Learning by discovery: the key to
revolutionizing the teaching
of biology in Colombia*
Aprendizaje por descubrimiento: la clave para
revolucionar la enseñanza de la
biología en Colombia
How to cite: Rosenstiehl, P. L. M. (2024). Learning by discovery: the key to revolutionizing the
teaching of biology in Colombia. Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204.
Lenis María Rosenstiehl Pachecho*
Plato, Departament of Magdalena / Colombia
* Article published within the framework of the Doctorate in Education program, specializing in Humanities, Institute
of Higher Studies for Research and Postgraduate Studies, San Cristóbal, Táchira / Venezuela..
** Master's in Educational Technology Management - University of Santander, Colombia. Teacher. Email:
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Received: March / 15/ 2024 Reviewed: March / 19 / 2024 Approved: April / 25 /2024
This bibliographic review article focuses on discovery learning as a key to revolutionizing the
teaching of biology in Colombia. The central objective of the study is to exhaustively analyze
how this methodology can improve scientific education in the country. To do this, different re-
search and theories related to discovery learning and its application in the field of biology were
reviewed. The theoretical findings highlight that it promotes critical thinking, creativity and mo-
tivation in students, which can potentially lead to greater interest and understanding of the
area. In addition, it was found that it promotes autonomy and the development of cognitive
skills in students. In conclusion, it is postulated that discovery learning could be an effective tool
to improve the teaching of biology in Colombia, allowing students a greater understanding and
appreciation of this scientific discipline.
Discovery learning, revolution, teaching, biology, Colombia.
El presente artículo de revisión bibliográfica se enfoca en el aprendizaje por descubrimiento
como clave para revolucionar la enseñanza de la biología en Colombia. El objetivo central del
estudio es analizar de manera exhaustiva cómo esta metodología puede mejorar la educación
científica en el país. Para ello, se revisaron diferentes investigaciones y teorías relacionadas con
el aprendizaje por descubrimiento y su aplicación en el campo de la biología. Los hallazgos
teóricos destacan que promueve el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad y la motivación de los
estudiantes, lo que potencialmente puede llevar a un mayor interés y entendimiento del área.
Además, se encontró que fomenta la autonomía y el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas en
los estudiantes. En conclusión, se postula que el aprendizaje por descubrimiento podría ser
una herramienta efectiva para mejorar la enseñanza de la biología en Colombia, permitiendo
a los estudiantes una mayor comprensión y apreciación de esta disciplina científica.
Palabras clave:
Aprendizaje por descubrimiento, revolución, enseñanza, biología, Colombia.
The teaching and learning process in the field of biology has been the subject of constant re-
search and debate worldwide. In Colombia, the way this discipline is taught in schools and uni-
versities has been a concern for many educators due to the low levels of understanding and
retention of content by students. In response to this scenario, discovery learning emerges as
an innovative and effective alternative to revolutionize the teaching of biology in the country.
Discovery learning is a pedagogical approach based on the idea that students construct their
own knowledge through exploration and experimentation. Instead of passively receiving infor-
mation, students are encouraged to discover concepts and principles for themselves, allowing
them to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. This approach is based
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Lenis María Rosenstiehl Pachecho
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
on constructivist theory, which holds that learning is an active and meaningful process built
from the individual's interaction with their environment.
The central objective of this literature review article is to explore the different research and edu-
cational experiences that support the effectiveness of discovery learning in biology education,
specifically in the Colombian context. It analyzes the benefits of this pedagogical approach in
terms of student motivation and engagement, their ability to retain and apply acquired know-
ledge, and their development of cognitive and metacognitive skills. Additionally, it examines
the strategies and resources that teachers can use to effectively implement discovery learning
in the classroom.
In this context, the question arises: How can educators in Colombia adopt discovery learning
as a pedagogical strategy to transform the teaching of biology and promote the holistic deve-
lopment of students? To answer this question, it is necessary to delve into the theory of discovery
learning, as well as the experiences and studies that support its effectiveness in education. Mo-
reover, it is important to consider the challenges and obstacles that may arise during the im-
plementation of this approach and propose solutions to overcome them.
