Transpersonal management:
the new trend in the
business world
Administración transpersonal:
la nueva tendencia en el
mundo empresarial
How to cite: Romero, L. B. L. y Piña, B. M. E. (2024). Transpersonal management: the new trend
in the business world. Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 187-194.
Mario Enrique Piña Baquero**
Maracaibo, Zulia sate / Venezuela
Beisy Lisbeth Romero Luzardo*
Maracaibo, Zulia state / Venezuela
* Dra. in Managerial Sciences, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, Venezuela. Head of Administration Coor-
dination at the International Foundation Universidad del Amor. E-mail:
Bachelor's Degree in Education with a focus on Social Sciences, Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta, Venezuela
(UNICA). Rector of the International Foundation Universidad del Amor. E-mail:
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(9), 187-194
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Received: February / 20 / 2024 Reviewed: February / 23 / 2024 Approved: April / 5 /2024
The study investigated the relationship between administration management and transper-
sonal competencies, giving rise to a new management model to improve business efficiency.
Organizational learning management was identified as key, creating an environment condu-
cive to acquiring knowledge and skills. This contributes to the continuous development of
the company, allowing adaptation and innovation. Theories on competencies and transper-
sonal psychology were recognized, applied to business management. Highlighting the in-
fluence of organizational culture and the relevance of transpersonal competencies. Adopting
a quantitative and deductive approach, the influence of organizational culture on manage-
ment and the relevance of transpersonal competencies was highlighted. The conclusion high-
lights the need for a renewed managerial approach, integrating transpersonal skills to drive
socioeconomic progress at Fundaunamor. These competencies promote holistic management,
supported by specific strategies such as cultural promotion and creating an enabling envi-
Keywords: Model, Management, Administration, Culture, Learning, Innovation.
El estudio investigó la relación entre la gerencia de administración y las competencias trans-
personales, dando lugar a un nuevo modelo gerencial para mejorar la eficiencia empresarial.
Se identificó la gestión del aprendizaje organizacional como clave, creando un entorno propicio
para adquirir conocimientos y habilidades. Esto contribuye al desarrollo continuo de la empresa,
permitiendo la adaptación y la innovación. Se reconocieron teorías sobre competencias y psi-
cología transpersonal, aplicadas a la gerencia empresarial, destacando la influencia de la cultura
organizacional y la relevancia de las competencias transpersonales. Se adoptó un enfoque
cuantitativo y deductivo, se destacó la influencia de la cultura organizacional en la gestión y la
relevancia de las competencias transpersonales. La conclusión resalta la necesidad de un en-
foque gerencial renovado, integrando habilidades transpersonales para impulsar el progreso
socioeconómico en Fundaunamor. Estas competencias promueven una gestión holística, res-
paldada por estrategias específicas como la promoción cultural y la creación de un ambiente
Palabras clave: Modelo, Gestión, Administración, Cultura, Aprendizaje, Innovación.
In a world of transformation and change, leadership and management are crucial for business
excellence and organizational learning. Today, social, environmental, and ethical awareness is
essential for sustainable success, driving the emergence of conscious organizations that inte-
grate a holistic vision and a commitment to well-being, marking a new trend in the contempo-
rary business market.
Beisy Lisbeth Romero Luzardo and Mario Enrique Piña Baquero
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 187-194
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
Managerial models are valuable tools for improving organizational management. Common
problems include rigidity in changing environments, limiting standardization, and lack of focus
on the human factor. There is a recognized need to adapt models to the specific culture and
objectives of each entity, as no single model is suitable for all organizations.
The purpose of this research is to explore how transpersonal competencies, which transcend
individual limits, can underpin a managerial model aligned with the values and mission of cons-
cious organizations. It analyzes how these competencies affect corporate culture, decision-ma-
king, communication, and the achievement of sustainable results.
The analysis examines theories related to transactional leadership. According to Koontz &
Weihrich (2008, p. 458), “leaders strive to ensure organizational effectiveness and efficiency”.
These studies support the idea that leaders play a crucial role, working to achieve optimal re-
sults in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, fostering clear communication, and collaborative
Regarding transformational leadership, Hellriegel & Slocum (2009, p. 301) go beyond predicting
trends, “inspiring new visions, and fostering the development of leadership skills. They also focus
on creating a learning community within the organization, facilitating the facing of challenges
and obtaining significant rewards”.
Therefore, charismatic leaders, as noted by Stoner et al. (1996, p. 534), exert significant influence,
generating an emotional impact on their followers that goes beyond their individual skills and
characteristics. Their ability to inspire, motivate, and mobilize others towards common goals is
a distinctive trait, making them figures who transcend and bring about changes in organiza-
In business administration management, the importance of adapting leadership to the par-
ticularities of each project and team is highlighted. To achieve this effective adaptation,
transactional, transformational, and charismatic leadership theories are used, offering di-
verse approaches depending on the needs and dynamics of each work environment. Busi-
ness administration management is the key to success, influencing not only efficiency in
facing challenges but also the ability to seize opportunities in a dynamic business environ-
ment. Flexibility drives innovative strategies, which are key to sustainability in a dynamic
To make sense of the findings, the article is developed and contextualized as follows: it repre-
sents a review of the literature and key terms such as managerial administration model, orga-
nizational culture, organizational learning, conscious organizations, competencies, transpersonal
psychology, and transpersonal competencies, among others. This action is essential for a deep
understanding of each concept and constitutes a fundamental prerequisite for exploring theo-
retical and empirical perspectives. Then, the methodology is presented, followed by the discus-
sion of the obtained results, and finally, the conclusions.
