Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 195-204
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Moreover, it is fundamental that teachers receive continuous and specialized training in this dis-
cipline to update their knowledge and strengthen their pedagogical skills. According to López
(2023), teacher training is a determining factor in the quality of biology teaching, as a well-pre-
pared teacher can clearly and effectively transmit the concepts and content of this discipline to
their students. Hence, it is considered pertinent for educational institutions in Colombia to allo-
cate more resources and support for the development of laboratory practices and experimental
activities in the classroom to strengthen practical teaching. Experimental activities are essential
for students to concretely understand theoretical biology concepts and stimulate their curiosity
and interest in the discipline.
Similarly, it is necessary to review and update the biology curricular content in Colombia to en-
sure a connection with the country's environmental and social issues. Biology study plans should
be periodically reviewed to include current and relevant topics that allow students to understand
the importance of biology in environmental conservation, public health, and sustainable deve-
lopment. Regarding students' motivation towards biology, it is essential to implement innovative
pedagogical strategies that stimulate their curiosity and interest in the discipline. Considering
the contributions of AlcÃvar & AlcÃvar (2021), teachers can use technological resources such as
videos, simulations, and interactive applications to make biology classes more attractive and
promote active student learning. It is also important to encourage extracurricular activities such
as field trips and scientific workshops, allowing students to explore and experiment with biology
concepts practically.
In this context, the pedagogical practice of biology in Colombia faces various problems that af-
fect the quality of teaching in this field of knowledge. To improve biology teaching in the country,
it is essential to implement innovative pedagogical strategies that promote the meaningful lear-
ning of content, as well as the continuous training of teachers in this discipline. Promoting prac-
tical and experimental activities in the classroom, updating curricular content, and fostering
students' motivation towards biology are crucial to ensuring comprehensive and quality edu-
cation in this discipline. Only through a joint effort of educational institutions, teachers, and stu-
dents will it be possible to improve the pedagogical practice of biology in Colombia and
contribute to the development of excellent scientific education in the country.
Teacher Training in the Field of Biology
Teacher training in the field of biology in Colombia is a topic of utmost importance today, as it
is an area of knowledge that is constantly evolving and requires updated and well-trained tea-
chers to effectively convey scientific advances to their students. In this regard, it is essential that
biology teachers stay abreast of new discoveries, teaching methodologies, and technologies
applied to education.
In Colombia, teacher training in biology has seen significant progress in recent years, with the
implementation of continuous training programs and the promotion of participation in confe-
rences, symposia, and update sessions in the field. However, challenges remain that must be
Learning by discovery: the key to revolutionizing
the teaching of biology in Colombia