Throughout this article, various aspects related to discovery learning are addressed, from its
theoretical foundation to its practical applications in the classroom. Studies demonstrating im-
provements in academic performance and student motivation exposed to this approach are
reviewed, as well as strategies and techniques proven effective in fostering active and mea-
ningful learning in the field of biology.
Furthermore, the implications of discovery learning for developing key 21st-century skills, such
as problem-solving, decision-making, and effective communication, are analyzed. Possible
adaptations and adjustments that educators need to make in their pedagogical practices to
successfully integrate this approach into the biology curriculum, considering the particularities
of the Colombian educational context, are also explored.
Thus, discovery learning is presented as a powerful tool to transform biology teaching in Colombia
and improve the quality of education in the country. Through this approach, students not only
acquire solid and lasting knowledge but also develop fundamental skills and competencies for
their holistic formation and success in today's society. This article aims to provide a broad and up-
dated perspective on discovery learning in the context of biology and inspire educators to rethink
their pedagogical practices towards a more meaningful and transformative education.
Pedagogical Practice of Biology in Colombia
The pedagogical practice of biology in Colombia is a topic of great relevance today, as it is fun-
damental for the education of students in this field of knowledge. However, various problems
affect the quality of biology teaching in the country, highlighting the need to improve the met-
hodologies and pedagogical strategies employed in educational institutions.
Learning by discovery: the key to revolutionizing
the teaching of biology in Colombia
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Lenis María Rosenstiehl Pachecho
First, it is important to note that the teaching of biology in Colombia faces several challenges,
among which the lack of teacher training in this area of knowledge stands out. According to Serrato
(2020), many of the teachers responsible for teaching biology classes in the country's schools and
colleges do not have the necessary academic training to adequately address the content of this
discipline. This is partly because, in many cases, teachers are assigned to this subject without having
specific training in biology, which makes it difficult to convey knowledge clearly and precisely.
Additionally, it is worth highlighting that teaching is affected by the lack of adequate resources
and didactic materials for class development. According to Roa (2020), educational institutions
in the country do not have the necessary equipment to carry out laboratory practices or expe-
rimental activities in the classroom, limiting teachers' ability to teach biology concepts practically
and dynamically. This results in theoretical and rote teaching that does not stimulate students'
interest or participation in learning biology.
Another issue affecting the pedagogical practice of biology in Colombia is the lack of curricular con-
tent updates and the absence of a connection with the country's reality. According to Moreno and
Ussa (2018), biology study plans in educational institutions do not align with Colombia's environ-
mental and social needs and problems, making it difficult for students to understand the importance
of biology in their daily context. Additionally, the lack of curricular content updates prevents teachers
from teaching the most recent scientific and technological advances in the field of study.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the teaching of biology in Colombia is affected by stu-
dents' lack of motivation and interest in this discipline. According to Acevedo et al. (2021), many
students perceive biology as a boring and difficult-to-understand subject, which affects their
low academic performance and lack of interest in learning more about this field of knowledge.
This situation is exacerbated by the lack of innovative pedagogical strategies that could stimulate
students' curiosity and motivation toward biology.
Given these problems, it is evident that improving the pedagogical practice of biology in Co-
lombia is necessary to ensure comprehensive and quality education for students in this field of
knowledge. To achieve this, it is essential to implement innovative pedagogical strategies that
promote the meaningful learning of biology content, as well as the continuous training of tea-
chers in this discipline. In this regard, authors like Ausubel (1968) have emphasized the impor-
tance of promoting meaningful learning among students by creating relationships between new
knowledge and previously acquired knowledge. This implies that teachers should design acti-
vities that allow students to relate biology concepts to their daily lives so they can understand
the relevance and applicability of this knowledge in their environment.
