Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 95-110
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational policies and academic performance in Latin America
background. This aspect is fundamental for both individual and social development. Additionally,
they have the potential to improve educational quality. Likewise, this improvement is achieved
through investments in education, curriculum reforms, strengthening teacher training, and con-
tinuous student assessment. In this way, the aim is to raise educational standards overall.
Thus, Atencia (2023) believes that the importance of these policies lies in their ability to reduce
educational inequalities, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to achieve educa-
tional success, regardless of their social background. This indicates that they are relevant for
the sustainable development of countries and the realization of the fundamental right to edu-
cation for all individuals, allowing them to reach their full potential and contribute to the progress
of their communities.
In this sense, it is important to highlight specific examples of how these policies can positively
impact society, i.e., those that ensure access to education contribute to the reduction of poverty
and inequality. For Fuentes-Salazar (2023), those that improve educational quality drive eco-
nomic growth and social development, while those that reduce educational inequalities promote
peace and social cohesion. However, it is essential that educational policies are carefully desig-
ned and implemented to achieve effectiveness and avoid negative impacts.
Hence, Mora-Rosales et al. (2023) point out that, in various regions of the world, there are coun-
tries whose educational policies have left a positive mark on students' academic performance.
One of the most notable examples is Finland, which boasts one of the most successful educa-
tional systems globally. This achievement is attributed to policies such as free and compulsory
education, the outstanding qualification of teachers, and the implementation of continuous as-
sessments for students, which have contributed to achieving high levels of educational equity.
Similarly, according to Byun et al. (2023), another emblematic case is that of South Korea, whose
rapid economic growth in recent decades has had education as a decisive factor. Through de-
liberate educational policies, such as significant investment in the education sector, curriculum
reform, and improvement of teacher training, the country has managed to raise the quality of
education and improve students' academic performance.
According to Gopinathan & Lee (2018), stands out as another example of success in educational
policies, as this country has achieved outstanding levels of academic performance through the
implementation of policies that include compulsory and free education, demanding academic
standards, and standardized assessments. The combination of these elements has contributed
to the sustained success of its educational system.
According to De Sousa & Nunes (2023), educational policies in Latin America have had a com-
plex and uneven development in recent decades. Overall, these policies have focused on en-
suring access to education, improving the quality of education, and reducing educational
inequalities. According to Barria-Herrera & Zurita-Garrido (2023), access to education has im-
proved significantly in recent decades. Currently, most boys and girls in the region have access