additional factors such as socioeconomic
backgrounds, family support, and the country's economic conditions may also influence academic
performance. Nevertheless, the findings underscore the importance of educational policies as a
significant factor that can contribute to the improvement of students' academic performance.
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© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Roberto Carlos Atencia Morales
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