Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 59-80
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Educational methodologies based on Maturana and Varela's
theory of knowledge for teaching natural sciences
Synthesizing the previous ideas, it can be observed that, in the verses of Genesis, it explores
how the first human beings faced the temptation to acquire knowledge, symbolized by the act
of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This narrative not only sheds light
on the origins of human knowledge-seeking but also raises fundamental questions about the
relationship between the pursuit of knowledge and ethics.
Thus, by examining the roots of this concern in ancient literature, a window is opened to un-
derstanding the human motivations behind the quest for knowledge throughout time. From an
educational perspective, the Genesis narrative highlights the importance of seeking a balanced
knowledge that is intimately linked to ethics. The serpent's promise that, by eating from the tree
of knowledge, humanity would attain wisdom and be "like God, knowing good and evil," suggests
the intrinsic connection between knowledge and the ability to discern between right and wrong.
From the standpoint of the author of this work in the educational field, this story can be interpreted
as a reminder of the need for a balanced approach in the acquisition of knowledge. It is not simply
about seeking knowledge for its own sake but understanding how that knowledge relates to ethics
and morality. The emphasis is on cultivating an ethical awareness alongside the pursuit of knowledge.
While from a philosophical perspective, it suggests that effective education is not just about ac-
cumulating information but also about fostering the ability to discern and apply that knowledge
ethically. Educators have a responsibility to guide students toward a comprehensive understan-
ding that enriches not only their minds but also develops their ethical discernment.
In this line of thought and trying to contextualize the central theme of this study, a summary is
made from the perspective of the researcher to the book "The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological
Roots of Human Understanding" by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. It is inferred that
this text stands out as a fundamental work in the biology of knowledge. The authors propose
an innovative theory that challenges the traditional notion that knowledge is a direct copy of
reality. Instead, they argue that knowledge is an emergent construction of the continuous inte-
raction between an organism and its environment, where cognitive structures are generated
through biological processes (Maturana & Varela, 1990).
Likewise, Jové (2022) considers that this approach has significantly impacted the understanding
of knowledge and has permeated various fields of knowledge. Particularly in understanding the
notion of this work "the tree of knowledge," it can influence education by altering the perspective
on learning, as Maturana and Varela's proposed theory suggests that learning is not simply the
accumulation of information but an active process of knowledge construction.
Therefore, Parada (2023) considers that this paradigm shift has stimulated new educational met-
hodologies, emphasizing active student participation, collaborative knowledge construction, and
reflection on educational practice. Furthermore, this text allows the author of this study to deduce
that this book represents a contribution to improving the quality of education by inspiring edu-
cational policies that seek to raise standards. Hence, the researcher considers that this book can