Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
blematic and challenging situations, students are compelled to reflect, compare, integrate, and
apply their prior knowledge to solve problems and make informed decisions. This type of active
and contextualized learning allows students to fully understand the concepts rather than su-
perficially memorizing disconnected information. It also promotes the development of trans-
versal skills such as effective communication, teamwork, ethical decision-making, and
adaptability to changing environments. These skills are essential for professional success and
active participation in today's society, where biology plays a crucial role in understanding and
solving health, environmental, and biodiversity problems.
In the Colombian context, the implementation of discovery learning in biology teaching presents
a series of challenges and opportunities. On one hand, a paradigm shift is required in the way
teaching and learning are conceived by both teachers and students. It is necessary to foster a
culture of collaboration, exploration, and experimentation in the classroom, where mistakes are
seen as learning opportunities and the diversity of ideas is valued. All of this requires institutional
support and adequate resources for development. Teachers need to be trained in effective pe-
dagogical strategies, provided with spaces and materials for experimentation and research, and
continuously evaluated to improve educational practice.
In this regard, it is important to highlight the importance of formative assessment in discovery
learning. Beyond traditional assessment based on exams and grades, it is crucial to implement
evaluation strategies that allow monitoring student progress, identifying their strengths and
weaknesses, and providing constructive feedback on their learning. Formative assessment pro-
motes metacognition, which is the students' ability to reflect on their own learning and regulate
their process autonomously.
In conclusion, discovery learning presents itself as a valuable tool to revolutionize the teaching
of biology in Colombia. Through exploration, experimentation, and reflection, students can
construct deep and meaningful knowledge of biological concepts, develop scientific and trans-
versal skills, and maintain a positive and motivated attitude toward science. However, its imple-
mentation requires a paradigm shift, institutional support, and formative assessment to ensure
its effectiveness and long-term sustainability
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Learning by discovery: the key to revolutionizing
the teaching of biology in Colombia