Transpersonal management: the new trend in the business world
Beisy Lisbeth Romero Luzardo and Mario Enrique Piña Baquero
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
The study employed an explanatory methodology to understand the underlying causes of a
specific phenomenon, aligned with the theoretical foundations of Carrasco (2006). A non-ex-
perimental and cross-sectional approach was used, following the guidelines of Hernández et
al. (2016). The investigated population included 169 participants from Fundaunamor, with a sam-
ple of 63 individuals selected through stratified sampling. Data were collected through obser-
vations, surveys, and a 30-item questionnaire based on the Likert scale. The instrument was
validated by experts and demonstrated high reliability with a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of
0.777. Data were analyzed using statistical techniques of frequency distribution. This methodo-
logical approach allowed for a detailed evaluation of the properties and attributes of the ma-
nagerial management model implemented at Fundaunamor as a solution to the investigated
Table 1
Variable: Modelo gerencial de administración. Dimensión: Organización
Note: Authors' own elaboration (2024).
Table 1 reveals crucial aspects of "organizational culture" within the surveyed organizations, sho-
wing a concerning distribution in the adoption of cultural practices. 31.75% of the responses in-
dicated an absence ("never") of these practices, and 30.16% reported their occurrence as "rarely."
In contrast, 20.63% stated that these practices occur "almost always," and 17.66% see them "al-
ways." The average of 2.36% reflects a low level of application, evidencing insufficient imple-
mentation of organizational culture practices. This result highlights the lack of recognition of
individual contributions and suggests that few people believe the organization fosters the adop-
tion of new beliefs and styles.
Response Category
Rarely Never
Indicators Ítems
4 3 2 1
Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa %
Organizational Culture 1 - 4 44 17,46 52 20,63 76 30,16 80 31,75 2,23
Organizational Learning 5 - 8 56 22,22 72 28,57 68 26,98 56 22,22 2,50
Total 100 19,84 124 24,60 144 28,57 136 26,98
Dimension Average 2,36
Dimension Category Low Level
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 187-194
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
In the realm of "organizational learning," the responses of the surveyed were balanced, with
22.22% reporting both the absence ("never") and constant presence ("always") of learning.
28.57% affirm that this learning occurs "almost always," while 26.98% see it "rarely," leading to
an average of 2.50, indicating a moderately low level of application. Although a notable portion
of participants perceive a good level of organizational learning, the lack of transformational lea-
dership suggests a limitation in its effectiveness. These results underscore the critical need to ad-
dress and improve these areas to promote a stronger environment of organizational learning.
In the "organization" dimension, the majority of responses lean towards "rarely" (28.57%) and
"never" (26.98%), with lower percentages for "almost always" (24.60%) and "always" (19.14%),
averaging 2.36. This indicates a low level of adoption of organizational practices, highlighting
deficiencies in management and the need to strengthen organizational culture. The distribution
of responses emphasizes the importance of reviewing and improving strategies to foster a co-
hesive work environment that promotes innovation and change, valuing individual contributions.
Table 2
Variable: Transpersonal Competencies. Dimension: Organization
Note: Authors' own elaboration (2024).
The data in Table 2, focusing on "Transpersonal Competencies" within the "organization" di-
mension, show specific results for various indicators. For the "Bioneuroemotion" indicator, the
majority of respondents, 85.32%, indicated they "never" experienced it, followed by 6.35%
who said "rarely," 4.76% who chose "almost always," and 3.57% who responded "always." This
results in an average of 1.26, evidencing a very low implementation of this competency.
Transpersonal management: the new trend in the business world
Response Category
Rarely Never
Indicators Ítems
4 3 2 1
Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa %
Bioneuroemotion 9 - 12 9 3,57 12 4,76 16 6,35 215 85,32 1,26
Levels of
13 -16 12 4,76 5 1,98 51 20,24 184 73,02 1,38
Meditation 17-20 13 5,16 13 5,16 39 15,48 167 74,21 1,41
Spiritual Leadership 21-24 5 1,98 7 2,78 52 21,83 185 73,41 1,31
25-28 10 3,97 12 4,76 44 17,46 186 73,81 1,39
Total 49 3,88 49 3,88 202 16,28 957 75,96 1,35
Dimension Average 1,35
Dimension Category Low Level
Beisy Lisbeth Romero Luzardo and Mario Enrique Piña Baquero
© 2024, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Investigación y Postgrado, Venezuela
Regarding "levels of consciousness," 73.02% of participants chose "never," 20.24% "rarely," 4.76%
"always," and 1.98% "almost always," resulting in an average of 1.38, also indicating a low level
of application. Finally, for the "meditation" indicator, the highest percentage was for "never" at
74.21%, followed by "rarely" at 15.48%, while the options "almost always" and "always" combined
for 13%. The average for this indicator was 1.41, similarly reflecting a low level of application.