In this regard, Vygotsky (1978) has highlighted the importance of fostering collaborative learning
in the classroom to stimulate students' active participation in constructing their knowledge. The-
refore, teachers should promote teamwork and group activities that enhance cooperation and
the exchange of ideas among students, thus fostering the development of social and cognitive
skills in the field of biology.
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Moreover, it is fundamental that teachers receive continuous and specialized training in this dis-
cipline to update their knowledge and strengthen their pedagogical skills. According to López
(2023), teacher training is a determining factor in the quality of biology teaching, as a well-pre-
pared teacher can clearly and effectively transmit the concepts and content of this discipline to
their students. Hence, it is considered pertinent for educational institutions in Colombia to allo-
cate more resources and support for the development of laboratory practices and experimental
activities in the classroom to strengthen practical teaching. Experimental activities are essential
for students to concretely understand theoretical biology concepts and stimulate their curiosity
and interest in the discipline.
Similarly, it is necessary to review and update the biology curricular content in Colombia to en-
sure a connection with the country's environmental and social issues. Biology study plans should
be periodically reviewed to include current and relevant topics that allow students to understand
the importance of biology in environmental conservation, public health, and sustainable deve-
lopment. Regarding students' motivation towards biology, it is essential to implement innovative
pedagogical strategies that stimulate their curiosity and interest in the discipline. Considering
the contributions of Alcívar & Alcívar (2021), teachers can use technological resources such as
videos, simulations, and interactive applications to make biology classes more attractive and
promote active student learning. It is also important to encourage extracurricular activities such
as field trips and scientific workshops, allowing students to explore and experiment with biology
concepts practically.
In this context, the pedagogical practice of biology in Colombia faces various problems that af-
fect the quality of teaching in this field of knowledge. To improve biology teaching in the country,
it is essential to implement innovative pedagogical strategies that promote the meaningful lear-
ning of content, as well as the continuous training of teachers in this discipline. Promoting prac-
tical and experimental activities in the classroom, updating curricular content, and fostering
students' motivation towards biology are crucial to ensuring comprehensive and quality edu-
cation in this discipline. Only through a joint effort of educational institutions, teachers, and stu-
dents will it be possible to improve the pedagogical practice of biology in Colombia and
contribute to the development of excellent scientific education in the country.
Teacher Training in the Field of Biology
Teacher training in the field of biology in Colombia is a topic of utmost importance today, as it
is an area of knowledge that is constantly evolving and requires updated and well-trained tea-
chers to effectively convey scientific advances to their students. In this regard, it is essential that
biology teachers stay abreast of new discoveries, teaching methodologies, and technologies
applied to education.
In Colombia, teacher training in biology has seen significant progress in recent years, with the
implementation of continuous training programs and the promotion of participation in confe-
rences, symposia, and update sessions in the field. However, challenges remain that must be
Learning by discovery: the key to revolutionizing
the teaching of biology in Colombia
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Lenis María Rosenstiehl Pachecho
overcome to achieve a true improvement in the quality of biology education in the country
(Guevara et al., 2022). One of the main challenges faced by teachers is the lack of resources
and institutional support for professional development. Many teachers do not have the time or
resources necessary to attend courses, training sessions, or academic events that would allow
them to stay current in their discipline. Additionally, in some educational institutions, priority is
given to training in areas considered more "priority," relegating biology training to a secondary
Another significant challenge is the lack of incentives for teacher professional development in
the field of biology. Often, teachers do not receive recognition for their continuous effort to
train, which demotivates their participation in update activities. Additionally, the lack of clear
policies and professional development plans in the field of biology makes it difficult to plan and
execute concrete actions to improve teacher training. It is crucial for educational authorities to
implement concrete measures to promote teacher professional development in the field of bio-
logy. This can include creating continuous training programs, promoting scholarships and fi-
nancial aid for attending academic events, including professional development as part of teacher
performance evaluations, among other actions (Afanador, 2022).
It is important to highlight that teacher professional development in the field of biology benefits
not only the teachers themselves but also their students. An updated teacher can more effec-
tively convey knowledge to their students, fostering their interest in the discipline and promoting
meaningful learning. Additionally, teacher professional development contributes to the overall
improvement of educational quality, which positively impacts the country's development.
Regarding current trends in teacher professional development in the field of biology in Colom-
bia, it is important to highlight the role of information and communication technologies (ICT)
in teacher training. ICT offers very useful tools for professional development, such as virtual
training platforms, online courses, digital educational resources, among others. The use of ICT
in the training of biology teachers allows quick and easy access to updated information, facili-
tating continuous professional development in the discipline (Alcívar & Alcívar, 2021).
Another important trend in teacher professional development in the field of biology is the pro-
motion of research and educational innovation. Teachers who participate in research projects
in the field of biology have the opportunity to stay updated with the latest scientific advances
and develop new teaching methodologies that favor student learning. Educational innovation
in the teaching of biology is key to adapting to the changes and challenges of the 21st century
and promoting meaningful learning in young people.
In this context, training biology teachers in digital competencies and active methodologies
emerges as a fundamental aspect of professional development. Teachers must acquire skills in
the use of digital tools, the creation of multimedia educational resources, and the design of in-
teractive activities, among others, to enrich their pedagogical practice and improve the quality
of biology education. It is relevant to consider collaboration between educational institutions,
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
government entities, academic organizations, and society in general. Creating support networks
and spaces for exchanging experiences and best practices in the training of biology teachers
can favor professional development and improve the quality of education in the country.
Nonetheless, it is essential to promote teacher autonomy and leadership in professional deve-
lopment (Valles et al., 2015). Biology teachers must be the protagonists of their own training
process, identifying their needs and seeking the necessary tools and resources for their profes-
sional development. Self-management of learning and continuous reflection on teaching prac-
tice are key aspects for the professional growth of teachers.
Transformation of the Pedagogical Process of Biology Through Discovery Learning
The teaching of biology has undergone a significant transformation in recent decades, shifting
from a traditional focus on knowledge transmission to a more student-centered approach emp-
hasizing active learning and discovery. This shift in the pedagogical process has been driven by
advances in educational neuroscience and learning psychology, which have highlighted the im-
portance of active student participation in their own learning process.
The discovery learning approach in biology education is based on the idea that students learn
best when they are active participants in their learning process rather than passive recipients of
information. This approach is grounded in constructivist learning theory, which posits that stu-
dents construct their own knowledge from their prior experiences and interactions with their
environment (Eleizalde et al., 2010). According to the discovery learning approach, the role of
the teacher is to facilitate learning rather than directly transmit knowledge. The teacher becomes
a guide who provides students with the necessary tools to discover and construct their own
knowledge through exploration and experimentation. This form of teaching promotes critical
thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, which are fundamental skills in the formation of a
One of the most important aspects of biology teaching based on discovery learning is the use
of scientific research as a pedagogical tool. Arias and Oblitas (2014) state that students have
the opportunity to conduct experiments, make observations, and analyze real data, allowing
them to experience the scientific process firsthand and develop practical skills such as decision-
making, critical analysis, and effective communication. Additionally, discovery learning fosters
students' curiosity and interest in biology by allowing them to explore topics of interest and dis-
cover answers to their questions independently. This not only increases students' motivation
towards learning but also helps them develop a deeper and more lasting understanding of bio-
logical concepts by connecting theory with practice and providing meaningful context.
However, despite its benefits, teaching biology through discovery learning also presents cha-
llenges for teachers, who must find a balance between guiding and allowing students freedom
in their learning process. Moreover, some critics argue that this approach may be less time-ef-
ficient as it requires more resources and planning from teachers. Despite these challenges, the
Learning by discovery: the key to revolutionizing
the teaching of biology in Colombia