The results highlight the lack of integration of transpersonal competencies such as Bioneuroe-
motion, levels of consciousness, and meditation within the organization, showing significant room
for improvement. Regarding "spiritual leadership," a predominant 73.41% indicated they "never"
practice it, followed by 21.82% who said "rarely," with only 2.78% and 1.98% choosing "almost al-
ways" and "always" respectively, resulting in an average of 1.41, indicating minimal application.
Similarly, "transpersonal leadership" reflected a low level of application with 73.81% choosing
"never," suggesting an urgent need to strengthen these key areas within the organization.
The evaluation of the "organization" dimension in transpersonal competencies reveals an ave-
rage of 1.35, indicating a low level of application and highlighting the critical need to reinforce
and integrate these skills within the organizational context. This situation presents an essential
opportunity to enhance the efficiency and performance of leaders through the development
of these competencies. Implementing them would not only improve internal management but
also promote a more harmonious and productive work environment, thereby strengthening
the organizational culture. It is imperative to invest in the development of these competencies
to ensure the sustainable growth and long-term success of the organization.
The data in Table 2, focusing on "Transpersonal Competencies" within the "organization" di-
mension, show specific results for various indicators. For the "Bioneuroemotion" indicator, the
majority of respondents, 85.32%, indicated they "never" experienced it, followed by 6.35% who
said "rarely," 4.76% who chose "almost always," and 3.57% who responded "always." This results
in an average of 1.26, evidencing a very low implementation of this competency.
Regarding "levels of consciousness," 73.02% of participants chose "never," 20.24% "rarely," 4.76%
"always," and 1.98% "almost always," resulting in an average of 1.38, also indicating a low level
of application. Finally, for the "meditation" indicator, the highest percentage was for "never" at
74.21%, followed by "rarely" at 15.48%, while the options "almost always" and "always" combined
for 13%. The average for this indicator was 1.41, similarly reflecting a low level of application.
The results highlight the lack of integration of transpersonal competencies such as Bioneuroe-
motion, levels of consciousness, and meditation within the organization, showing significant room
for improvement. Regarding "spiritual leadership," a predominant 73.41% indicated they "never"
practice it, followed by 21.82% who said "rarely," with only 2.78% and 1.98% choosing "almost al-
ways" and "always" respectively, resulting in an average of 1.41, indicating minimal application.
Similarly, "transpersonal leadership" reflected a low level of application with 73.81% choosing
Revista Digital de Investigación y Postgrado, 5(10), 187-194
Electronic ISSN: 2665-038X
"never," suggesting an urgent need to strengthen these key areas within the organization.
The evaluation of the "organization" dimension in transpersonal competencies reveals an ave-
rage of 1.35, indicating a low level of application and highlighting the critical need to reinforce
and integrate these skills within the organizational context. This situation presents an essential
opportunity to enhance the efficiency and performance of leaders through the development
of these competencies. Implementing them would not only improve internal management but
also promote a more harmonious and productive work environment, thereby strengthening
the organizational culture. It is imperative to invest in the development of these competencies
to ensure the sustainable growth and long-term success of the organization.
The adoption of the managerial model at Fundaunamor has catalyzed a positive transformation
in its organizational culture, favorably impacting acceptance, adaptation, and unity among se-
nior management, employees, and other members. The incorporation of transpersonal com-
petencies emerges as a fundamental pillar for sustainable development and the consolidation
of organizational resilience, demonstrating its value and effectiveness across all hierarchical
levels of the entity.
The data underscore the urgency of integrating transpersonal competencies within Fun-
daunamor to address the identified difficulties in organizational culture. The adoption of
practices such as Bioneuroemotion and meditation could not only improve well-being and
workplace synergy but also enhance cohesion, communication, and team performance.
This holistic approach to employees' personal and spiritual development would promote a
more conscious and harmonious work environment, crucial for innovation and sustainable
Evidence points to a notable absence of transformational and spiritual leadership at Fundau-
namor, negatively affecting its effectiveness and internal cohesion. Implementing a leadership
approach that goes beyond immediate tangible results, focusing on integral well-being and
spiritual development, is essential to motivate and unite the team around a shared vision. This
shift towards more inclusive and holistic leadership, resonating with individual and collective
values, is crucial for cultivating a resilient and adaptive work culture capable of facing current
and future challenges.
Findings demonstrate an insufficient understanding of levels of consciousness within the orga-
nization, resulting in errors and a lack of self-control and confidence. Evaluating and developing
levels of consciousness, along with adopting meditative practices, are crucial for organizational
learning. By fostering a "learning community" that values exchange and collaboration, Fundau-
namor could overcome these weaknesses, promoting comprehensive and sustainable learning
that improves both the quality of work and employee commitment, aligning with the vision of
a culture oriented towards excellence and constant growth.
Transpersonal management: the new trend in the business world